Once upon a time in the wolf realm there lived a emperor called Zhang ling he was a great emperor and was feared all over the three realms.
The other two realms are Tie lang the Phoenix emperor and Chang lii the flower emperor they were all in unity until something happened that caused their dispute.Zhang ling succeeded the throne in the winter year, years after his father zhurang the former emperor died,which was a very big blow to the people for the fact that they didn't know the cause of his death. Zhang ling took over even with the fact that he was not married. He decided to travel out of the realm to seek and find a wife who will be their empress so he traveled far and wide but unfortunately he still didn't find a woman of his choice so he decided to take a rest before continuing his journey. He settled down in a small town called Ventura, the town was a very peaceful and beautiful place to behold, with their animals and creatures beautifully made. Zhang settled down and ordered for bulgogi which is a beef dish and his most favorite meal. His order was brought to him by a waiter after which he enjoyed the meal, he decided to go sight seeing