This is the story of the greatest weapons master in alll the realms of the Yujia and the keeper of the library under the sea. There are three realms in Yujia, these are the lands above (Douyu), the lands below (Yixia) and the lands beneath (Xiamian).
This is a classiest system, the higher up the more important. In that order Douyu is the most prestigious and the highest realm for the celestials, fairies, giants and other minor species. Yixia is where we the humans are, we're neighbors to other minor minor species, who live in seclusion avoiding us. The largest of these species are the beast clan. They have no central power but are divided into 19 princely nations. The beast clans share certain similarities with those from Duoyu and for a long time they have campaigned to join Duoyu. Xiamian is where the least wanted reside, this includes the Dimian people who live under ground and the mermaids who live under the water.
Di Lan Jue is the greatest weapons master and medicine lord in Yujia. Not just that but he is also the second prince of Huoshou, a brilliant strategist and a war hero. Huoshou is one of the top 3 nations in Shou Shizu (the beast clan) thanks to him. Stories were written about him and songs were sung in his honor.
Di Lan Jue was the purest form of nobility one could hope to find. His mother is a green snake from the giant snake beast clan, an ancient and prestigious clan in Shou Shizu.
She is the princess of the clan and a pure green snake. His father is a black bird, who wields the element of wind and fire like his
His genes are a mutated version of his Being an emerald black giantsnake, with the ability to fly and spew hot liquid and fire poison, that appears green. His roar is terrifying and his might is
However his father Di Si is man of tradition and despite public opinion favoring Di Lan Jue, he would stand only with his first son Di Lie. He loved both his sons very much but would never rob another unless he was truly undeserving. And Di Lie was a good man, not as accomplished as his brother, but a great leader none the less.
As he could not blind side Di Lie he also could not leave Di Lan Jue by his side, the public's opinion was becoming problematic. Di Si took the decision putting himself in Di Lie's shoes, he is a quiet man, calm by nature and hates to complain. He would rather die in the torment than to profess his uneasiness with having a war hero for a brother.
Hence their father knowing Di Lan Jue to be wise and understanding, made the decision to subdue Di Lan Jue, a public humiliation to reduce his supporters morale. Di Lan Jue is good and understands his father, hence knowing his intentions he would feel no shame.
Di Si contacted the celestials and set a fated marriage for his son and the Lady of Yun, the keeper of the eternal library.
This brought a great uproar as all agreed that he was too good for the bottom feeder.
The marriage part is one problem the other is that he is the one marrying into her household. Now his wife to be is the Lady of Yun Shen Qian. And after marriage he will be Lord Yun inheriting his wife's title.