This is a story of love, connection and affection towards a person I met few days ago. This truly never happen in a way that I can't share about. In reality we met in a vast world where we were behind our screens. Therefore, I carried my affection and love for her throught the internet. Thus, I wrote it in a way that this unfolded in the real world where I would see her laugh, smile and feel the warmth of her presence. It is not a fiction it is the way my heart vaguely remembers it.
One evening, I was walking down the streets of Times Square. I had the urge to try the new flavored cupcake that had just been released at Little Collins, a new café that had become widely famous within a couple of days. I was walking through the crowd, hearing footsteps and seeing faces. It wasn't until I saw her. A complete stranger, with eyes full of wonder. My gaze lingered longer than it should have. She wasn't just any stranger on the street. She had a presence that commanded my attention. She was the kind of person who would stay in your mind, lingering like an unfinished story. The way the light touched her hair, and the confidence she exuded while standing, made it feel like a dream. For a brief moment, our eyes met, and something passed between us. But then, she was gone.
I should have forgotten her the moment she disappeared.
However, I didn't. It felt like an unfinished story, with so many questions left unanswered. As quickly as she appeared, she was gone. But it felt as if she had left something behind with me.
I wanted to run after her, pushing past the bodies in the crowd just to get a glimpse of her. But what would I even say? "Hey, I don't know you, but you changed my world for a second"? Ridiculous. I would only have done it if I was absurd. Yet my heart kept pounding, making me desperate to catch her. Eventually, yes, I became absurd enough to chase her. I ran through the crowd, ignoring the strange glares I received from people. I looked left and right, but I knew the distance between us was increasing. In my mind, I kept hearing, "Don't let her go." I kept running until my legs ached and my breath came in shallow gasps. But it was all pointless—she was gone. Vanished like a thunderclap. All I could do was stand there, curse myself, and regret not moving sooner when I had the chance.
Though I knew I lost, something deep inside me told me that it wasn't the last time we would see each other. A face like hers, a presence like that—no, I couldn't believe it was our last time. "She wouldn't disappear forever, right? Fate isn't that cruel." That's what I thought, or at least, I hoped it wasn't our last time.
Feeling defeated, I made my way back to the bakery, hoping to try the new cake I had long awaited. Just a bite of it would have been enough. But as soon as I reached the door, I saw the sign: Closed. It hung there like a tough guy, mocking me in the dim light. First her, and now this. I was so frustrated that I could have died right then.
Sighing, I turned and walked toward home. The streets were quieter now, and the city felt so dark. The night sky, gloomy—a perfect reflection of a depressing night. I still kept thinking about her. I was embarrassed by the way I had run. But they say, "You know you'll never catch stars, but you'll still give it a try." Despite all my regrets, I didn't want to give up hope. It wasn't as if she had appeared just to disappear from my life. I barely even noticed when I reached my doorstep.
I was utterly sad as I lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. There was no way I could forget her. It felt as if a star had fallen from the heavens, grown into the earth. While thinking about her, I fell asleep, with tears still in my eyes.