Author-san: Welcome guys and today I bring you the one and only... Well, he is not the only Ghost of Africa, but he is the Mc. So yes. The one and only Ghost of Africa; Uche Chimbo!
{Audience claps and cheers hard under gunpoint.}
Uche: Hello, guys; I'm excited to see you all. I guess it's finally my time to shine!
Author-san: I know right? I heard to stand a chance to get a meeting with the gods you need to clear the first trial at level 10. What inspired you to make such a daring decision?
Uche: I wasn't thinking...
Author-san: W-what?
Uche: There are times when passion is necessary and times when logic is needed. At that time, my passion got the best of me, and here we are.
Author: Well said... As a former failure who finally achieved his dreams, what are your words of encouragement to our readers?
Uche: You dey craze?
Author: Ummm, maybe you weren't briefed but we don't use such language here.
Uche: Yep, bro dey craze for sure. Anyways, to all readers out there, all I want to say is that it's never too late to dream. Yes, we are older now and it's hard to dream, especially when reality can be so... suffocating. But the truth is we lose our identity and direction the moment we abandon those dreams.
I don't know about you, but that's not living; that's just existing.
I want to live again and that's why I'm doing this. You can do the same.
Name: Uchechukwu Chimbo
Age: 27
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 70kg
Dream: Become the world's greatest deviant
Patron Gods: Chukwu, Ala, Amadioha, Ekwensu, Ngene, Agwu, Ikenga, Anyawu & Igwekala
Favorite food: Ukwa
Favorite quote: 'One person go die... no be me.'
Personality traits: Pessimistic, paranoid, bipolar, emotional detachment, and an extreme case of reactive attachment disorder.
Author's remark: Uche has come to terms with some realities of life, there is no good or bad, just perspectives. He believes in the worst in humanity and has seen their cruelty more than their kindness.
'Exceptions don't make the rules' he always tells himself
His goal to become the greatest deviant had nothing to do with his love for humanity---he has none.