(Nick's P.O.V.)
"Ama I'm headed over to help Haley with her Spanish homework!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs!
"Okay mi nino have fun!" My mom called from the kitchen.
Driving down to Haley's house I was thinking about how attracted to her I am. I've been having dreams about her since I met her at my mom and Jay's (Her grandfather) wedding that her grandmother Dede crashed, nearly ruining my mom's big day. After that day while my mom and Jay went on their honeymoon I stayed at their home for two weeks even though I wanted to go see my family only my little brother Manny went along with them back to Colombia, although I heard later that my grandmother was very upset I chose to stay in America I know that if I went back to my homeland anytime soon my father would try to pull me into whatever crazy thing he's into this week.Â
While staying there I got to know the family much better and although my new step sister was older than my mom I did my best to get to a place where they were at least comfortable enough to hang around each other without that awkwardness. Luckily my new buddy Luke was all about getting to know the new stranger. We talked, played games and bonded through Mario Kart. He was also an excellent assistant when I offered to change Phils oil and check his breaks and fluids. He held the flashlight for eight whole minutes before he was distracted by the sound one of my tools made.Â
Alex was also easy to talk to and although she was much too smart for her own good she had this sarcastic humor that she weaponized against her family that had me rolling on the floor more than a few times. She grilled me on all kinds of academic subjects for some reason. When I asked her about her little quiz later she said the most deadpan manner that she wanted to find out if she was still the only person in this family that wasn't an idiot. Apparently I was not privy to the results so to change the subject she asked when I was going to ask Haley out and stopped me dead in my tracks. Apparently it was so obvious that I liked Haley that even her sister could see it and from what I could see was that she wasn't the most socially attuned, So I asked her for a couple tips for when he decided to pursue her sister. What she likes what she doesn't and apparently she doesn't have that high of an opinion of her sister.
Haley on the other hand was much harder for me to approach. I was always nervous around her in the beginning. I would stumble over my words even though I'd like to think I'm a fairly confident guy. With her it was like love at first sight at the wedding and I've been making a fool out of myself ever since. I always thought it was just my brother that was like this with women. When he saw one he liked he just couldn't think of anything else. Now here I am tutoring a girl in Spanish even though I've honestly never been one for academic activity unless it was absolutely necessary (or about a car I was working on), but Haley had said she was starting Spanish for her new elective this year and it would really help if he could get her a bit ahead of the class so she could actually get a good grade and "shove it in Alex's dumb nerd face" because apparently spite could be the best motivator or (as I liked to think) she finally fell for my charm and wanted excuse to hang around me for a few hours a day once or twice a week until the end of summer. With all their being around each other while he stayed there had started a tentative friendship but I want to be more than that and today was the day I'm finally going to ask her out. We had spent all of Saturday with each other tanning and swimming by Jay's pool and I felt her staring at my abs more than once and sadly I was caught staring more than once and all he got was a shy smile back.
I pulled up in front of the Dunphy house and parked my car. A Custom Dodge neon that I modded myself just like my first car in 'Need for Speed Underground 2'. I bought the car stock from a craigslist for only four hundred dollars because the previous owner's kid had set the back seat on fire. He obviously didn't know what he had and I immediately asked my mom if I could take it from my savings. The car ran near perfect and the only thing I would need to do is replace the seats and ceiling to have a working and near perfect car from his childhood dreams. I'm almost done. I'm just waiting on the new exhaust and she will be complete. Mom was sceptical at first but I promised I would have the car running before school then I can drive Manny and get a job for after school. While she told me I didn't have to work while going to school , I wanted to pay my way through technical school. I want to open my own garage once he is done with high school. While I was sure he could convince Jay to invest into my education, It doesn't sit right with me that a guy who was only going to be my dad for maybe two years at that point would drop that much cash to pay for my education.
As I was walking towards the house I smiled as I recalled the first time I came to the Dunphy home the day Jay, Manny, and his mom were leaving on their trip.
As I stood in the doorway staring at the chaotic scene that was my life for the next three weeks I couldn't close his mouth. Luke was stuck in the bannister while shooting a Nerf gun at his dad who was firing back with one of his own. Haley was standing near the entrance to the kitchen staring intently into her phone somehow ignoring the scene going on around her. Alex was sitting in the living room with a book I would only consider opening if it was the manual to a classic car (going off the thickness I wasn't sure that it wasn't longer), and Claire at the door while red in the face welcoming him into her home. Shouting for Phil and Luke's battle to come to a sudden halt. Which it unsurprisingly did. I had recognized that tone and straightened up out of habit. Whenever his mother spoke in that tone he snapped to attention like a good little boy.
*End of Flashback*
I rang the doorbell.
"I got it!" Hollered Haley from upstairs followed by the sound of running footsteps then **BANG!!** "I'M OKAY" shouted Luke from against the door. He scrambled up and opened the door. "Nick!" he heard from three different directions. Luke right in front of me, Haley on the stairs, and Phil coming in from the backyard covered in sweat. When I took a proper look at Luke he was also sweating like crazy. Tilting my head to the side he asked "Trampoline?" Phil grinned like an idiot. "Yup! me and luke having some father/son bonding time. Wanna join?"Â
"Sorry P-body, I'm here to tutor Haley and if Claire finds me on the trampoline Haley will get into trouble." Turning to Haley, "Are you ready to rock 'n' roll Hales?"
(Haley's P.O.V.)
Nick is coming over! Oh my god what do I do?!?! I finally got him to come over on a day that both mom and Alex are out of the house. I can finally make my move. I've wanted to jump on him since we were forced to dance together at Grandpa's wedding. It was really awkward at first. He was obviously uncomfortable but I wasn't sure why until he stayed over for the two weeks that Grandpa Jay and Gloria went on their honeymoon. I caught him asking Alex about me. My likes and dislikes if I have a boyfriend. I made eye contact with Alex and gave her my best "PLEASE!!!" eyes and snuck back up to my room to freak out a bit. He liked me back! I couldn't believe it. He was this gorgeous guy with eyes to hazeley green like mine. We'd have the prettiest babies⌠wait⌠WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!?! We've only known each other a couple of months. What the hell, babies I'm not ready to be a mom. I can't get that fat, I'll look terrible. I do think he'd be a good dad though.Â
After spending time with her family she saw how he was caring and looked after Luke. Took the time to introduce both him and her dad to his hobby⌠excuse me his PASSION! All caps, according to him, were entertaining for the whole thirty minutes he held their collective attention but my dad did get a free oil change so that's cool I guess. He has his whole future planned out and even started saving money to go to school next year after he graduates. He's been saving money for the past four years since he was twelve to go to Mechanic school to get all the certifications he would need. The only argument we had was when I suggested he ask grandpa for the money for school or his shop. He said his dream wouldn't be the same if he had to depend on someone else for it to come true. I thought he was being too proud but he wouldn't even consider it. When I asked Alex later she said that it would be as if Nick finally asked her out only but only because mom asked him to. I was immediately pissed. How could she think I'd ever be okay with⌠oh okay now I kinda get it. It's not the same if someone does it for him. I even said sorry the next time I saw him.Â
I asked Alex for a good excuse to spend time with him and she gave me the idea to sign up for Spanish class next semester and get him to tutor me. Then I could spend time with him and maybe get a decent grade to shut mom up for a while. It was genius and Nick jumped at the chance to spend time with me. I knew he liked me. Why else would someone who was so sure of themselves on the regular be so dorky whenever we spend time alone? I even caught him checking me out like twelve different times when we were at grandpa's pool the other day. I feel like todays the day he finally asks me out.Â
He's here! "I got it!" As I ran from my room, when I got to the top of the stairs I saw Luke run in from the backyard and slam his whole body into the door harder than I've seen him hit anything. He got up fast and swung open the door and shouted "Nick!" at the same time as my dad. He looked up, tilted his head and asked "Trampoline?" My dad laughed and asked him to join them in bonding but he declined. "I'm here to tutor Haley if Claire finds me on the trampoline Haley will get in trouble." He turned to me and asked "Ready to Rock 'n' Roll Hales?" and looking into his eyes I melted.
(Documentary P.O.V. Phil)
Nick showed up right on time to join me and Luke in the Bounce Therapy Arena also known as the trampoline. Unfortunately he was too responsible for that and knew if Claire found out he wasn't doing what he said he was here for she'd flip and who knows how long it would take for her to come back from the music store with Alex, getting her cello maintenance. So a little reluctantly I let him go upstairs with Haley. Right after that I heard Alex and Claire coming into the house. Alex went upstairs and I heard Nick yell then come sprinting out of the house and take a diving leap onto the trampoline. "I changed my mind some time with the guys sounds like something I need right now.