Httyd Race to the edge: Rebørn through plasma

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Chapter 1 - chapter 1

In a forest on a deserted island dragons roamed the forest hunting wildlife such as boars on land and hunting for fish in the lakes and oceans, there were all kinds of dragons from terrible terrors to deadly nadders.


In the forest there is a cave, in this cave lay a night fury, who was poisoned by eating a boar that of which recently ate blue Oleander, which is poisonous to dragons.

As it slowly died due to the deadly poison, a glowing orb, unable to be seen invisible to all five senses, the orb entered the night fury fusing with its soul as well as healing the dragon.

As the body of the dragon was no longer in pain, the two souls became one memories reorganizing themselves.

Once the merging of souls were complete the night. Fury's eyes became a darker green, and an orange stripe appeared along its body its size grew and adaptability increased.

The night fury slept for three days and on the fourth day, it began to stir.


(1st pov)

As my eyes snapped open I was confused, mind fuzzy, memories blurry, wasn't I poisoned, wasn't I supposed to be dead?

As my mind cleared memories began to resurface, memories of another life came to me, the life of a human.

As all the memories began to become clearer. ???: ' I did die both times, I don't remember how I died in my human life, but I do remember being poisoned by a boar who recently ate a strange blue flower that I have never seen before with these human memories I now know them to be called blue Oleander'

Looking through my memories, I began to realize that my human memories saw things that looked very similar to those I've seen as a dragon.

A movie franchise called how to train your Dragon three movies and three TV shows, riders of Berk, defenders of Berk, and Race to the Edge, though I've only seen the previous two shows once I can remember race to the Edge, and the three movies more clearly.

My stomach growled. I do not know how long I was asleep how long I went without eating or drinking, but I do know I was hungry.

Getting up from the ground, I nearly tripped on my feet or paws I suppose, I noticed I was bigger than I was before I felt stronger too. I decided to walk around my den to get used to my new size and to give myself more time to think and sort through my memories.

???: ' from what I can remember, my body looked like I am a night fury, one of the most feared dragons in the archipelago'

???: ' I have the ability to shoot plasma blasts, move at speeds that break the sound barrier and the ability to summon lightning from storm cloud to charge my scales to a reflective state to become invisible, and maybe even the possibility to Store the lightning like the skrill '

As I walked around the cave, I decided to test on my plasma blast to see it if it grew stronger with my body, I decided to test it on one of the boulders outside of the cave, the boulder was more than big enough to hide an adult gronckle behind it.

As I began to prepare my plasma blast, I noticed it could charge to full power quicker than before, and I also felt stronger felt like held more explosive power, and for anyone watching they would notice it was a deeper purple than before.

As I release the blast out of my mouth and into the air I noticed that it moved faster than before, it shattered the rock into pieces both big and small the bigger pieces smoked from the heat and the smaller pieces even started to melt.

???: ' I need to make sure to tone it down when I start to hunt as I would really rather not have blood and guts spilt everywhere and waste a precious meal, anyways, I think I spent enough time moving around i'll need to test to see how difficult it might be to fly with bigger wings, but I'll do that after eating and drinking might as well find a lake and hunt fish, both water and food at once would be quicker and more convenient'

???: ' now that I think about it I probably need a new name. I don't remember my human name and I didn't have a name before as a dragon. my human self was already bad with names and being a dragon isn't giving me many ideas either.

I look at my body to see if there's any unique details I could name myself after I noticed I have a orange stripe similar to that of the Indoraptor, I also looked around to see ember's forming from the dry grass and slowly beginning become a small flame.

It wasn't enough to start a fire, but it was more than hot enough to burn the grass to cinder, after thinking over what I've seen on my body and what happened to the grass I decided on the name Cinderwing, I believed it to be a good name even if only temporary, I just hope if I ever encounter the Dragon riders that they don't decide to give me a stupid name like night blast or whatever.

After deciding on a name, I went to go look for a lake using my instincts as a dragon I smelt for water, (and yes, that's a thing some animals do) picking up a light scent of water, I also picked up the scent of other dragons, deciding to ignore them, I followed the scent of water to find a medium sized lake.

After looking around I noticed that the only other dragons were a few terrible terrors, and even a pack of night terrors.

Other than dragons there were boars, deer,and some wolves.

Deciding against hunting a boar due to the recent mishap, I decided to hunt for fish in the lake.

(Time skip)

(20 minutes)

After having a filling meal and a refreshing drink, I decided to look for a clearing so I could start flying. After finding a good sized clearing, I prepared my wings to start to fly, thankfully it wasn't too difficult, as I started flying higher I decide to fly around the island.

Flying higher and higher, I decided to fly laps around the island to get used to flying with my new size and to see if I could tell what island I was on.

. . . . . . . . . I couldn't. I mean I think I'm on dragons edge but I don't see any houses, outposts or any signs of human activity, which means one of two things, I'm on dragon edge before the dragon riders found it or I'm on a completely different island.

I really hope it was the latter option as I don't want to encounter dragon hunters without any knowledge besides what I know from the series.

Cinder-wing: ' the sun is setting I should get back to the cave and rest for the night, tomorrow I could try and train my body to get stronger, maybe find a way to improve my plasma blasts.


This is the first chapter for the story still thinking of a proper name for it though.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I can't guarantee that all chapters will be the same length but I will do my best to keep them around the same length

Please comment on how you like the chapter

Make sure to check out my Ninjago book