I filled all the jars with food, well that will last me long. I toured the whole house and have listed everything the owner had and must say excluding food her lifestyle was not cheap at all.
In total in her covered she has :
1. 4 fur coats.
2. Fine materials to make cloths for herself.
3. Two costly cold creams.
4. Few children's clothes.
5. Two hundred rupees in cash plus I bought some.
6. Few broken toys of the kids.
7. Torn curtains and poorly kept books.
And almost no man's clothes...poor guy what does he wear? I have a husband now....the only earner of the family now. Guess I have to take more care of him...will make him some clothes.
First have to get the roof of the house fixed, bring more woods for the winter, fix condition of the house and as soon as the snow clears I have to look for something to do here...well for now I can just enjoy the winter.
Writing everything down I came out to scoop more ice to melt...have to take a shower. After putting down the pot for heating.
Stella's reputation is very bad in the village. I don't think anyone will be willing to help me fix the roof of the house but if it's not fixed than it will be hard for us to live here.
Stella's husband will not be back for another month. If I don't go out and do something then it will be hard on us three to survive here. I have to do something about it .
She doesn't stay with her in laws , has no connection with villagers . How has she survived here ? Well , the water in the bucket started to boil. I adjusted the temperature and took a shower.
Now I feel much better. Since it's already dark outside and I have nothing else to do I will just sleep with the kids. Tommorow I will see what I can do.
I changed into some comfortable clothes and lied down in the bed. The blanket feels very warm and soft. It wouldn't be bad to spend my days here. As I lied down next to the little ones ....my eyes left very heavy and I fell asleep.
Next Day .
I woke up with a eight hours sleep and a painless body , Which is like dream come true for me. The kids are still sleeping. So I didn't wake them up.
As I walked out of my house I saw the vast white snow covered land , it's really beautiful. I quickly brushed my teeth with a powder which is available here for brushing and cleaned myself.
What should I make for the kids ? What will they like to eat ? Well let me make milk with sugar, crushed almonds , nuts and cocco powder for the kids. And for me I will make a lovely cup of tea.
And for breakfast I can make bread omlet and a thick tomato soup for them. Hope they will like to eat it. I took out the ingredients and started making the breakfast for the kids.
After putting the tomato soup in the bowl smear a little. I came in the bedroom to grab the milk powder jar.
I saw both the kids wide awake standing in the room . Both watching the bed and the girl ...her eyes are red. But why is she crying? I walked over and placed the milk powder jar in the ground.
" What happened? Why are you crying? " I asked her , holding her little face in my hand. Which made her cry more hard.
" Baby why are you crying? Did you get hurt ? Is your stomach paining ? " I asked her several questions and she has answered none just kept crying.
" Rose is little please don't beat her...you can beat me. " Said sam forwarding his little plam. But I am still confused... exactly what they have done ? Why are they scared ?
I turned towards the bed and saw it wet. I see...the little one has done. Since she is little it's common to happen I know that.
" It's okay ....breath nothing to cry about. Sam go with your sister and washup.... breakfast is ready. " I told him and he looks very surprised about it.
" You will not punish us ? " he asked totally surprised. " No , rose is little it happens...now go hurry. " I hurried them out of the room. I have to be ready in future.
I made the bed and soaked the bedsheet in soap water to wash them. The little ones got washed up and came back in the room. I surved them the breakfast.
And I can safely say that they loved it. After feeding them I sat on the house door to wash the bedsheets. If not washed they will smell bad. And also we don't have much blankets.
As I was washing the clothes I heard a voice " sister in law...what are you doing? " I looked towards the source of the voice and saw a girl.
A sweet looking girl walked up to me. Her smile is so cute. From system I came to know that she is my only neighbour here.
Her name is Dyna hills. She lives with her four year old girl in little distance from my house. The poor girl was married very early with a drunker husband.
After few years of marriage when she couldn't tolerate him anymore she left her husband with her child. And now she does little jobs in houses to earn money.
Stella's husband always viewed her as a sister and that's why she calls Stella sister in law. " Washing clothes...come sit Dyna. " I told her.
" You could have said me to do it. " she said sitting next to me. " I have a work for you...find few people for repairing my roof top. I don't know many people here. " I told her , and she understood.
I came in the kitchen and filled a little bowl with milk powder for dyna's daughter and told her to give it to her daughter. Dyna said few words in blessings and left. Hope this friendship stays forever.