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When you go to collage paying your way in, no one tells you how insufferable the scolarship students are. Ebie, had to learn that the hard way.
Ebie was spilver spoon fed his whole life, mabey even golden fed. His parents where dotting rich pushovers, and he was an only child. You get how it goes. Anything he wanted, he got. And thats how he got into an esteemed collage thats high on tuition. Sure people can get in for free with soclars, its still a social rich flex to go around town saying ,"yeah, I am from Weston Community." So now, why is ebie having to deal with "nerd"?
One of the majors ebie got into was a random advance english class. He didnt know how he got into it, and he didnt give a fuck for it, minuse its advanced credit. And just as common as a one bed room, he was asigned a group project with some short, messy black, comically large rounded glasses, loser, who looks like he knew every no fap page on forums.
"Look, I dont give a fuck about you or the project, so just do your part, and ill do mine"Ebie said, needing to get this over with, like holy fuck.
"My name is Levi- like leviathan"Spoken cold and tought, like an acidimic snob
"I dont fucking care, I couldnt care more, I could care less even, your a fucking cuck, leave me alone and get your work done"Levi, the name just fucking ticked him off.
"You talk like your still in highschool on a basketball team for the little reds." Acuritly insulting take on Ebie.
"Shut up, just- shut the hell up like god. You make me want to gouge-"
"Masturbait, I make you want to regretably and hatefully spend 5 misruble minutes of your life to jack of in a sexual image of me"
"What the actuall fuck, you detached incel" Why did he say that. Now the damn image is in his head.
"Because I hate you and I wanted to put it in your head. I hope your lunch is a vile of cum" Levi said calmed as he stood up, and walked off.
"This is why I hate people, im gonna get my parents to kick and jail his ass"
Ebie, later the day, was working on his part of the projct and was having a hard time staying foucus. Who wouldnt, when your group partner told you to masturbait in his name and drink a vile of cum. Comepleat stranger said that too. And he hates his head kept wraping back to it.
He was a man who could confiently say he is straight, why would some incolent incell tell him to act a fucking slut. And then bam, a lunch bag thrown infront of him. By levi himself.
"What the fuck, you cuck freak?" Ebie said holding the bag.
"Its your cum to eat"
"You're dead ass? Im fucking reporting you for harassment" Levi is the most disgusting thing thats ever happend to Ebie ever.
"Yes Im serious, i grabed a sandwitch, went to a stall, jacked off onto it, cleaned up, and came here to give it to you" he allmost gaged droping the bag instantly. He didnt know if it was to bully levi, or if he actually was disgusted.
"Your the most, retched ass man iv ever had the displesure of meeting" Ebie complained furrowing his eyebrows in horror and anger.
"Look at you, using big boy words. Your also retched and displesureable" spoken chuckled a bit breaking his stoic loser face.
"...I- " And then it hit. It hit Ebie like a ton of bricks. Levi was fucking hot as hell. Like his laugah alone just leashed Ebie to him, forever.
"Wow, tough rich jock lost all words?" He laughed more, Ebie was losing it.
"Yout cum is in this sandwitch, like actually right" Ebie spoke slow after silence, as he slowly opend the bag, like he opend the flood gates to being a down bad simp to a guy who wasnt even contivtionalbly good.
"Yeah, dont think Im a fucking harmonic lire" Levi said tilting his head slow, gears in his head turning trying to figure out Ebie.
As ebie opend the bag fully, he saw the sandwich, and his dumb ass visbly bit his lip.
"Ill eat this, if you give me your number" He blurted glancing at Levi.
"Deal"*He smirked, crossing his arms.
It was a lame sandwitch to begin with, adding cum wouldnt make it better, it would just make a man horny. But, even with the bad taste, Ebie ate that sandwich like it was a gourment meal on his last day alive.
Masterbaiting wasnt even that good if you didnt do it properly, Ebie litterly hated Levi also. But he still masturbaited like it was the love of his life. On call. With levi himself. Like, for the 3rd fucking time.
"Mhm, dude fuck off, im not gonna call you daddy when I cum" Ebie groned, panting, pumping, and more. You get it.
"So youll eat my cum on a tunafish sandwitch, but one call anyone daddy? I see how it is," Levi teased on the other side of the call. "Mabey I'll start breaking and training you, forced you to call me master instead"
"Dude, fuck"*He yelled, his mic might of peaked, as so did Ebie."that wasnt even- ugh- that wasnt even a good orgasim, it drible out and i think i cut my tip on my nail"
"That why you yelled? Pussy"
"Fuck off, you incellic cuck, you litterly told me to eat cum because im a brat"
"Brat?, you admit it?"
Ebie was to embarissed to defend himselfz hanging up the call and yelling into his hands embarissed he even said that. Did he consider himself a brat?