Chereads / Ninjago Kung-fu Master / Chapter 1 - Death comes to us all

Ninjago Kung-fu Master

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Chapter 1 - Death comes to us all

There were an old man in bed with his last moments and a man in age between 18-20 was kneels before him and the young man was crying for the old man the teenager named Po and he was crying for his master and his adoptive father Wing after seeing his adapted son and his student crying wing said: Don't be sad Po death comes for us all and now my time has come. " "but master how can i leave my life with out you?? i will be all alone in this world". 

" You will not be alone my son when you feel lonely look at the stars and think one of them is my soul. 

" But what i have to do next master i am lost please guide me with your wisdom" 

"Listen to me, Po. I taught you Kung Fu so that you would stand up for what is right and stand up against evil wherever it may be. Now, my son, it is your moment to create your own story, to be the person you are meant to be, to spread your wings and live without me. You must know that Kung Fu lives within you, and that Kung Fu is not just a martial art, but also a way of life. You must find your destiny and defend the innocent in this world. Promise me, promise me po.

" I promise i will stand against evil wherever it may be father".Po closed his eyes and held Wing's hand, and tears streaming down his eyes like a waterfall. 

"Good", with his last words, Wing left this world once again, but this time there would be no return.

" Master!!! Master!! don't leave me alone!!! Master please wake up!!! Father. "Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh haaaaaaa".

Po cried heavily over the body of his father and teacher for half an hour, then he raised his head and there was determination in his eyes that were swollen from crying, and he gathered his strength and gently lifted the body of his master and dug a grave for him in his preferred place under a plum tree on a hill and placed his teacher's staff and belt as a monument on the grave and knelt before his father's grave for three days mourning his late father, then he got up and went to the little house where he was raised since childhood and took his spear, the mountain-slash spear that his master had given him and told him that it was from the rare treasures of the Jade Palace, the stronghold of the greatest Kung Fu warriors that history has ever known, and took the scroll of the secret arts of Kung Fu that he had not yet mastered, and took with him a small bag containing basic supplies of food, drink, clothing and some money from his master's drawer and took a book to write his diaries in about his upcoming adventures in the vast land of Ninjag, and He wore a straw hat and a black robe over his white clothes striped with a golden dragon, and set off outside the house. When Po was about to leave the small valley where he had lived most of his life, he turned and looked at his house for the last time, then He turned again and wiped the tears from his eyes, and in his eyes a determination and an unquenchable will burned to carry out his father's final will and left wherever fate took him to create his own story.

Po entered a small tavern in a small village and sat on a chair and ordered some food and when the hostess served him food with a smile on her face he paid for it and started eating it until he heard two villagers sitting at a nearby table. Villager 1: Did you hear that the ninja defeated Lord Garmadon in his world and made him flee outside Ninjago to an unknown place?!! and they defeated the Skeleton army too!!! and from day to the future Ninjago will no longer suffer from an army of living moving skeletons!!! Villager 2: Impossible!!! this is wonderful!!! my daughter will finally be safe and I will not be afraid for her in the future!!! Villager 1: I know right??!! After this day not a single person in Ninjago will have to live in fear of Lord Garmadon all thanks to the ninja and their legendary teacher Wu!!!

Po who heard this was interested in this legendary master whose his students defeated Lord Garmadon himself. His master told him stories about Garmadon and said that when he was young, Ninjago was under the rule of his tyrant, and Garmadon tried to steal the golden weapons of Spinjitzu too!! but a brave warrior defeated him and banished him to the underworld and said that the golden weapons are the most powerful weapons in the world and are placed in dangerous places around Ninjago and each one of them is guarded by a huge dragon!!!

Po finished eating and drinking, and thanked the hostess, and was about to go to the villagers and ask them where that legendary master was now. Maybe he could learn a thing or two from him and his students!!! And when he was about to go to them, suddenly ten strong men entered the bar and went to the villagers. Their leader came out from the middle. He had a purple dragon tattoo on his chest and said, "Hey Tai Li, you scoundrel, why didn't you pay your tax for this month??"

The first villager who spoke about Master Wu and the ninja, Tai Lee, answered him anxiously and with cold sweat, saying, "I have no money, Wang, because this month's crops were poor and my farm is suffering from drought. If you can wait until next month, I promise you that I will pay off all my debts."

"Ha?? Next month?? who do you think you are you bastard!!!, no one late to pay his tax to us the purple dragons do you understand??!!.

" Yes i do i really do but please just give me a small time to gather the money and i will pay to you believe me".

"Shut your mouth you idiot!!" The bald muscled man with a tattoo on his chest grabbed Tai Lee by his shirt and lifted him up from the chair with one hand then smashed the table on him and punched him in the face several times until Tai Lee bled from his nose and mouth then Tai Lee said to him: please!! please!! Wang show mercy to me i have a family in my house waiting for me!!!. "Family??" "Yes please I have my wife and my son to take care of please show mercy!!!. "Wife??" Hmm Wang smiled savagely then threw Tai Lee hard on the ground whose friend had run away long ago and stomped on his chest and said: what about a deal Tai Lee?? Since you haven't paid your dues for this month how about you take me to your house and let me and my guys have some fun with your wife?? What about this?? If i become happy aftr your wife serves, then I'll leave you alone!! What do you say? do we have a deal?? "Ziahahahaha!!!" 

Wang and his men laughed with delight and imagined the sight of Tai Li's wife serving them with all her might to satisfy their obscene desires. Wang removed his leg from Tai Li's chest and lifted him up to his feet and said, "Lead us to your home, my friend!! Ziahhhhh!" Tai Li who heard this trembled and smiled at Wang and his men and then said, "In your dreams, you pigs in human form, none of you will touch my wife!!!" Then he spat in Wang's face and said, "How about this tax, you bastard!!!" 

Wang froze for a moment, then a sign of anger appeared on his face, veins protruding from his temples, then he said, "Good, very good, the cowardly dog ​​has gained courage." Ty Lee replied, "Even if you and your gang were much stronger than me and had weapons, I would not bow down to you and hand over my wife to you bastards!!!" Wang smiled and said, "Okay, we will kill you and then rape her in front of your son before killing him too!!!" Then Wang grabbed a large blade from his back, wanting to cut that insect who dared to spit at him in half directly!! He swung a huge sword at Ty Lee, who closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable, but he did not feel any pain, then he opened his eyes slightly to find a back standing in front of him. Wang was shocked because his huge sword that could easily cut a tree in half was stopped by the hands of a young man with black hair, blue eyes, very handsome features, sharp eyebrows like a sword, and a slim yet strong body. He was wearing a black cloak fluttering from his back and a straw hat attached to his belt. He was wearing white martial arts clothes with a golden dragon pattern on them. He had a long spear attached to his back. This young man blocked his strike with only his bare hand!!! Then he heard a cracking sound behind Wang , who could not believe it. His thick iron sword broke in half and shattered into pieces. Wang stepped back, fear on his face, and asked, "Who are you? What do you want?" Po answered him in a terrifying and cold voice, "Your life!!!" Then Po took out his mountain-slah spear and appeared on the other side behind Wang and his gang, his spear shining with cleanliness. Then Wang and the rest's bodies were cut into pieces, blood exploded and screams spread in the bar, but Po did not care and did not regret killing them because they were going to rape an innocent woman in front of her young son and then kill him. Since they rape women and kill children, Wang saw that if he spared their lives and left this village, then they would do these things without deterrence. He was just as guilty as them if something like this happened. So he did not hesitate to pull out his spear that could pierce mountains and cut their carpets with it. Po saw everyone in the bar looking at him in horror, some of them vomited and some fainted from the terrifying sight and the corpses of ten people and a large pool of blood and amputated bodies cut into pieces. Po remembered his master's words that a strong heart knows when to spare a life and a strong mind knows when to take one. As a master of Kung Fu, you must discipline not only your body but your mind. And your heart too because there are moments when you will have to eliminate threats so that ordinary people can enjoy peace, so Po did not hesitate at all and did not feel guilty and this is not the first life he took as his master taught him to kill also in order to survive in this harsh world and took him through Ninjago and there they met all kinds of monsters in human form some of them had to be eliminated and some of them could have been forgiven and taken to prison but a monster like Wang who wanted to rape women and kill children made Po very angry and his blood boiled and Po knew that in this small village the rule of the Ninjago kingdom and authorities did not reach it and it is an ideal stronghold for the likes of Wang to do what they want.

Po turned to Ty Lee, who was shocked and pale with fear, and said to him, "Well done, you are a brave man. Most people would choose to sell their wives in order to survive, but you didn't, and your friend left you in your time of need. I advise you to start looking for new friends." Then Po turned and was about to leave the bar, but he turned to Ty Lee and said to him, "Follow me, I want to talk to you." Ty Lee, who saw what Po was capable of, followed him with deep fear creeping into his heart. Then they went outside to a certain alley. Po put on his hat again, which hid his features, and turned to Ty Lee and said, "That is the legendary master you are talking about. Tell me more about him who is he?? and where is he currently lives." Ty Lee trembled, but he still answered him and said, "The one you are asking about is the Spinjitzu Master Wu, the son of the first Spinjitzu Master and the only Spinjitzu master currently. He has four students called the Ninja. Each Ninja represents a basic element of nature. The red ninja Kai represents fire, the black ninja Cole represents earth, the blue Jay represents lightning, and the white Zane represents the ice element, each of them has one of the golden weapons and guards it, and they have their own dragons too. They are the current protectors of Ninjago and protect it from the threats of the big ones like Lord Garmadon. Unfortunately, the ninja are only four people and they cannot deal with the likes of Wang and the Purple Dragon Gang in small places like this village". Ty Lee let out a sigh at this remark, but in the end he smiled and said to Po, "I hope this information is useful, you great benefactor, even if your ways are harsh, but i Ty Lee, I am grateful to you as long as I live. 

Po ignored Ty Lee's comment about his cruelty but he was excited from within the ninja have legendary power!!! even his master has never seen likes of it!!! and has only heard stories about it besides the chi of course, but his master told him a lot about the stories of the elemental masters and said that every elemental master inherits his power through blood from one of his parents if an elemental master does not have a son he can pass his power on to someone he chooses this means that this power is destined for a group of people only!! Not everyone can get it through training!!! If you are not lucky, well forget it and on top of that they have golden Spinjitzu weapons!!! there are legends that say that these weapons created the Ninjago that we know today!!! and it is said that whoever is strong enough to use them all together will be the strongest ever being in the history of Ninjago!!!! And the fact that master Wu was the son of the first Spinjitzu master was not lost on him!!! How the hell does this nega is alive!!!. That mean he is thousands of years old!!! which means he is almost as old as Ninjago!!! I can't imagine the combat experience of someone who has lived that long!!! With new determination, Po decided what he would do next. He would find Master Wu and learn Spinjitzu from him!!!!

Po looked at Ty Lee and said: but you didn't tell me where he lives?? Ty Lee tensed and said: I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that he lives in a monastery near to Jamanakai Village. 'Jamanakai Village I know that place that's where it all began!! where my master bought traveler's tea and went to another world by mistake!!! he wanted to buy a normal tea but the hostess made a mistake and gave him traveler's tea and from that world his master learned Kung Fu and chi techniques!!!! This will be easy I know the way to Jamanakai Village and I can get there in five days from here!!! Five days and I will start making my own story just like the master wanted!!!! Po looked at Ty Lee and said: how can you be know all these informations???. Po was really curious after all even his master doesn't know much about a mysterious Spinjitzu master like Wu. Ty Lee smiled and said: Wu saved me 14 years ago from bandits. He saved me, my pregnant wife at the time and my two year old daughter. I owe him my life and I've been in touch with him ever since. When I visited a monastery and sent him part of my crop of fruits and vegetables, I also sent him tea. In this village there is a rare tea that only grows here and master Wu liked it very much. So he opened his door to me and I became his friend. He told me some stories. When I visited the village of Jumanakai two weeks ago to ask for his help in getting rid of the purple dragons, I discovered that he wasn't in a monastery. Then I heard that he took four students, each wearing a different color, and they finally defeated Lord Garmadon. Then I knew that the prophecy had come true as he told me. I knew that a green ninja was close to appearing!!! and I knew that Garmadon would return soon as well!!, but I was relieved because when the ninja defeated Lord Garmadon Ninjago live in peace in remote areas like us of course.

Po was really shocked now to meet a powerful Spinjitzu master who is thousands of years old and has his own pride and arrogance for sure and to become his friend over some tea is amazing but what really shocked him was the talk about the prophecies and the Green Ninja?? And the return of Garmadon?? What is happening?? does this mean that Ninjago is about to enter a new round of challenges? 'no I must prepare well for the next evil the first step is learning Spinjitzu from Master Wu and then try to master my master's secret scroll and reach inner peace before Lor Garmadon comes again!!!!

Po looked at Tai Lee and said: What do you mean with lord Garmadon return and the green ninja??. Tai Lee answered: sorry but I can't answer this question because it was a big secret that master wu told me. "Ok that's fair enough thank you very much for you help Tai Lee i will remember your favorite".

"Thank you my great benefactor, without you I couldn't have imagined what would happen, please when you go to Master Wu tell him that Ty Lee needs urgent help in his village". "I will do it, don't worry". "Also avoid appearing in public since you killed members of the Purple Dragons they will come after you they have about 100 men hiding in their base and they will look for you when they hear the news". Po looked at him and said in an icy voice: then they will only be looking for their own deaths!!. then he looked at Ty Lee worriedly and said: if that is the case what about you?. Ty Lee smiled and said: my farm location is hidden and they can't find me, today I will go to my house and send a distress signal to the monastery of Master wu they have dragons so they should arrive in hours if they receive it but this village is far away from the monastery and maybe the signal doesn't reach, so if you go to the monastery please tell Master Wu about us". "Okay I will". Then Ty Lee went on his way and Po's gaze hardened and he thought 'why are we waiting for help while I am here?? I will get rid of this gang tonight!' then night fell and Po knew their base because it was big compared to the rest of the buildings Po stood on the roof of a house and kept watching the base and heard gang members laughing and drinking alcohol and there were women from the village?? Oh no they were raped!!! Po's blood boiled and his eyes turned icy and emotionless. He stood up, his black cloak fluttering and his hat covering his face. He took out his spear again and jumped to the base where over 100 men were gathered. Then the slaughter began!! and screams were heard all night!!. After half an hour, there were over 80 bodies. The remaining 20 were wounded and trembling. They were young and seemed to have recently joined a gang, so Po hesitated to kill them. Then that when appeared to be the son of a gang leader who was not there for some reason appeared. This pig wet his pants with fear and was begging for mercy. Please!!, please!!, I did nothing wrong!!. It was my father who forced me!!!. Please don't kill me!!!. Woooow!!. Po was disgusted by him and cleaned the tip of his spear on one of the bodies. He said, "Get out of this village and don't come back, or I will kill you all. Is that clear?!" Yes, sir × 20 Then twenty people came out quickly and Po took the poor womens out of their headquarters and set it on fire and each women went to her family crying from his help even though they were now stained and their psyche was grumbling from the long abuse but nothing that time cannot cure as his master once said then po went to a only hotel in the village and paid for one night's accommodation and went to sleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.