THE TOTALLY TUBULAR GUY THATS GOING TO SHARE WITH YOU THE HISTORY THAT'S NOT IN YOUR HISTORY BOOKS! (Oh... How much knowledge was lost in that big body of water... Seriously did you need to throw all those books down under, dying the water and poisoning the people who drink it. I wonder which smart*** thought that was a bright idea. GREEDY BAS****D!!! Oh... My apologies... Let's continue on.)
There was once an ancient land filled with mystical warriors, and wonder. The humans there tamed the dinosaurs, and most could even destroy a giant border with a single punch, but it all ended due to a single individual. A human who was stronger than any of the others could ever hope to be; changed the world with a single sneeze...
The whole planet was altered by the shockwaves that came from the sneeze. Leaving the entire Planets civilization to be wiped out; Humans and dinosaurs alike.
Eventually the caveman came along and a new race of humans was born, only they didn't have powers and were kind of idiots...But they knew how to survive!
Then many many... YOU KNOW WHAT SCREW THIS!
And So, Modern humans and the society we live in are all a result of the way that one dumb*** blew the world away.(Seriously what an A**H***!, am I right?)
Oh real quick before I am forced to leave you all behind...
Remember That Ancestor that destroyed everything great about the planet?
He's alive, and still looks like he's in his twenties...
(OH S***, THEY'RE ON TO ME!!!)
WELL GOTTA GO! I'll just leave this updated history book and run... Until next time.