In the corner of a large dark room only lit by a small flame in the middle, a devure is laying on his stomach with both of his legs up while reading a basic book, he said something oh so innocently, "Sir, what is a demon?"
The other one, sitting in another corner of that room answered, "Well, to start off, there were animals and monsters--"
"I already know all about that." The book continued to be read.
"Then a demon is a kind of monster, a really strong one." His gaze remain counting the coins in front of him.
"That's it?" Not needing light to read, he turned the page of the book.
"No, they are more than an 'it', they are a true abomination created from the depth of the abyss, even the Emperor scorns their existence."
Silence hold true for a few moments.
"And where have you heard of animals and monsters before? Avenya? I don't remember telling you anything about animals and monsters."
"From our kind neighbor, Heskan, he tells me that animals are friendly and that monsters will attack you, and also, he showed me his book with drawings of all the animals and monster he has ever seen"A big smile drawn across his face.
"That thing is no kind, and you should refrain from complimenting that creature." The mister stood up suddenly and started grabbing a bottle from the cupboard in the middle of the room, his eyes matched perfectly with the red blood contained in the bottle.
"Compliment? What is that? And how come Heskan is not kind?" He began to sit down as his brown eyes frowning at the statement.
"Well you'll learn that in another day, for tonight you should go to sleep so you can wake up early in the morning."
"You know I can't wake up early." The avenya stood up from a cozy red sofa that has his dark olive beige hair all over. Standing almost as tall as the cupboards, he placed the book in a table, and walked toward the mister in the middle of the room.
"It is never bad to try." The old devure gaze upon the young one and smile.
"I've tried enough." The candle flutter a tad bit.
The devure rushed up the stair like a fever dream, until he dawned upon his room and slammed the door shut.
"Goodnight, my gentle avenya." The voice that he barely hear in his dream.
"Oh, how nice those days were to be"