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Quin Dealt With It Eventually

chs / week
The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 7 chs / week.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - first meetings?

After a quick escape back to the present Quin finds himself being harassed by someone he's never met. This person seemed very angry and was rambling on claiming to have been so sincerely wronged by Quin that he was lucky to not have lost his life. With statements such as Quin had betrayed him and had left him for dead in the past. Quin was shocked. He did his best to understand the current situation.

He'd never been reunited with anyone he's been acquainted with on any of his trips. To be reunited like this and under horrible circumstances. It was simply impossible. It must've been someone he met in the present. That was the only option.

Quin was still injured and concussed during this whole interaction. The information was too much for him to handle. Before he could clear the air or explain himself his head started to spin and he collapsed from blood loss.

Issac was extremely angry with him and surely hated his guts. But he wanted him to admit his actions, give an explanation and pay for his crimes. Not die in the street before he even confesses. So in spite of himself Issac gritted his teeth, got Quin up and away from any prying eyes. He then brought him somewhere to rest and heal.

Lucky for him Issac knew plenty of first aid followed by enough medical knowledge to treat Quin without a hospital. He didn't want any authorities getting involved and taking Quin away from him.

Quin was in and out of consciousness at the time. At one point he opened his eyes and saw the wound on his side as Issac was stitching him up: "Oh no." He mumbled. "That's definitely going to leave a scar."

Throughout his ramblings Issac never responded. He was extremely focused on the task at hand and talking to Quin would have only made him angry again.

When Quin finally regained proper consciousness he was in an unknown place. He couldn't remember how he got there. While stretching he felt around his wounds. Finding it all patched up left it alone and reached around for his glasses.

As they weren't in reach Quin thought to check around the area. He couldn't yet get out of bed with his wounds so instead he called out to check if anyone was in the room. After no response he decided he was alone.

Quin grabbed his bag which he did find next to him and felt around for an object. When he found it he did one final sound check. With more silence he held the object in his hands.

A faintly glowing pattern shown along the object and then on his necklace. Following the patterns his small cuts and bruises visibly disappeared. The pain in his stomach side faded as well. Finally he could finally breathe.

He got out of bed and once again and felt around for his glasses. He still couldn't find them. Finding the stomach bandage annoying he removed it and started moving around the rest of the room. It didn't seem like a hospital room, instead it felt more like an apartment.

There was a lock on the door to keep others out. The curtains were open as the light showed through. The exact time was a mystery but it was still somewhat light out. Quin quickly found a table and a place to sit. He was about to recheck his bag again when an unfamiliar voice sounded from the opposite side of the table. Quin was so startled he gave a loud shriek tripped out of his chair and fainted upon hitting the floor.

Issac, the one at the other side of the table, was dumbfounded.

Was he always so jumpy?

When Quin regained consciousness again he slowly got up and sat back in his chair.

He slowly called out again. "Hello?"


"Oh my god!!" Quin flinched again.

Issac scoffed at the person in front of him. "Okay you knew I was here, why did you jump again?"

"Because I just do. I get jumpy when I can't see. And you're a stranger. And you probably purposely ignored my call earlier. I mean how long have you been sitting here? Did you bandage me up? If you did that was very sweet of you. My name's Quinn by the way. It's great that you didn't take me to a hospital. That could have been kinda bad. This is a clean room by the way. Hey, have you seen my glasses?"

Quin started rummaging through his bag again. Issac on the other hand was once again dumbfounded. He really just went from scared to defending to questioning then thanking and introductions.

He's a mess.

Issac: "Right.. You healed yourself."

Quin kept looking as he responded. "Did I really? What can I say? I'm a fast healer."

"You were glowing and everything."

"My health really is amazing."

"Only a scar left now."

"I'm pretty flexible too, my agility is fantastic. Shame I could dodge that last slash. Well you can't win them all."

"That's supernatural is what it is."

"Honestly though it was the cliff that did me in I tell you."

"A genuine work of fiction."

"Once my head hit the wall I could barely think straight."

Issac furrowed his brows. "Are you just going to keep ignoring me?"

"I really just need my glasses stranger." Quin stopped digging and stood up.

Isaacs expression relaxed again. "You know before I thought there's just no way you were telling the truth."

Quin felt around the shelves on the wall moving back to the night stand. "Wouldn't lie about my glasses."

Issac continued. "And now I've seen you first hand using some mystery gadget to heal what should have left you half dead."

Quin continued to respond in an indifferent tone. "Technology is pretty crazy these days."

"And you're young, too young. You looked just like this back then."

Quin's movements slowed. "Don't know what you mean sir."

Issac sneered. "Now either that gadget is equivalent to a fountain of youth or you really do travel through time."

Quin stopped searching. "Did I say that? Certainly sounds like me. Maybe?"

Issac gets up and walks towards him. "And if age weren't enough. This scar."

Quin turned to face him.

"Back then you had an old scar right here." Issac moves his shirt and checks the newly formed scar. "But yesterday only a clear patch of skin with a large gash could be seen."

Quin shook his head. "That's..That's not right."

Issac: "How could you just now be getting the wound for a scar you had years ago?"

"No that's.. No there's no way. Listen sir you probably have mistaken me with someone else. Otherwise.."

"Otherwise? It's true isn't it? I know you but you have no idea who I am."

Quin moved issac's hand and stepped back. "Alright I get it but it really couldn't have been me. Look, have you seen my glasses? We probably met elsewhere. If I could just see you I might remember."

Issac scoffs. "Wow this is unbelievable. You admit to your ability yet you still can't believe this situation? You're a time traveller aren't you? How is this confusing?"

Quin: "It's not confusing, just unconfirmed."

Issac: "Unconfirmed? I'm not making any mistakes here. After what you did, you're lucky I'm humoring you at all."

Quin: "See that's the thing I didn't do anything."

"Well apparently not yet."

Quin gave an exhausted sigh. "Listen okay I don't know who you are but we couldn't have met. At least not in the way you believe. I'm a lot less a time traveller and more so an event sight seer. Nothing I do affects anything in the present. No one I meet ever makes significant notice of me. I've never been warped to the same place twice. And most importantly I've never met the same person over again. Not ever have I had a connection from the past, present or future. It's just impossible."


"Never. Ever. Never not freaking once."

Issac shook his head. "You're wrong. Or you're lying."

Quin took a breath. "Look. We may have met in the present. Then we could meet again in the continuing present. But to say that I met your past self on one of my future trips…" Quin sighed. "It just doesn't work like that."

"You might not think so. But I'm proof that it did happen."

"Right. What happened anyway? If I someday met you, what could I have done to make you so... Passive aggressive."

"Don't look at me I'm not telling."

Quin was flabbergasted. He raised his voice to retort. "You're here yelling at me claiming yourself as proof and you won't even share! Aren't you the one who's lying?

Issac raised his voice in response. "Oi! You're the untrustworthy one who betrayed me and left me for dead!"

Quin laughed in disbelief. "Right I get that you think so but you could at least give me some details! As it stands it's kind of hard to believe seeing as I'm not about that life."

"'That life'? What the hell are you on about? We meet, make good, situation advances to you making the wrong decision that could have killed me!"

"Okay? Why did I do that then? For all I know you were the bad guy in that situation!

The endless back and forth had mentally drained Issac. Taking a deep breath he holds back his anger and talks through gritted teeth. "Okay listen. We met and became friends then when things got dangerous you left me behind. Think what you want but that's what happened. If you really find it so hard to believe then fine but I won't just let this go because you're behind on your memories."

Quin also calmed down. "That's fine I just don't feel like having revenge dealt before there's any actual proof on my end."

Issac sighed. "I get that but I can't just let you leave never to be found again. Until then I refuse to let you out of my sight."

"Refuse to leave huh?"



"Like you said. Never not freaking once."

Quin sighed once more. "Well whatever. Just don't hurt me, I'm innocent until proven guilty."

The two were silent. The whole situation was extremely exhausting on both sides.

Quin spoke up first. "Oh no. Wait. That's no good."

Issac was confused. "What now?"

Quin walked back to the table and grabbed his bag. He turned around and said, "I'm hungry."

Issac didn't respond.

Quin walked past him and tossed him the mystery gadget. Issac caught it in confusion. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Quin smiled and said, "Take some responsibility healer. That's your job now."


"Well you healed me up the first time so I figured you wanted me alive for punishment." Quin explained. "And you should know I have slightly bad luck."

Issac didn't quite understand but figured that at the very least as long as he had this Quin couldn't run away. He tucked it away safely in his pocket.

As Quin unlocked the door he turned to face Issac. "Hey by the way have you seen my gla–"

Before he could finish a pair of glasses were shoved into his face. Causing him to stumble back. "What the hell?"

Issac walked by him, opening the door. "My bad I'm still pissed. Also you should know I'm slightly petty."

Quin held his face and spoke through the stinging. "Right yeah I got that. It's okay, we'll get through it. Oh he's leaving..uh name?"

His voice responded from the hall. "Issac."

Quin walked out and shut the door behind him. "Right Issac. That's nice. I'm sure we'll get along." Quin mumbled. "Eventually."

Issac responded from the stairs. "We won't."

"Okay." Quin said, internally refusing to accept the rejection.