Previously in BlackStone, Arthur was reborn in a new world after he died a mysterious death in his past life and a lot of events have happened in the short time span he was born.He was born to a family in the Elven race but was different from his parents and they resented him for his unusual appearance.Arthur was born with light brown skin colour, black eyes with a strong gaze and curly black shinning hair. That was an unusual sight for his parents who were high elves and they where disgusted by the sight of their newborn son and sent an assassin to do the deed.
In the midst of the chaos Arthur feels a burning feeling in the middle of his chest and realises his body is burning , his skin burns revealing his muscle tissues that also burn to reveal his bones that turn to dust leaving him with only his soul that shines with a white glow and black wings.
"*Damn that was a painful way to die,who knew burning to still your bones turned to dust felt like that.*" (starts looking around then looks at his hands)
All he sees is a pitch black space that seems to never end even though he can still hear the noise from the chaos in the background. After sometime of wandering in the Dark space he hears a calm chilling voice that silences everything.
"Open your eyes boy,focus and clear the darkness from the chaos around you ,silence the noise beating from your core."
"What is that voice and where is it coming from *looks at his chest and sees a black pearl that spinning at an extremely high rate making a sharp hissing sound*....Ok Lets listen to it for now."(breathes in and out 8 times and the black pearl slows down)
"Good job ( slow clapping) , now open your eyes and live your life anew, you will forget your shortlife as Arthur. "
A big glowing hand approaches him and slaps him away to the deep dark void.
Arthur: Well damn did he or whoever that was have to slap me flying , where am I even going it's so dark (looks up ahead).
Everything suddenly turns to a blinding bright light and muffled sounds of people talking in the background are heard.
"Congratulations it's a healthy baby boy ,I see a future warrior here" says the Midwife with a smile.
####:(*so I've been born again ,it's no longer surprising now.*)
Akira(father):Asura...Asura is his name, a worthy name of our GREAT NOVA CLAN!!
Sora(mother):(holding Asura carefully in her arms)Yes I also think it's fitting for Asura to be his name.
"Good I'll go do the paper work(it's like a birth certificate)while you rest ...Sir ,Madam said the head maid.
Asura was born to a family of 6 with him as the as the last born.
In the blink of an eye, two years have passed...
After arriving in a new world without fully understanding how he had died and how he had ended up in this magical place, Asura slowly adapted to a new reality.
The beginning had been very boring for him. Even though he had all his memories from his time on Earth, he had to endure the tortuous journey every baby would take after birth.
For months, he just ate, slept, pooped, and finally, pissed himself.
The experience of waking up in the middle of the night with his private parts and sometimes even his back covered in poop was terrible!
He almost lost all his pride and honor in this dark period of his life.Even though a baby's routine doesn't contain many adventures.He already knew how many things worked,so he hadn't experienced many discoveries.
At first, he didn't really understand what it was. Still, the more time he spent in this place, the more he realized that the fantastic powers the people used were like the magic he had often heard and read about in fiction stories. Through this discovery he learned that he truly was no longer on Earth but a wonderful place.
Which was the [ASTRAL PLATEAU] Realm of the stars!
Which was locationed in the [COSMIC SECTION] RANKING:4th(the last)
After his first months in the [ASTRALPLATEAU], Asura had slowly learned about where he was, the language spoken by his new parents, and that wonderful discovery.
At 7 months, he had learned to respond to a few words, but only at 5 years and 5 months he still hadn't spoken a single word but understands what people said to him and also could walk
By this time Asura was determined to make himself physically and mentally stronger to prepare when he would grow up and leave to explore this new world. Everyday when everyone was asleep he would wake up and exercise doing:
3 push-ups
3 sit-ups
3 squats
And 1hr of meditations
[Patriarch Office]
"Do u think he is ready?"asks Sora to Akira revolving around the office chair then stops to answer the question. "We don't have to time to wait any longer ,we already postponed it last year he will be going through the evaluation tomorrow along with the other children from different Clans." Said Akira with a straight face.
Sora:He hasn't even said he's first words yet not to mention he's a premature he's body is still not strong enough(concerned)
Akira:(serious)My words are final and we already signed the agreement with the other clans we can't cancel now,ask the maids to make preparations for him.
Sora steps out of the office and walks down the hall way then bumps into someone.
To be Continued