With so much anger Luna walks through the city streets hoping to have a meaning conversation with Matthew
Luna heads towards the door and notices something strange
Ofcourse the locks .....they seem different
She pays no attention and tries opening the door and it doesn't barge
"Well miss I wouldn't hesitate to call the police on you and trespassing on private property isn't lawful is it?"
"Oh sir I'm really sorry but we seem to have a misunderstanding here this is my house and...."
"And what?... Miss I advise you to leave immediately!" The strange man replies arrogantly
"We can try calling my fiance he'll clear everything up"
While dialing Matthew's number Luna notices her stuff near the apple tree
"Oh shit"
She slowly approaches the suitcase
"What's going on...my stuff...ah .."
"Well miss if you don't mind please leave "
"I swear there's a misunderstanding I need to clear things right now " Luna tries to plead with the man
"Patience is not part of my vocabulary I advise you to leave before I get the police involved miss"
"Sir please please you need to calm down"
"Well Mr Anderson surely talked about pests and parasites surrounding the house but I didn't think he was talking about you " he replies angrily
Luna helplessly begs the man to calm down but he doesn't listen minutes later a car drives in
Revealing two Police officers
The man tells part of his story and so does Luna
With no proper evidence she's led out of the property
A place she onced considered to be her nexus, a comfort place to harbour her trauma
After hours of walking around the city
Matthew calls back
Finally some questions must be answered
"Hello thank God you've called I really need you to come here ...there's a stranger living in our house and alot just happened why didn't you come to the chapel and and.. please answer me you're seriously scaring me!"
"Well aren't you the same naive little brat
Pick up your stuff and find something better to do with your life
Don't bother calling me okay?
I hope you understand but my family can't accept a reject like you...oh sorry let me break it down for you
A disowned naive girl
I hope you enjoy your life in the slumps"
He replies with a light hearted chuckle
"Babe we'll be late for our flight"
With that Luna is left standing astonished
Speechless, it feels like a dream no a nightmare
Everything comes crumbling down
She stumbles and falls facing a piece of glass still wearing her lavish wedding dress
The once perfect make-up now stained by her tears
She looks like a monster something she can barely recognise
"Rejected?" Saying those words hurt her more
Realizing what has just happened
She's lost again
Yet another blow to her life
She can't take it anymore