The air was filled with a mixture of cries both of pain and joy as Karnetia, the wife of the renowned scholar Said, labored to bring forth new life. It had been five long years since their marriage, a period marked by desperate prayers for a child. Their hopes were answered nine months ago when the Goddess of Water, Tefnut, appeared to Karnetia in a dream. Half-excited and half-fearful, Karnetia described the vision to her husband: "Tefnut had the head of a lioness and the body of a woman. Her voice resonated like a thousand roars, and she carried the scent of morning dew. She told me I was with child and that we were to name her Aziza. She would possess great power, and when the time came, we were to send her to the Kingdom of Sobekana to fulfill her destiny."
Said was initially skeptical, as years of fruitless attempts had led them to fear they were barren. However, his disbelief turned to joy as Karnetia's belly began to swell. Now, nine months later, Karnetia was in labor, surrounded by midwives. After hours of effort, a cry rang out, and a daughter was born into the house of Said. They named her Aziza. As a child, Aziza had beautiful brown skin, hair as white and soft as snow, and captivating grey eyes that resembled the full moon. Those who approached her often remarked on her fragrance, reminiscent of dawn's fresh dew.
Five years passed, and Aziza grew into a joyful child, cherished by her parents. Around this age, she began to exhibit unusual abilities, unintentionally phasing through walls and slipping from her father's grasp. Once more, Tefnut appeared to Karnetia, instructing her to train Aziza in archery, swordsmanship, and mastery of her innate Juju. Obediently, they began her training at the tender age of five.
Fifteen years later, Aziza had blossomed into a stunning woman, her beauty captivating all who saw her. She had mastered the sword and bow and had significant control over her innate Juju. Few could challenge her in a duel and escape unscathed. One beautiful, starry night, with the full moon at its peak, Aziza's parents revealed the prophecy Tefnut had shared with them before her birth. Aziza was not surprised; she had always felt a calling, a sense that she would have to leave home one day. For six days and nights, she prepared herself for the journey to Sobekana, ready to embrace her destiny.
The night before Aziza's journey, her parents summoned her for a final discussion. "Aziza, there is something we must tell you," Karnetia began solemnly.
"What is it, Mother?" Aziza asked, sensing the gravity of the moment.
"I am not from Egypt," Karnetia revealed, her voice steady. "I come from Sobekana, in the city of Nefertari. I fled Nefertari because of a law decreed by the current king of Sobekana. The law states that the use of Juju be considered taboo. I came to Thebes, where I met your father, and the rest is history."
"Why have you never told me this before?" Aziza inquired, her voice tinged with confusion.
"It is a painful past, one I rarely speak of," Karnetia responded gently. A heavy silence filled the room until Said spoke, breaking the tension.
"You have mastered the sword and the bow," he said, "but you have yet to unlock your innate Juju. You possess an ancient power not seen before. So far, you have only mastered the basics. You must complete the rest of your training alone. Be aware, the Kingdom of Sobekana has isolated itself; no one knows what is happening there. You will be going in blind. Please, my child, be careful, and may Tefnut watch over you."
Aziza stood, filled with questions. Why was she born with these powers? Why must she go to Sobekana? Yet she felt that the answers would reveal themselves in time. "Mother, Father, I understand," she said resolutely. "I promise to make you proud, and I will return home when my journey is complete." As she spoke, tears welled in Karnetia's eyes, and Aziza and Said moved to comfort her.
Morning came and Aziza climbed her camel greeting her parents goodbye and finally embarking on her journey…