Dominique!!! [hoarse raspy voice]
Elise!....Elise!!! I fucking said I don't want to repeat myself !!!.....[ silence]
"Chino!!" [angry voice]
'Yes hefe'
"Find this piece of shit! and move them forward!!!
Chino: ''s the slave from the Philippines''
Elise Nimmoh San Diego is my three names but I like going with Elise San Diego .I was born and raised in japan .GOD!! we lived a good life .and when I say a good life I mean it .That is until we moved to Manilla .The reason my parents moved us remains unknown .The only thing my dad told us was that some people were chasing after us .But any smart person would tell he's hiding something .We started life in Manilla away from the chasers ,that's the name my younger self gave to the people who were after us .It was a life without fear ,a free life where my parents worked had to give us the once good life we used to live .But there was one thing ,one thought that was on the back of our minds ..... that this peaceful life we lived ...…. was to be short lived!!!
[ gunshots]
"Both of you ...…. quick!....hide in there and don't come out until we come to get you!"
"What's happening! " [heavy breathing ] "I love you both….always know that... [nod]...take this protect yourselves "
All I could hear was the sound of the automated door closing. Those were the last words I remember my mother telling us as she handed me a pistol for protection. After the gunshots died down I won't lie to you, I was scared to death. Scared not because of the thought that my parents had died...…. No we had already been prepared for this day...…scared of the thought of what would happen next .... scared of the unknown...and there is no greater fear than the fear of the unknown.
We heard the sound of someone trying to break into the safe room. That sound made me realize who the winners were .... that my parents were defeated or were no more. Tears rolled down but I wiped them I had to be brave…. No...I had to be strong not just for my little brother Kalton but for myself.
I held the pistol tightly and positioned myself in front of my brother as the door broke.
"Move one step closer and I'll shoot you!"