Chereads / More than I could have Imagined. / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3.

All Rudra could see was white, for some reasons he was feeling cold, he don't know where he was. He slept and when he opened his eyes, he was here . He looked around he could only see white mist all aroung him, but then he heard , the sound of a power drum(damru ) , it was echoing all around him, it has power, it has the best vibes around and it has the melody of music, it was as if the best sound of the world .

Then the mist around him started to take a form, a type of mirror, it showed him with his brother, they are very small playing in a park, running around and teasing each other, he chuckled at this.

Then it shouwwd his friends playing with huk, cracking jokes and making fun of everyone, he smiled at that, then it showed him his mother caring for hik, when he was happy, then when he once went out with his friends, then the very first time he went out alone that to a deserted place all alone, he felt proud at this one.

Then suddenly he he fell down, it was nearly impossible but considering all those things, it was nothing. He shouted and felt pain , he opend his eys and found him on his room , je had a dream and a very good sleep.

He looked at clock, it was 4 in the morning, so he decided to ho to a run, he quickly changed his clothes and messeged his mother that he was going for a run, and would be late.

It has been very long since he went for running, he didn't know the reason of stopping but not that he care, he was one of the best runner in his school and his loaclity his strength was second to kone, one of the best around, his body was lean and muscular at the same time, fit for strength, sprints and endurance. But some monthes of inacitivity has made him relaxed and lazy, soon when winter approached he stopped his work out and was not consistent on this.

But since nie there are holiday for a long time, so he decided to reach a whole new level, and to find a purpose for his life.

After securing id phike in his pocket, he started his ling run, taking notices of thing around him.

Slowly he ran to the end border out town, that seperate it from a nearby village. He was very exhausted his muschles were aching with pain to stop, when he did his body couldn't take it anymore he collapsed on the ground, after regainging his brrayhes he started to slowly move towards his home, after reaching home, he did his workout and then took a shower.

After complwting his breakfast he considered his options for his future , after the vacations are over, he will be promotwd to the next semester in his school, but this time he was mot exited for this, as till now the whole school must have heard of him, to diverge his mind he decided to read some articles, but still everything from last night is fresh in his mind, he opened his gallery and surely there wasn't any pohto related to Riya.

'Dammit. ' he sighed loudly, now unable to think more he laid down in his bed.

'What to do, where to start.. 'this thought hit like aneedle to his mind.

'Let's take a look at our history, need to find out more about them' he said to himself,

He was a hindu by religion, but still he didn't know anything about his religion, well he knew the name of Gods and Goddesses but that's all , he didn't knew their stories,.

So, he started reading everything he could find on internet, as time passes his interest grew more, after reading everything he could find he took notice of time, it was past evening, the sun begin to set, he sohhed loudly and went to his terrace to take some fresh air.

Affter dinner he again started reading about his history, he was fascinated by the war between God's and Ashuras, he knew something here and there but now it was all clear to him, the Ashuras led by their greed and arrogance decided themselves to be superior, though being sons of same father, there was much difference between Devas and Ashuras, at least from what he read it seems to be the story, but he knew better than to trust it fully, as everyone war was won by Devas, so it is natural that they would consider themselves to be righteous.

He then read complete Ramayana, he was amazed by reading the while story, it's not like he didn't knew about it, but it was like an overall summery of the book.

But now he knew it all, he was moved by Lord Hanuman, instead of being all powerful he decided to serve Lord Rama, and still is doing so.

After it comes Mahabharata, here he was facinated by Karna, suffered whole his life, abandoned by his own mother , discarded by society, when he wanted to learn everyone refused him, but when he learned it, there came a curse, that he would forget his knowledge in his most important time of his life, his battle with Arjun, but still he died as a tragic hero.

He decided to call it a night and slept very peacefullly.