"Come back here, you brat!" An elderly woman was screaming at me because I stole a roll from her bakery. I was running down the street as fast as possible, trying to lose her.
"Not in a million years, Grandma!" I shouted at her and started laughing.
When I turned around the corner of the street, a gust of wind knocked me onto the ground.
"Shin, I have to say that I'm disappointed in you." The familiar voice made me shiver.
"Listen, Kin, I was hungry, and the food—"
"THE FOOD I GAVE YOU WAS SUPPOSED TO LAST A WEEK!" He cut me off and started shouting at me. Kin was something like a guardian to me. He gave me food weekly and made sure that I didn't make any trouble.
"I know... I'm sorry." I lowered my head, as I didn't have any guts to look him in the eyes.
Kin went back to the bakery and paid for the roll. We then went back to my home. My home looks like a little broken-down hut to every person, but to me, it's the most comfortable place in the world, and I wouldn't change it for anything.
Inside the hut, the only things I had were the bed, sofa, and fireplace. I sat down on the sofa, while Kin sat down on my bed.
"Why did you steal the roll?" Kin started speaking.
"Because I was hungry, and I didn't have any other food." I fidgeted with my hands and looked down at the floor.
"You should have looked for me! You know where my guild's located!" The sound of anger in his voice made me flinch a bit.
"I'm sorry! I'll never do it again!" I blurted it out.
"sigh Well, as long as you learned your lesson." He got up.
I let out a sigh without noticing.
"You have to go already?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I was on duty until a certain someone showed up." He gave me a knowing look.
"Hehe, well, good luck at work!" I laughed nervously.
When Kin got out and disappeared into the distance, I lay down on my bed. My mother and father left me with my older sister when I was 3, so I don't remember their faces clearly. My sister was 7 at the time, so we were trying our best to stay alive. We were constantly starving and rarely ate fresh food. When we had to, we ate the food from garbage bins. It wasn't until my sister turned 16 that we could eat fresh food regularly. When she turned 16, she went to the evaluation and discovered that she had a strong connection with the magic of electricity. Electricity is recognized as a strong type of magic; every guild wanted her. In the end, she joined the famous Knights of the Sun guild, which was fairly known as one of the strongest guilds on Astera (name of the planet). Her name, Yamane, became well-known on this continent, Estera. In the guild, she met Kin, who was the same age as her. They got along well, as they did a lot of quests together. Yamane is almost always busy, so she sends me food through Kin, who apparently has a bunch of free time.
Ah, I have to attend the evaluation today! How could I forget that?!
I mentally slapped myself. Evaluation is a test in which an experienced magic user uses a magic device to measure the will of a person. In this world, your will is connected to magic, and if your will strengthens, so does the magic. It is known that most people cannot use magic, as most people cannot understand the will of magic. The magic in your body can only be measured when you're 16 or above, as that is the period when the will of a person strengthens. You can manipulate up to three magics. If you try to manipulate more than three, you will lose your sanity and try to kill yourself. After the evaluation, guild representatives from across the continent come to recruit new members.
Getting onto my feet, I changed into my usual clothes (black shirt, blue shorts, black fingerless gloves, and a red jacket), got out, locked the door, and headed towards the center of Xerox (name of the town).
When I got to the center, the evaluation had already started.
"Excuse me, can I sing up for the evaluation?" I asked the man that was sitting at the stand, near the entrance of the arena.
"Yes, you can, but you have to hurry. There's only five minutes left until the registrations are closed." He said to me while handing me a form.
After filling out the form, the man said to get in the arena and wait to get called out. When I got in, a large audience was cheering on the black-haired boy who was taking the evaluation. I found myself a spot near the stairs that led to the platform.
The evaluation this year was even more exciting than last year because I am going to be a part of it. Yamane used to take me to every evaluation, as she knew how much I admired magic.
The black-haired boy that the audience was cheering on got water magic and ended up in the Dragon Pillar guild.
"Huh, never heard of them." I voiced my thoughts.
Ah, they are a new guild, probably.
Thirty minutes passed, and I was feeling anxious. Many people got great magic abilities, but I was waiting to get called out.
Why aren't they calling out my name?
"Shin Saito!" The examiner called out.
I ought to have guessed...
Neverthles, I stood up and walked towards the platform.
"Could you give us an introduction?" The examiner asked. Every participant did their introduction (but I didn't care), so I didn't see why not to.
"Alright, my name is Shin Saito. I'm 16, and I'm excited to finally be able to take part in the evaluation." The audience gave me a round of applause.
"Now, let's see what your will says." The examiner grabbed the magic device and howered it over my forehead.
As the device made contact with my forehead, it started to beep loudly. Everyone in the arena was watching on with expectation.
"Well, this is surprising." The examiner spoke.
He retreated the device and turned towards the audience.
"This boy has quite a connection with..." A sudden drum roll started.
Why are they making this tense?
"Sound Magic!" The examiner shouted, and the audience started to cheer.
I stood there, thinking about my newfound magic.
I mean, it's not bad. I wish I could have gotten a magic that's more combat-focused, but this one is fine too.
"Now, what do the representatives have to say?" Turning around, I face the representatives of guilds. They were each sitting in their own lounges.
Wait, the Knights of the Sun's representative is... Yamane?!
She is in the lounge that is right in front of me. A smirk was on her face.
Without enough time to process what is happening, most of the guild representatives raised their guild's flags, including Yamane.
"Wow! Most of the guild representatives raised their flag!" The audience erupted in cheers as the examiner made the announcement.
"What do you say, Shin?" The examiner turned towards me with anticipation.
I smiled at his question and turned towards the audience.
"I refuse to join any guild!" Shock spread around the arena at my statement.
"You refuse to join even the Knights of the Sun?!" The examiner shouted; his eyes were wide.
"Yup, even them." I could feel my sister's gaze pierce me.
"That's because I will start my own guild!" Shock washed over everyone again.
I know what they're thinking. 'How can a sixteen-year-old become the leader of a guild?' I don't blame them; it's my dream.
"My dream is to become the leader of the strongest guild ever on Astera." A big smile was on my face as I spoke.
"Don't you know that you need at least 7 members to be considered an official guild?" The examiner asked.
"Yes, and I plan on recruiting members from everywhere." I turned towards the audience.
"Whoever wants to join my guild, just ask! I accept anyone who is willing enough to join!" Silence. Nobody dared to speak up.
"I'm sorry, but could you get off the platform? We're trying to wrap things up." Having no choice, I got off the platform as the examiner asked.
The rest of the evaluation was just a speech from the town's mayor. Everybody left after the mayor finished his speech.
On my way home, I was in deep thought.
What was I even thinking? Who would want to join a sixteen-year-old's guild?
"I'm so hopeless." I muttered.
"Why? What happened?" A mysterious voice asked. I looked around me, starting to panic.
"Who's there? Why are you hiding?"
"I'm not hiding, kaw." Looking up, a crow stood on top of a lamppost.
"Wait, are you talking?" I pointed at the crow.
"Yes." The bird responded.
"How can I talk to you suddenly?"
"I don't know, kaw."
Ah, it could be the sound magic! I heard that the magic device can strengthen the will of magic.
"What's your name?" The bird seemed to ponder my question.
"I don't have one." It shrugged it's wings.
"Hm, can I call you Uyoku?"
The raven looked intrigued.
"Not a bad name. I like it, kaw." It fluttered it's wings in approval.
"Well then, Uyoku, are you busy right now?"
"Busy with what? Eating fruits and seeds, kaw?" I smiled at it.
"Would you care to join me on an adventure?"
I'm really desperate if asking a raven to join me is an option.
"What food will be on this adventure?" The raven looked genuinely curious... about food.
"I will bring lots of fruits, seeds, and meat." After hearing everything, the raven flew onto my shoulder.
"Let's not waste any time then, my friend, kaw." Hearing this made me laugh hard.
This is it. The start of my dream.
"Let's go to my house and get ready for the trip! We're going to find more members, Uyoku!"
Uyoku frowned at my statement.
"Will we have to share food with them?"
"Of course, but don't worry. I will make a reserve only for you."
With that, we walked towards my house, eager to set off.