Eagan followed Thane Houghton, the guild master, through the winding corridors of the guild's headquarters. Lyra walked beside him, her eyes downcast.
The way she trailed casually through the corridors without as much as a glance at the several trophies and art depicting the victories and power of the guild shows how often she had been there.
As they entered a cosy, dimly lit office, Thane gestured for them to take seats. A steaming teapot and delicate cups adorned the low table between the plush armchairs.
"Please, make yourselves comfortable," Thane said, his voice warm and inviting. "I must say, Eagan, your performance in the test was unexpected. I initially allowed you to join because of a favour I owed your husband brother," he chuckled. "But now I'm glad I did."
Hearing his words, Lyra scoffed and fished out her phone from her pocket without looking up at the guild master.
Thane's eyes narrowed at her behaviour; however, he maintained his professional smile as he called out her name. "Miss Lyra, have you considered my offer to join our guild?"
"You'll be on your sister's special team for six months as a form of training, and after that, you'll be given the privilege to form your team based on your performance. It's the best offer out there," he explained further.
Lyra's eyes remained fixed on her phone's screen, her expression unreadable. "I'm not interested, Guild Master," she said, her voice detached.
Thane's smile faltered for a moment before he regained his composure. "Ah, I see. Well, I assure you, Miss Lyra, this is an offer you won't find elsewhere. Your sister's team is one of the best, and working under her will hone your skills exponentially."
Lyra finally looked up, her gaze piercing. "I'm not looking for a guild, Guild Master. At least, not yet. I haven't even graduated from the academy!"
"You stopped attending three months ago," Than pointed out, knowing and got an eye roll.
"They stopped teaching anything useful," she replied. "But because I don't attend physical classes doesn't mean I don't attend at all."
Thane's eyes narrowed, his tone taking on a hint of disappointment. "Very well. I suppose you'll come around once you realise the benefits of joining us."
"So, Eagan. Please don't be like her," he smiled. "I want you to join our guild, and we will support you the best we can." He offered.
"You'll get the highest grade of equipment, and you'll get a man advantage over all other rookie hunters. You already have an advantage with just your name anyway."
"Your sign-in bonus will be five million and a set of B-grade equipment with a special training facility," he offered with a tentative smile. "I'll prepare the contract immediately, and you can begin as early as tomorrow; we can work your academy attendance to fit."
Eagan's expression turned thoughtful as if weighing the benefits. Thane's smile grew, anticipating a positive response.
"I appreciate the offer, Guild Master," Eagan began, his voice measured. "But I'm afraid I'll have to decline."
Thane's face fell, his smile vanishing. "Decline? Eagan, this is an unprecedented offer. You'll be set for life. Or is it because Miss Lyra declined?"
Eagan's gaze met Thane's, firm but polite. "It's not because of Lyra, Guild Master. I have personal reasons for declining."
Thane's eyes narrowed, his tone taking on a hint of scepticism. "Personal reasons? I hope you're not making a rash decision, Eagan. This offer won't be repeated."
Lyra's eyes flickered with interest, her gaze shifting between Eagan and Thane.
"I understand the value of your offer, Guild Master," Eagan continued. "But I've made a promise to my brother, and I intend to keep it."
Thane's expression turned calculating. "A promise, you say? I wasn't aware Alastair was involved in your decisions."
"Even he didn't get this type of offer when he joined our guild back then. I'm sure he won't be against you taking it." Thane urged.
Eagan's jaw clenched a hint of tension in his voice. "This has nothing to do with Alastair's influence, Guild Master. It's a personal matter."
Thane leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Very well, Eagan. I respect your decision...for now. But know this: opportunities like this don't come twice. You're passing up a future."
Lyra stood, pocketing her phone. "I think we've made our positions clear, Guild Master. Thank you for the offer."
Thane's gaze lingered on Eagan, a mix of disappointment and curiosity. "Indeed. You may leave. But remember, Eagan, I have a long memory."
As they exited the office, Lyra turned to Eagan, her voice low. "What's this promise to your brother? Or is that just an excuse to escape that shrewd man?"
Eagan's expression turned introspective. "It's a bet, really. If I don't unlock my mana by the end of the academy, I'll abandon my hunter aspirations."
Lyra's eyes sparkled with understanding. "And you're determined to keep that promise."
Eagan nodded, his jaw set. "I am."
As they walked through the corridors, Lyra's gaze lingered on Eagan's profile. "You know, Eagan, I think I'm starting to understand you."
Evan raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What do you think you understand?"
Lyra's smile was enigmatic. "You're not just a talented hunter, Eagan. You're driven by something deeper. Something personal."
Eagan's expression remained neutral, but a hint of curiosity flickered in his eyes. "Go on."
Lyra's voice dropped to a whisper. "I think you're trying to prove something to yourself, Eagan. Something that has nothing to do with your brother or the guild."
"It's like you are trying not to repeat an already made mistake. You asked me why I don't want to join the Blue Wolf Guild, right?" She asked, and Alaric nodded.
"Well, it's mostly because I don't like being compared to my sister. We both have a lot in common, but it's no news she's more talented than I am," she chuckled.
"Lisa has always been interested in swords, and she had begun her training with the sword since she was five. I never liked the sword though," she confessed. "I still don't like it."
"But you are using it," Eagan pointed out, and Lyra shrugged.
"When Lisa became successful with the sword, my parents wanted me to follow in her steps. So at age ten, I started practicing with swords. And since I didn't like it, I had to go through a hard time. You understand what I mean, right?" She asked.
"Yeah, so what do you like?" He asked.
"I love daggers," she grinned. "I've always been fascinated with them since I could remember. I wanted to train as an assassin instead of a swordsman, and I still have that dream."
"And if you join the wolf guild, you'll be throwing that dream away," Eagan provided, and she nodded. "Why did you tell me all this? I mean, we just met."
Lyra moved closer to him, her middle finger pointing to his chest as she looked into his eyes. "Because I feel a connection to you," she replied. "It was curiosity at first; now it's something more. I don't know what it is yet, but I can feel it."
"I'm not in love with you, by the way," she added with a grin and stepped back before turning to leave. "It's already late, and I'm sure Alan has loads of questions to ask you. We will meet again," she winked and waved as she disappeared into the elevator.
Eagan remained standing, lost in thought about his encounter with the young and bubbly lady.
"There is no way I wouldn't have remembered if I met someone as bubbly as her in my past life," he muttered. "And she's talented enough to survive the monster waves that happened in the first few years."
"What happened?"
Meanwhile, as the door of the elevator closed, let coughed out a mouthful of blood into a hand. He slid down the elevator door and buried her face between her thighs. "Damn it! I overdid it today," she cursed as she began coughing again.
A sad smile spread across her lips as she fixed her gaze on her trembling hands. "How much longer?"
Closing her eyes, she raided her head towards the ceiling and muttered, "I don't want to die," as a tear rolled down her face.