Chapter 3
At the head of the long mahogany, ornate table sat Julian Corbin, the newly elected ruler of Northwind Reach. Comfortably, he squeezed into the seat of power, his hands gripping its edges like he would never let them go. His smug expression was filled with so much satisfaction, like he had attained his deepest dreams.
To his right sat his younger brother, Isaac Corbin, a skinny man with a heavy set of brown hair. A quick glance and you'd notice how distinctively different they looked, save for their similar smug-faced expressions. He was currently slouched in his chair, a glass of wine in one hand and a stupid grin on his face. His eyes were glued to Nadia Fern, the leader of the elementals, who was sitting across the table.
"Everyone, I want to begin by thanking you for your votes of confidence ," Julian Corbin began, his voice smooth and commanding. "Today, you chose me as your new leader, and on behalf of every inhabitant of Northwind Reach, thank you again. But first, I have a few... changes to announce."
He paused, letting the words hang in the air, kinda like a bad smell. The room was silent, and the only thing you could hear was the sound of Isaac slurping his wine.
"I've decided to make some adjustments to our defense and security team. Effective immediately, General Thorne has been relieved of his duties."
Though unspoken, the astonishment was more than audible and response enough to the directive. General Thorne was a war veteran, a fire elemental warrior, an experienced mind who had been the head of defense for more than three decades. He was known for his unwavering courage in the face of danger and how he inspired the combined troops of the continent with his skills and strength. He wwas a man every leader had confidence in commanding a combined army of two and a half million soldiers. Julian Corbin just instantenously fired him.
" The new head of Northwind Reach Defense and Security will be my brother, Isaac Corbin."
Isaac raised his glass in a mock toast, clumsily spilling some wine on the table. "Cheers to me," he said, his words slightly slurred.
" Effective immideatily, he will be taking over as the new head of defense and security and all the responsibilities to the title. I trust you'll all give him your full support."
To the first directive Julian Corbin made, no one dared to speak up to express their doubt about his choice. However, after a short bout of silence, Luca Wilder, the leader of shifters stood up.
" Your highness, don't you think this sudden change of leadership in this time of crisis is a bit early and…unwise?" his voice was calm but firm
" What do you mean crisis, Luca?" Julian lightly frowned
" The giants are encroaching on the neighbouring countries to the south at an aalarming rate. If we don't act soon…"
Julian Corbin cut him off with a wave of his hand. " Giants?" he asked, his tone dripping with an undertone of disdain "Come on. Even if they occupy every land in the south, they still have to cross the sea to reach us. And unless they've learned to swim—"
"They can't swim," Isaac interjected, leaning forward with a grin. "Trust me, I watched a video of a giant trying to swim and…. It's like watching a boulder flail around in a bathtub. So painful to watch"
Julian smirked, clearly amused by his brother's words. "Exactly. By the time they reach our shores, they'll be too tired to fight."
Isaac snorted. "And if you are thinking ships Luca, and I know you are, ships to carry their sizes haven't been invented yet…maybe in the next thousand years. Just imagine a giant on a ship…"
He slurped his wine then erupted into laughter, the kind of laughter that made you want to cry.
Luca sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose like he was trying to stave off a headache.
"Julian," he said, his patience clearly on the titters of breaking, " I don't mean to be this way but the giants are a real threat. We can't afford to ignore them."
Julian waved him off again. "Enough about the giants. Let's talk about something that actually matters—rebels."
The room fell silent, the tension thickening like fog. Julian leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "I want information on every rebel in your territories. Anyone who doesn't bend the knee, anyone who resists my rule—I want them jailed or killed. And I want it done quickly…..and discreetly"
Julian smiled, but it wasn't the kind of smile that made you feel warm and fuzzy. " Also, to ensure your safety—I'll be assigning two of my vampires to each of you. They'll accompany you everywhere you go, providing... protection and guidance on the rebels"
" We have our own guards providing all the protection we need" Luca said " and as for guidance, I don't mean to be disrespectful but I know my subordinates and territories better than two vampires."
" This isn't up for discussion. Consider them as my eyes and ears…, it's a necessary step to assure me that I can trust my council."
The meeting dragged on for another hour, but the damage was already done. By the time it was over, the room was filled with a palpable sense of dread. Luca left first, his expression grim. Nadia followed, shooting one last glare at Isaac, who was too busy refilling his glass to notice.
As the leaders filed out, Julian leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile on his face. "Well, that went better than expected," he said, glancing at Isaac.
Isaac raised his glass. "To us, brother. The future of Northwind Reach."
Julian clinked his glass against Isaac's, his smile never wavering. "To us."
And somewhere, in the back of the room, a portrait of a past leader seemed to sigh in disappointment.