Cleo coughs loud enough to startle Carter to let go of Aries. Oliver watches the interaction without a word as he is still internally perplexed about the whole situation.
Oliver sighs, "I really hope it's the right decision".
"Go to bed, we'll talk tomorrow", Oliver ushered Aries to go back to his room.
As Aries turns to leave, Carter takes out his phone and holds it out. "Add me on Line,"
Aries grabs it and types out his number real fast, and hands it back. Under everyone's watchful eyes, he retreats to his room.
"I really can't believe Matt couldn't witness this reunion!", laughs Cleo.
"Oh, yeah! Now that I remember, call him to ask if he reached home", said Oliver.
Carter watches the retreating figure of Aries, with a heavy sigh and immediately decides to send a message to P'Nod.
Carter takes his phone and starts typing, "P'Nod, Please don't look for my new partner. I already found him. He's one of my Nong, and I know him personally", sends the text.
Carter sees P'Nod's lengthy reply and, without even reading it, knows exactly what it's about. It's just P'Nod lecturing him about being reckless and warning him not to make hasty decisions without seeking advice.
Carter mutters, "I'll talk to him tomorrow, and Aries with me to P'Nod's house"
"Are you guys staying tonight or leaving?", asks Oliver.
"I'll leave. I'll come by the morning. I've booked a cab", replies Carter, as he walks out of the living room.
"I'm staying. I'll be staying in your room", replies Cleo.
Carter gets into the cab and leaves.
Aries steps into his room, locks the door behind him, and leans against it, sliding down to sit on the floor. He clutches his hands to his chest and whispers, "I really got myself into this mess, didn't I? And all it took him was a single glance"
"Here I am… stuck in the same situation I vowed to avoid," Aries sighs, shaking his head.
"It's time I focus on my career instead of letting my feelings for him run wild. He just started talking to me again. I can't afford to mess this up. I can't become a stranger to him once again. Maybe this is a second chance. If I can stay close to him, talk to him, and be someone in his life, that's enough for me," Aries thinks to himself.
Aries collapses onto his bed, tossing and turning restlessly before eventually falling asleep.
At 7 am, the alarm beeps, Aries lazily turns it off and goes back to sleep again.
After some time, Aries hears a knock at his door. He opens his eyes and checks the time—it's already 10 a.m. The knocking grows louder and more insistent, forcing him to get up. He rushes to the door, ready to yell, "What the hell—" but stops short when he sees the two people standing in front of him.
If it were just his brother, he wouldn't have hesitated to speak his mind. But with Carter standing there too, Aries bites his tongue and stays silent.
"Get ready and meet me downstairs. I'll be leaving soon. P'Carter's here to take you somewhere", Oliver says as he climbs down.
"Take your time. You don't have to hurry", Carter followed Oliver downstairs.
Carter couldn't help but turn back one more time to look at Aries's freshly woShin face. It imprints on his mind like some sort of treasure.
Aries freezes for a moment, trying to process what just happened, before darting to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.
After 45 minutes, Aries climbs down to find only Carter casually sitting on the sofa, texting someone.
Aries pauses, before walking towards him. Carter hears the footsteps and finds Aries standing in front of him, in a fresh black t-shirt and blue jeans.
Aries gulped, while being gazed at, by Carter.
"Uh, Phi, Where is my P'Oliver?", asks Aries, while glancing at Carter.
"He left a few minutes ago. Some urgent work came up. So, he told me to inform you before rushing", replied Carter casually as leans on the sofa casually.
Seeing Carter leaning back comfortably, Aries hesitates, unsure of what to do, and eventually sits down beside him.
"I want you to meet P'Nod today", said Carter.
Aries gazes at Carter, "P'Nod? Are you sure? P'Carter, what if you regret taking me as your partner?"
Carter looks at him, baffled. Aries hurriedly explained, "Phi, please don't take it in a wrong way. I'm not as good as you. You may even find a better partner. So, I want you to think about it again. I don't wanna hold you back, if you get a better partner".
Realizing the meaning behind Aries's words, Carter felt a surge of gratitude, and his confidence in choosing Aries as his partner strengthened even more.
It struck Carter how much Aries had grown since the last time they spoke. Carter's determined to ensure they are on the same page before proceeding further.
He takes Aries by surprise with an unexpected question, "Do you still have feelings for me?"
Aries's foot trembled upon hearing that question straight from Carter. When Oliver asked him yesterday, it shook him, but not as much as this moment.
Aries rests his hands on his legs, trying to hide his tremor from Carter.
Seeing Aries being completely mute, Carter finds himself in a difficult spot.
"I'm not into guys, Aries. When I turned you down before, it was because I only saw you as Nong. That hasn't changed, and I don't think it ever will", said Carter.
"I reall-"
Aries interrupted before Carter could continue, "P', wait a second! I don't feel anything for you now. I didn't answer right away because, honestly, it's just embarrassing to even think about it." He clenched his fist tightly, forcing his voice to stay neutral.
Carter's expression became gentle, as he pats Aries's head. Carter leans back on the sofa leisurely, 'I feel so relieved right now, Aries. Go and eat your breakfast, we'll leave after that"
A faint, knowing smile crept across Aries's face as he concealed the turmoil inside.
Who would have thought I'd end up burning in the very heaven I picked for myself? He thought to himself as he walked towards the dining area.