"My name is Vivienne, but you can call me 'Vi' for short."
"Well Vi… your shift starts tomorrow, and I expect you to be on time…"
I nodded quickly, "of course."
As I stepped out of my boss's office, I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. It felt like I was holding my breath during the entire interview.
It was even more stressful than I had anticipated. I mean, why was he asking me about my previous jobs? That's MY business!
I shook my head.
Of course he would want to know about my previous jobs. It's comparable to how everybody wants to know the ingredients of their food before they eat it.
I'm just insecure because I've never had a job…
As I walked out onto the busy street, I witnessed a man smoking a cigarette. He was leaning against a building facade and looking at the cars that passed by.
I, personally, would never smoke any sort of addictive substance. But I did find a weird sense of comfort in the small clouds of smoke that formed with his every puff.
As I walked past him, I accidentally breathed in some of the smoke that he puffed. I coughed slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice. Once I was a good distance from the man, I let out three coughs.
I don't find smoke comforting anymore.
After passing a chicken and waffle diner, I turned left. With this turn, I was met with a tall apartment building.
"Home sweet home…"
I wasted no time and proceeded to my small apartment complex.
Although it was small and only consisted of three rooms. It was my home. The same home I spent the last two years in.
No job, no cleaning, and barely enough food to keep me alive. This was all provided with my mom's money.
Since I was an only child, I gained the rest of her leftover money after she died.
I jumped onto my bed, "what a boring day…"
Then again, for me, everyday is a boring day. It gets too repetitive, I play video games all day and rot in bed. I guess sometimes I'll go outside to buy groceries, but that's about it.
My black hair was all in my face since I had just jumped onto the bed, my face buried into my pillow.
I groaned, "I have to work tomorrow…"
Tomorrow? But I had to reset my character earlier today and now he's only level 1…
If I don't grind I might fall behind!
I kicked my feet into the bed and whined.
"Why does life have to be so inconvenient…"
I guess I can play as much as I want tonight…
I flipped myself over to lay on my back and then sat up. I stood up and walked over to my computer. I spent over three thousand dollars on this computer. Built it myself and put my own time and hard work into it.
Although many others may see it as a waste of money, I see it as one of my greatest investments.
I sat down on my chair and turned on my computer. It didn't turn on.
I probably didn't pay the electricity bill…
I kept pressing the turn on button out of frustration.
"I need to grind or else my guild will find a new IGL!"
Suddenly, my monitor glowed bright and struck my eyes in an instant. I blinked out of surprise.
When I opened my eyes, I was met with an intensely decorated room, instead of my filthy apartment.
The room was dimly lit by only a fireplace and a couple of lanterns. The red color accent of the couch and rug made it seem as if I were in some sort of royal chamber.