Naruto watched as Xiao Ying butchered the demonic beast casket expertly.
He had never seen someone handle a knife with such accuracy and style before.
Naruto couldn't help but feel respect for Xiao Ying's skills.
"Do you want to try doing it, Na'er? You should know how to do it. A way to the woman's heart is through her stomach. So butchery and making food is a charming spell!"
Naruto nodded and memorized it. He was young, so he learned everything quickly.
He thought of Sakura and Ino, who had become his friends, but they were not anymore. If he could butcher animals and cook delicious food for them, would they come back to being friends with him again?
'Do I have to bring animals' caskets from the forest of death and slash them open for them to see?'
Naruto was smart, but he was still too young to understand what Xiao Ying really meant.
Xiao Ying taught Naruto how to butcher the demonic beast and how to cook delicious food. Naruto learned it all with enthusiasm.
Not only because he wanted his friend back, but also because if he were to be alone again, He would know how to cook good food and not have to go beg someone to sell food for him.
"You are really smart, Na'er. You can do it with a single try. Now let's go and cook it! I will teach you all my secret recipes!"
Today, Xiao Ying planned to cook his special pork cutlet noodle with soy sauce for his wife. Naruto watched him cook, and he could smell the heavenly aroma of the dish as it simmered on the stove.
"It smells so nice, I really want to eat it."
"Not yet, we have to wait until the broth is condensed more. Its flavor would be magnified a hundred thousand times!"
Naruto was excited for some reason. He waited for the broth to be condensed.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Xiao Ying stopped the fire and said that it was ready.
"Let's bring pot to the table and wait for Yue'er to come. We then will have a meal together."
Naruto nodded and followed him into the house. They would then wait for Xiao Yue to come and have a hearty meal together.
Xiao Yue had already waited for them inside the house. She didn't have to introduce Naruto to her husband, as they seemed to bond just fine.
"Yue'er, I missed you so dearly, my waifu!"
Xiao Ying hugged Xiao Yue gently, as he was afraid that he might hurt his unborn baby. Xiao Yue loved how Xiao Ying was always gentle with her, even though she was strong enough to even crush a boulder to dust.
"I also missed you very much, my dear husband."
They didn't shy away from showing their affection publicly. Naruto looked at them, and he felt that they were really good with each other.
"Come here, little buddy. You are also going to be included in our little family as well."
Xiao Ying liked Naruto very much, and he brought him to a group hug. Naruto felt very warm and questioned it.
'Is this what family is like? I didn't know it was very warm and very comforting.'
Naruto accepted their affection wholeheartedly. He didn't know if this feeling would soon disappear or not.
'I hope this is not a dream and will last forever.'
Hearing his inner thoughts.
Daji, in her avatar, the little fox form, wiped a bit of her tears. She had sent her avatar outside to play with Naruto like usual.
She observed him from the outside of the house, but her true self was still inside him.
'You are not dreaming, Naruto-chan. They are really going to become your guardians and family in this world.'
She felt happy and jealous at the same time.
'It should be me. But forget it. If Naruto-chan is happy, I should be happy as well.'
Daji sighed. She had to wait for a few more years before Naruto could come inside his mindscape without risking brain damage. She would then confess everything and ask him for his forgiveness. And if he could find it in his heart to forgive her,
She would then give him everything that he desired. Even her own existence.
Daji was aware that patience was key in this situation. She was willing to wait as long as it took for Naruto's mind to fully mature and come into his mindscape naturally.
'I will wait for you, my little kit.'
After the hearty meal, Xiao Ying and Xiao Yue spend time with Naruto. They both seemed to catch on to how Naruto was longing for family and companionship, and they were more than willing to provide that for him.
As they laughed and talked with Naruto, Daji couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that he was surrounded by people who truly cared for him.