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EPIC the musical: A Different Odyssey

chs / week
The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 7 chs / week.
what would happen if someone who was originally just one of the many to be slaughtered became someone new? what if someone who was already dark and bitter from society learned that any warmth really was just holding him back? what if he cut out the weak link and became a warrior of spite, a monster of greed, or a god of man who will derail the story? or who knows? maybe he's not just a random soldier after all? hope you enjoy the only epic the musical fanfic i know of, please give me your support and YOUR direction for this story so we can see how it drifts in every which way.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Troy:Part 1

Omîk, this is my name, it wasn't always my name but does it matter? Apparently my parents weren't good at naming in this life considering how they thought of my name but it dosent matter how I ended up being Omîk, what matters is that's who I am now. And this isn't my story, but it's the story I live in.


Our general and king Odysseus was telling us his plan quietly inside the wooden horse we had built to get inside Troy he was practically giving us a speech and I can see it in his eyes he was doing this not for himself but like the rest of us he was doing it for those he loved, it only made me respect him more. He was truly a genius who I was happy to follow, though the fact I recognise his name from a myth I heard about one time makes me worried I'm in Greek mythology and not just ancient times but if I judged a man/woman by their name I would have never have met my wife in this world, my dear, Ephigenie...

The soldier Odysseus told to lead the charge burst out the horse with me and other men with no exact roles following him we quickly fought the soldiers of Troy while the other soldiers went to fulfill their roles. (An:Think their fighting Troy and stuff right? That's the first saga so forgive the mistakes I'll try fix any I make. Also please forgive some of the reptiveness I have to re extend the story since it was shortened to make the musical possible and I'm building this off epic not The original story)

I fought for only 10 minutes but it felt so much longer (AN:how long did Troy last after the soldiers got in? I couldn't find answers anywhere? Hours? Minutes? Anyways for the sake of the time the song took and what mental challenges Odysseus had to fight before we see him look out the balcony at his soldiers before dropping the infant ima say it lasts 30 minutes), I suddenly felt a sword pierce me through a weak spot in my armour, I looked down to see my own sword that had been knocked away from me during the fight, the one holding it?

"A... a child? Why is a child on the battlefield? A man so young he hasn't even grown facial hair?..." in truth he wasn't a child, he was just young. So very young and yet fighting a war that's not meant for him that would have started when he was truly a child.. I didn't know what to feel, rage at someone who would kill my allies? Pity at someone who was in a position where it was right to kill?

'Or... fear? Fear that I would have to cut this young man down? Fear that I would hold a greater sense of guilt on this battlefield for only me to know? Fear that what I am about to do... is wrong.'


The soldier falls, dead.

I proceed with battling not removing my own sword that's piercing me to avoid blood loss though fighting with a sword inside me wasn't much better but I could live with it. Especially if I could live with what I'd done, I'm sure many have done worse and many will do more but I was only a man(AN: the song reference was originally gonna be I was only a human but then I remembered the song that would be playing at this point and decided, "why not? Why shouldn't I indulge my ADHD mind")

I killed many men, I heard their screams and their pleas but I did not stop as I could not afford the cost I would have to pay for mercy. I was not as great a Odysseus or as strong as a God, I wasn't even as smart as Athena who Odysseus seemed to know. I was just a soldier, just a weak man.


I fought and killed till the war was done and then I looked up, but I did not see the sun, what I saw instead was an infant, to be dead.(AN: the rhyme was on purpose and I won't apologise for it. This is my musical now bitch)

My eyes widened, my king- no my general. Was holding a enemies child, the women next to me we had captured was screaming I could hear her sorrow, I wanted to move I wanted to ask if it was necessary, if it was right, to kill this boy but then I remembered, he's just a man... he's a soldier like me. But more than that he's a general, it's them or us... and it isn't his choice to make. If a executioner dosent kill, the victim becomes a killer.

I stand down, I watch knowing he's not ready as he let's go, and the infant?

The infant falls.




"Is this right?" I can't help but ask myself. I wasn't a soldier I wasn't a killer. I was a man in a different man's body

'just because I raised the body and made all its decisions didn't mean it was me right?'

'No. I was the man who stayed in his room reading and learning wishing for power, wishing for true freedom. I wasn't a soldier I wasn't made for war'

"Who am I? Really?"

"Your me." A eerily familiar voice answered

"Who are you?!" I screamed in desperation in my head knowing I knew the answer

"I'm you. I'm a soldier who's killed who isn't a coward as to run away and force myself to think in two separate lines at the same time just so I could really watch this baby die in slow motion, we arent even talking right now its all just you slowing down your depth perception because your scared. We know you won't do anything, EVERYONE knows you won't do anything." I spoke again

"You won't save the baby cause your a coward and you understand it's what needs to be done no matter how much you want to fight this dilemma it was never yours to have, it was the generals. You and him did the same thing, kill a child. Differing ages? Does it matter? You would of killed whoever stabbed you. And you KNOW it. If a toddler somehow wielded your sword you would have done the same thing... you disgust me."

"You're the weak link of our mind that refuses to strengthen itself, and yet I can't cut it out..." I spoke one final time watching with cold eyes with a hint of pity in them as the toddler smashed into the ground



as the baby crashed into the ground most of the men were horrified or resigned at what their general had done knowing it was a necessary thing in a world with their gods. (An: they all believe in God's cause it wasn't a religion to them ever it was just how things were but Omîk being a traveller just thinks it's a religion and dosemt believe in them though he's wary they may exist with the few things he knows matching mythology)

Some of the men lead the mother away- (AN: looking back at it the only reason the mother is here is because she was there in one of the animatics but I have no idea if she was actually there or if that's the animatic that you guys watched? So should this be here? Why not ig right?)

-she was screaming and begging struggling in their arms as she tried to get to her baby's corpse that had splattered all over the floor in a gruesome display the once innocent image tainted and some of our opinions of our commander soured.

But I remained strong on the outside after my inner turmoil as like I thought this was never a decision I could make in the first place if I had tried to catch the baby I'd either have broken my arms or the baby would have died in my arms a possibly more painful death considering the large amounts of armour I'm wearing making me equivalent to a boulder.

I waited patiently for Odysseus to come meet up with all of us, his men, so we could return to the ship or fulfil any orders he would make before then, if I wanted to be a good soldier and live I had to be a GOOD SOLDIER. I couldn't half ass my job and respect and expect that to fly, I'm not naive.

I sigh seeing Odysseus finally on our level with Jim having searched the inside for any stragglers as was planned and having found none he came to us to give us our orders.

"The battle is won, rejoice in knowing you will see your family again, in knowing that not a single man has died in this fig- DOES THAT GUY HAVE A SWORD STICKING OUT OF HIM?! POLITIES GET THIS MAN ON THW SHIP AMD TREATED!"

Oh yea... I forgot about that... oh... and their goes my adrenaline...



Ok so how ws that? Too short? Not accurate enough? I tried to include just two songs and it should hopefully stay two songs a chapter till I get to the songs with longer gaps either in between or just until they happen who knows maybe when Odysseus gets to that island (if I don't have plans to change that heheheh) their will be like twenty chapter sof solo adventures with nothing to do with Odysseus. I originally planned to just keep writing this till I got to like 5000 words then I remembered he had a sword stabbed in him and realised that wasn't possible. So to put it simply I am the adrenaline bitch