Tom who had once been informed by the doctor about the details of his dangerous illness, now walked slowly back to his home.
Under the scorching sun, he gazed at the blue sky, feeling confused about his current situation.
Because of his illness, Tom was now more careful when living with his younger brother.
Knowing that his disease was contagious, he began to separate the items he and his brother used.
Johan, who had no idea about his brother's illness and suspected nothing, continued to live as usual.
Tom who received a letter detailing his weekly check-up schedule along with restrictions and prohibitions from the hospital, eventually lost his job at the Blue Star Hotel.
Grandpa Arip, who learned that Tom had HIV, also forbade him from coming back there.
"Damn... what kind of job can I do now?"
Tom who had only graduated from middle school and never completed high school because he was abandoned by his stepmother, now sat in deep thought in the city park.
As he sat there lost in thought, Mrs. Dewi, who happened to be walking by with her boyfriend, spotted him and called out.
"Hey, Tom! Long time no see... where have you been all this time?"
Seeing Mrs. Dewi walking with a tall, muscular black foreigner—who was her boyfriend—Tom immediately asked about job opportunities.
"Mrs. Dewi... am I still able to work on the mall project?"
Hearing this, Mrs. Dewi wasn't sure about any job openings, but she knew that Tom had been absent from the company's project for over a month.
Mrs. Dewi's boyfriend, a muscular black man with a well-built body, also asked about Tom.
"Who's he, babe?"
"He's a former colleague from my office... but that was a while ago, this kid disappeared for over a month," said Mrs. Dewi, who was clearly older than Tom.
At just 20 years old, Tom didn't mind being called a "kid." Meanwhile, Mrs. Dewi, clearly older, looked affectionate with her boyfriend.
Tom confused about where to find work since he only had a middle school diploma and no skills, asked Mrs. Dewi again.
"Mrs. Dewi... is there still work on the mall project? I'd like to return if there's an opening."
"Hmm, I don't know... I'll have to ask Mr. Jafar first."
After giving his new phone number to Mrs. Dewi, Tom sat back down, lost in thought.
From time to time, he glanced at Mrs. Dewi's alluring figure.
But knowing that her muscular black boyfriend could obviously satisfy her better, Tom could only keep his wild fantasies to himself.
"Damn... my rent isn't paid again this month, Johan's school fees are due, and my savings are almost gone..."
Tom who had HIV, tried to keep his illness a secret.
Knowing that no one would hire him if they found out about his condition, he searched for work in silence.
Even Grandpa Arip, whom he had considered a second father, had abandoned him.
That night, as Tom was having dinner with Johan, he received a call from an unknown number.
When he answered, it was Mrs. Dewi, and they started discussing work.
"So, Tom, since Mr. Jafar liked your quick work, he's willing to take you back... come in tomorrow, and you can start working on the mall project again."
"Okay, thank you, Mrs. Dewi, also."
"Ahhh... babe, that tickles..."
Tom hearing Mrs. Dewi's moans, immediately fell silent. His wild fantasies started taking over as he listened to her soft voice.
Remembering her muscular foreign boyfriend, Tom swallowed hard.
"Alright, Tom... don't waste Mr. Jafar's kindness. It's rare for him to Ahhh...."
Mrs. Dewi moaned again before abruptly ending the call.
Hearing her moans over the phone made Tom's long-dormant "calibur" awaken after more than a month due to his illness.
"Damn... such a naughty woman. She must've called on purpose while doing that," Tom muttered while trying to calm himself down.
Tom returned to work as a laborer. Since he had worked there before, he didn't have to go through any testing and could start immediately.
However, after a month, Tom, who had HIV, began struggling with the heavy labor.
It wasn't because he was weak, but because his virus-ridden body could no longer function normally.
Not even halfway through the workday, his body was drenched in cold sweat, and his breathing grew heavy.
Some of his fellow laborers, noticing he was unwell, told him to take a break.
"Tom... if you can't handle it, don't push yourself," said one of Tom's coworkers, Jhony.
"He's right, you look sick," added another worker.
Tom who had to work to cover his living expenses, forced himself to continue working while keeping his illness a secret.
"It's okay, sir, I'm just feeling a little unwell."
Since Tom was a daily wage worker, he wouldn't get paid if he took a day off. That was why he pushed himself to keep working.
But no matter how much you push a sick body, it will only get worse. And that's exactly what happened to Tom.
Under the scorching heat, Tom, who had reached his limit, finally fainted.
Jhony who was still young and a close friend of Tom at work, immediately carried him to the infirmary.
There, Tom's illness was exposed, and he was immediately fired on the spot.
All his wages were paid in full, and his name was instantly blacklisted from the workplace.
When he woke up, Tom was already at home, and Jhony—his only friend—was sitting beside him.
"Jon... what happened?"
Jhony who knew about Tom's illness, didn't seem to care too much and remained calm near him.
"You got fired... here's your paycheck for this month, and your HIV status has been revealed..."
Taking the money from Jhony's hand, Tom adjusted his position from lying down to leaning against the wall.
"It's two million... Mr. Jafar deducted one million, saying it was for sterilizing the workplace."
Tom whose pain in his "calibur" was getting worse by the day, could only accept his fate.
He had no money for regular treatment and never went to the hospital for follow-up checkups.
Jhony seeing that Tom had fully regained consciousness, stood up, ready to return to work.
"I have to go now... I still need to work, my two younger siblings need food, so I can't stay long."
"Yeah... thanks for bringing me home..."
"Tom... stay strong. I believe there's still another way for you to recover."
After Jhony left, Tom, whose illness was worsening, was now just lying at home, unable to work.
His apartment rent had gone unpaid for two months. Johan, whose school fees were also overdue, took care of his brother without daring to ask for more.
Tom had already sold his phone to cover their daily expenses. Now, it was his little brother who was taking care of him.
That night, feeling hot and unable to bear the pain in his groin, Tom decided to go outside for some fresh air.
With his "calibur" in pain and pus oozing out disgustingly, Tom could only surrender to his fate, regretting his past decisions.
He sat in the middle of the park, gazing at the beautiful night sky.
From time to time, he closed his eyes, reminiscing about the good old days when he was still in school.
He recalled dating the school's most popular girl during high school and let out a faint smile as he endured the pain in his "calibur."
Then, as if the heavens despised him, rain suddenly poured down, mercilessly drenching his body.
Drenched and overcome with misfortune, Tom screamed at the sky.
"DAMN IT...."
"Why are you so cruel to me, God...?"
"You took everything from me and mercilessly trapped me in this path of sin..."
"Damn it... just kill me already... I don't want to live with this disgusting disease..."
At that moment, a loud thunderstorm began. Lightning flashed and struck all around him, yet Tom only laughed, unfazed.
"Hahahaha... you missed... stupid God..."
"I'm right here... kill me, idiot, hahaha..."
Then, as he lay down, smiling at the sky while soaking in the rain, an unknown object suddenly fell and hit his head.
Startled, Tom looked around and, to his surprise, found a strange red ring lying right beside him.
"Huh... a ring?"
Curious, Tom picked up the red ring and examined it closely.
Admiring its beauty under the moonlight, he decided to wear the mysterious red ring he had just received from the sky.
"What a strange ring..."
The moment he put it on his middle finger, a sharp pain surged through his hand, spreading throughout his entire body.
It felt as if he were being burned alive. Agony coursed through him from head to toe.
"Ahhh... it hurts..."
"Damn it, this is unbearable... what's happening...?"
"It's burning....."
Unable to withstand the excruciating pain, Tom lost consciousness.
In Tom's subconscious...
Tom found himself in an endless dark void, confused and disoriented.
Then, unexpectedly, a red light illuminated his body, and a strange voice echoed in his head.
[Congratulations, a new owner has been found]
[Do you wish to become the new owner of the Love God System?]
Unable to move and only able to hear the strange voice and see the red light before him, Tom grew even more confused.
"Damn it... what's happening? Why can't I move...?"
[Once again, the system asks: Do you wish to become the new owner of the Love God System?]
Hearing the mysterious voice again, Tom quickly responded.
"Yes... do whatever it takes to get me out of this strange place..."
"I accept... just get me out of here, you weird light..."
[Answer received. Commencing data reconstruction on the new owner's body]
[Congratulations, you are now the official owner of the Love God System]