Chapter 2 - He saved her

As the ocean currents picked up with the tides flowing by he swam out on his feet approaching the shore he walked through,the ocean pushing forward towards the shore like a water god emerging from the ocean as the wind blow with strong hit of wave on the shore

His coat soked ,swayed into the air like sharp blades,sharp enough to slash and destroy through any soul who dared to block his path he didn't look anywhere else than the woman in his arms

His eyes turn cold as he processed her situation with her body badly in pain, blood popping from every inch most especially her stabbed stomach and her shoulder she looked lol like a terrible mess

He couldn't afford to be late

Not when she was in such state

"That fucker would pay for this"he vowed,he was gonna make sure of that

He carried her into his car laying her gently on the backseat

"Make sure you find him"his words deadly dangerous with an aura hitting at that moment even Vincent was shakkened alongside the rest of his men

That was his last sentence to Vincent,as he drove off in speed his fiest clenched stretching out his white knuckles tightened on the steering wheel his gaze fix on the road at the same time a mix combination of emotions in his eyes staring at the woman on the back seat

It tuk him years for this

He wasn't gonna let her go now

"Just hold on a little longer"

"Don't you dare die on me"he commanded getting no response from her. Alot of people could die just disobeying his command but today was different she wasn't even breathing though his tone was high but the fear of loosing her was something he couldn't get over again,he would never forgive himself if she dies

He dialled a number

The person picked up

"Make the VIP surgery department available"


He walked into the hospital carrying her in bridal style his presence brought gasp from his employees especially seeing the wounded woman with him -at the sight of him stretcher quickly rolled out from the nurses using oxygen on her immediately

"Hold on a bit longer there, please don't die like this"he yelled uncontrollably his hands on her back trying to warm her body temperature which was cold as ice her face paled and nearly out of life even the nurse in fear pressed the accelerator faster not for the fear of loosing her job but the reaction from her boss on any mistake leading to the woman death

"Lead her to the VIP surgery department now"doctor russlan one of the best doctor and his personal surgery assistant ordered the nurses who quickly did as told he'd got everything prepared after getting a call from his boss recently

"All the equipment are ready, with the best surgeon"he reassured his boss confirming his words from his note pad

"Get them out, I'll perform her surgery"

Russlan was lost of words at his boss response "yes Boss"he quickly recoverd from the shock written all over his face

His boss would never perform surgery for just anyone

He knew that

Alot of educated doctors were always around for such cases

But the expert was him

And he only does it if he wants and when he feels like it

Whoever this woman 's must be very important to him

He wasted no time calling off the assigned surgeon out...


May felt as though she was in a deep comfortable sleep erasing the agonizing pain from her body though couldn't access her environment but she sensed a continuous presence by her side,as if someone stayed with her day and night. Had someone save her?

He wouldn't speak but be would be there, holding her hands and caressing it to make her feel better,relax and comfortable. His identify was strangely a mystery she could 'nt tell but for some reason his presence made her felt she was in good hands. Especially when he touches her hair there was a familiarity towards that still she was unable to tell

May didn't know how long or rather how many days she had to sleep but she was getting tired of this dark and deep sleep a slumber she felt would never end

Suddenly admist those darkness around her she saw her surrounding change she was still trapped in the sleep but somewhere else a place that left her in a confuse state. She could see the sight of blood stains everywhere,dead bodies scattered on the ground and her vision blurred making it hard to tell her surrounding -suddenly gunshots was heard walking towards her. There was fire setting ablaze on her surrounding she could tell just by the yellowish yet bright scene and the smell of smoke

Where was she?

She was contemplating what was going on when from the thick midsts Infront of her emerge steps, the one walking toward her, brings fear making her skin crawl in panick she gathered the courage wanting to run away but the fire grew closer

She felt her heart nearly jumped out of her body as whoever it was approached her

She scream out her lungs with fear of being killed all the blood draine from her face "help!!!!help!!!!!"

If only some someone was around to save her?

Suddenly she found her self falling into the darkness she once came from may thought that she returned to the dark place and a bit at ease for not getting killed only to see a small ray of light brightening up the ambience she heard unfamiliar voices around her

"Call the doctor, she 's waking up"their voices were in hurry

When May fluttered her eyes open she caught sight of the nurses rushing impatiently to call the doctor. Someone did save her her eyes look around aware of being at the hospital she barely know who could've risk so much inorder to save her

The last moment she 'd recollected was falling into the cold ocean as the dark abyss of death embraced her and...

The doctor came in just before she could remember what else. Taking proper all the vital points he beamed a smile and said "you 've recovered well but still have to wait for Dr.Enzo to examine you first"

May furrowed her brows she wasn't familiar with the name not even heard of it "Dr.Enzo ?"

"Yes ma'am"the doctor nodded "he's your attending physician as well as the surgeon that helped your recovery so well and quickly...

"Surgeon?"May interjected with a question. True she was aware of how badly she 'd been injured in the hands of"Ryan " the name rang in her mind twice as the sudden rush of memory filled her mind... the sudden change and betrayal from him his cooperation with the Russians, his words that stabbed her hard than even the knife he'd use to stab her stomach..he'd treated her mercilessly, betrayed her after five years and like the gust of wind he left her traumatized with those memories, nearly dieing. Infact now she barely felt any pain

"Andre..."she recalled his voice his call his pain ,her only son

"Where's my son"she asked her heart skipped severally making the monitor beeped with distresse signals

The silence she received from the nurses and doctor around made her situation even worster "where's my son"she asked again hot tears falling down her cheeks

"Ma'am you need to calm down please. Your condition would get worst it's a miracle you are still alive "the doctor tried to ease her stressful self"however "he continued"you were rushed into the hospital by him, badly wounded bleeding,at first it was hard for your body to take treatment, thanks to him as your surgeon miraculously you survived, ma'am there was no one else he brought here "

His last sentence alone covered her shears of trepidation all over her spine nailing the terror on to her limbs

Her eyes full of tears dripping down her cheeks. She failed to believe Andre was in the hands of a monster.. but what else was there to believe. Ryan tuk him

""she muttered those words in tears

She 've to save her son and she didn't care of the consequences of this, she 'll have to report this to the police if Ryan turns out not to be at where she 'd expected him, she 've to save her son

May was about getting out of the bed when the doctor rush to her side

"Please ma'am you are not in a state to walk around"he swallowed a lump down his throat fully aware of the consequences of he allows this woman step out his boss 'd given him order not to "you were fortunate that Dr.Enzo preformed your surgery with him you might not feel a thing any pain, unfortunately he 's not around,he left this morning.. please have some patience"he pleaded with her he didn't want to loose his job or facing his boss for letting his patients out without his permission

May slightly nodded not understanding the situation but in her own way whoever doctor saved her could also be the one having knowledge on her son whereabouts somehow she felt a positive reassurance to her thinking.

Seeing on her skin,no pain in any part of her body

It was a miracle that someone saved her

Someone with the name Dr.Enzo

Whoever this Dr.'s she should be thankful "hold on just for a little while"she wished silently

"Phew"the doctor sighed in relief seeing her calmness afterwards

May watched as the nurses exchange glances with each other

"She must be very important to the boss"the she overhead the middle one murmuring

"Important "she murmured to herself

She barely even know her saviour