Chereads / Ricky Dagger / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Ricky twirled his pencil between his fingers, not caring about what the professor was saying. The only reason he was attending college in the first place was because his mom practically begged him to. Not that he hated it. The university's free lab access was a solid perk. But this class? Boring as hell.

"I'm bored," Ricky groaned, leaning back in his chair. His gaze flickered to the guy sitting a few seats away, diligently writing down everything the professor was saying. He was an odd dude — always trying to talk to him after class, which was every class since he was in every single one of Ricky's classes. 

That alone was weird. But even weirder? This guy had been the one that called him last night. And Ricky knew for a fact he'd never given him his number. His fist tightened around his pencil. What was this dude's deal?

The man smirked, noticing he was being watched by the smaller brunette next to him.

"Is my handsome face keeping you from paying attention to the professor?" he leaned over and whispered.

"Shut– shut up, you," Ricky huffed, jerking his head away. His face was burning, and – goddammit – this bastard was definitely smirking. 

"No, not you, Victor," the man sighed. "I can't believe you keep forgetting my name. I'm a little hurt." He pretended to wipe away a tear, and Ricky rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm trying to learn right now, so stop talking to me, pervert."

"Really? I would've thought you weren't paying attention. Do you even know what class we're in?" Victor teased.

"Sure I do! We're in, uh… umm…" Ricky surveyed the classroom for hints, grinning when he spotted a girl with a physics book out. "Pfft, we're in physics," he replied smugly.

Victor chuckled. "Nice try. But this is sociology." He smirked. "Maybe next time you'll actually pay attention."

"Whatever. I'm too smart for this class anyway." Ricky scowled, turning away — annoyed that this guy… Victor… was making him look like a fool.

"That's all I have for you today, make sure to email the TA if you have any questions." 

That was his que. Ricky quickly grabbed his backpack and made a break for the door, shoving past other students as if his life depended on it. Nope. He was not dealing with this weirdo today. 

He quickly strode down the hallway, yelping as he was abruptly yanked backwards by his backpack. The force nearly knocked the wind out of him. His sneakers skid across the floor.

"What the–?! Let me go, asshole! Or else!" Ricky kicked his feet, but it was useless. Whoever grabbed him had ridiculous strength.

"Or else what?" A deep, familiar chuckle sounded behind him.

Ricky stiffened. Goddammit. He didn't need to turn around. He already knew. 

"Why is it always you?" Ricky groaned loudly. Annoyed that his efforts to escape the jerk had been futile.

"I'm the one who should be annoyed," Victor sighed. "You ran off in the middle of our conversation."

"I didn't have anything else to say," Ricky grumbled, wiggling out of his backpack, sick of being suspended in the air. It definitely wasn't helping with his manly image. 

"Oh well if that's the case." Victor turned on his heel, casually swinging Ricky's bag over his shoulder

"Hey!" Ricky chased after him. "Give it back!" 

"Hmm" Victor said, tilting his head."I don't think I will," He held the bag above his head, knowing that Ricky would be unable to reach it. 

Ricky lunged at him, but Victor sidestepped easily, enjoying how easy it was to frustrate the boy in front of him.

"Just give it back already, bastard," Ricky snapped, jumping to reach his precious backpack. I don't have time for this." 

Victor's grin widened. "Oh? Big plans after school?"

Ricky crossed his arms. "Yeah, I'm super busy with… uh… stuff."

Victor pretended to consider that. "Hmm. Seems a bit suspicious."

"Shut up," Ricky scowled.

Victor tapped the side of the backpack, thinking. "Tell you what – if you put your stuff on hold for an hour or two, I'll consider giving this back."

Ricky froze. Normally, he'd just storm off and let Victor be a moron – but his bag was actually important today. He had brought both the Taze Daddy and the blue diamond with him, planning to examine them in the lab after his classes.

He exhaled slowly, glaring up at Victor. "... Fine. You get one hour, but then you have to give me back my bag. No take backs!"

Victor's grin was downright wolfish. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Ricky rolled his eyes, "So what are we doing?"

Victor grinned. "Aw, you sound impatient. Don't worry princess, I'll make it worth your time."

"Don't call me that!" Ricky shot Victor a nasty look, and the taller man smiled unapologetically. This guy was seriously annoying. It was bad enough talking to him in class, but now he had to entertain this bastard for a whole hour! Sighing, he followed Victor out of the building, dragging his feet every step of the way.

"Get in."

Ricky looked up, surprised to see a Mercedes-Benz. He had been sulking as he followed behind Victor, not paying attention to his surroundings.

"No way that's yours," Ricky gasped, running his hand down the sleek black frame. Maybe hanging out with this guy wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Are you going to keep staring at it or are you getting in?" Victor laughed, amused by Ricky's sudden change in mood.

"I'm getting in," Ricky snapped, trying to hide his excitement. He didn't want this bastard knowing he had actually started enjoying himself. Besides, he shouldn't be having fun anyways. The only reason he was doing this was so that he could get his backpack back. 

Ricky narrowed his eyes. "Where exactly are we going?"

Victor grinned, not taking his eyes off the road. "My place. Unless you're scared?" 

Ricky stiffened. "Why the hell would I be scared?"

Victor's smirk widened. "Guess we'll find out."