The two immortal beings were strolling in a park near Karakura Town, simply enjoying nature. It was a peaceful afternoon. The sun was bright and pleasant, the winds were happily speeding through the lush landscapes of the park, providing a heartwarming environment.
"Thank you for comforting me last night, Naru." Haruto started, smiling a genuine smile at his companion who returned it with a warm one of her own.
"No problem, Haru, though dragging your sorry ass back to the room was a real hassle." Naruko said in a teasing voice, to lighten the mood.
"Well I'm not as full bodied as you, so I'm sure I wasn't that heavy to carry. However, knowing you, you'd probably 'Shinra Tensei'ed my ass back to the room."
As soon as the words left his mouth, a feeling of dread washed over him. Turning his head almost robotically towards the source of the aura, he came face to face with a terrifying sight. Naruko was smiling sweetly—too sweetly for that matter—at him as a visible aura of death and dread oozed off of her in waves.
"You wouldn't happen to imply that I'm fat by being 'full bodied', would you beloved?" she questioned with a sweet smile on her face, promising clear death and a painful one at that.
"O-of c-course not, Naru." Haruto stuttered and raised his hands in surrender. Well, fat wouldn't be the correct word to describe her figure, but she certainly was quite gifted—temptingly so—in certain areas.
Though he sure as hell wouldn't voice out his thoughts!
"Good!" she chirped in a happy tone, the aura vanishing as quickly as it had appeared as well as her attitude changing a total 180 degree turn.
The duo resumed their comfortingly silent stroll through the natural environment, with the birds chippering and the slight jingle of Haruto's Shakujo. However the peaceful atmosphere was ruined by strange sounds coming from the middle of the park, which surprisingly only they could hear since the rest of the strolling couples remained oblivious.
They discreetly quickened their pace and stopped quite a distance away from the scene. It appeared two teenagers were fighting some sort of white mask wearing beasts with holes in their torsos.
The first youth, an orange haired boy was attired in a black wide and long sleeve kimono style shirt with matching black hakama. He wore some kind of straw sandals and white socks, a long sword, with its sheath strapped to the back of the teen with a leather strap.
The other was a black haired teen in a white shirt, a blue—yellow neck tie and gray pants with dress shoes, in short a high school student. The strange thing about the teen was that he was shooting glowing arrows from an equally glowing bow.
"What is this?" Haruto questioned inquiringly as he jumped up a tree and sat down followed by Naruko. "Two High School students, one with a long ass sword and the other with a glowing bow and arrows, fighting some kind of mask wearing monsters in the middle of a park in BROAD daylight with no one noticing it?!"
Naruko smirked.
"Naru, this wouldn't happen to be that costume wearing holiday, Halloween I believe, would it?" Haruto asked with a sweatdrop
"No." the blond woman snickered quietly. "They seem to be fighting for their lives. Should we help them?"
Hearing no response from her redhead lover, she turned her gaze towards his sitting body, only to sweatdrop. Apparently Haruto had deemed the fight interesting and was watching it with keen interest with a big bag of popcorns he got from who knows where, a gleeful expression on his face as he witnessed the fight.
"They could get hurt you know"
"Aww come on Ruko-chan, they can handle themselves, especially the orange haired one from what I'm sensing from him. Now bring your pretty ass over here." Without waiting for her reply, he pulled her on to his lap and wrapped his arms around her protectively. Raising the bag of popcorns up to her face he asked with a grin, "Popcorns?"
The blonde shrugged nonchalantly and reached for the popcorns, slowly easing herself into his lap, seeing no reason to doubt Haruto as he didn't do anything without a reason, unless he was drunk. Hey, if he was not keen on interfering, why would she go out of her way and try to get her hands dirty?
The fight below seemed to be picking up pace as the opposing sides grew more in numbers, appearing one after the other only to be struck either by the black haired or the orange haired one and evaporate into black mist. The 'good guys' also increased in numbers it seemed, as four more entered the park.
Two children and two grown men, the first child, a small girl with black hair tied in two pigtails carrying a white weapon of sorts was firing relentlessly at the beasts with a meek expression on her face. The second child, a small red haired boy carrying a bat-like weapon, was beating the crap out of the masked monsters.
The first man was attired in a green cloak with white spots, a bucket hat and geta sandals while the second man was wearing a white apron, blue denim jeans and a white shirt as well as black glasses over his eyes.
"The party is heating up. Atta boy, hit him in the face!" Haruto cheered from his position on the tree, watching the bat holding boy ramming the faces of several masked beasts while Naruko sweatdropped.
He was awfully enthusiastic today!
Hearing a roar from behind them, they turned a disinterested glance at the source of the noise and there it was, a black monster similar to the others approaching them with its jaw open, saliva dripping down from it like a mindless beast stalking its prey.
"Naru, would you be a dear and dispose of the party pooper for me?" Haruto asked uninterestedly.
"Do it yourself!" Naruko, despite her irritation, couldn't possibly resist the unbeatable Puppy-Dog Eyes Jutsu and the adorable pouting face of the redhead. With a sigh she impassively raised a finger and pointed it at the stupid beast having the audacity to attack them, without even getting up. "You are interrupting our fun, be gone!"
The beast roared in agony and pain as it was split in half and vanished in a black mist while Haruto nodded in approval and turned to the fight once again. Sensing a disturbance in the sky, the beautiful blonde woman turned her attention to the slowly cracking sky. "It seems something is coming"
"Indeed. From the looks of it, something very big!" Haruto said gleefully as if he was ready to have an orgasm.
"What has got you so excited? They are fighting for their lives you know," she deadpanned at him. Sometimes, he was way too childish!
"Well, your ass is currently suffocating my junior, so if you will have to excuse me for being excited." Haruto retorted with a perverted grin, only to receive a slap to the head. "Hey, don't be such a party-pooper! It is getting to the fun part, besides as I said they can handle themselves."
A giant black spatial distortion appeared in the sky, the two sides of the tear slowly pushed by two colossal clawed hands as a giant head with elongated nose appeared followed by two white boot wearing feet. The being was apparently very big, towering over the park and the surrounding area.
The two fighting teens were visibly nervous as they tried to come up with a strategy to beat the colossal masked beast, well at least one of them was trying to think while the other dashed at the beast head-on and attacked the beast's feet, only to be kicked back like a mere bug.
"That one reminds me of you when you were young," Naruko snickered.
The monster was seemingly irked as it unsealed its masked jaw and concentrated some sort of reddish energy, unmistakably intent on obliterating them with one attack. Ascertaining the inescapable assault, Naruko glanced at the gleeful visage of Haruto as he devoured the popcorns in an accelerated tempo. "Shouldn't we help them, they look like they need someone to save their asses?"
"And miss all the fun? Hell no!" Naruko palmed her face when she heard his blunt response.
The concentrated energy was emitted as the orange haired boy rushed at the beast and blocked the beam of light with his sword in an impressive show of strength and courage. The boy was noticeably straining under the pressure of the offensive energy beam while the others looked on in dependence and anxiety.
With a roar of defiance, the orange haired boy released a bluish torrent of energy from the tips of his large sword at the towering beast, slicing its right side and forcing it to retreat. The colossal beast stepped back into the black portal it had emerged from and closed the opening like closing a curtain. How strange!
"Aww man, all the fun is over! Well no use moping over it, let's meet these interesting strangers." Haruto whined, witnessing the untimely and unsatisfactory end of the fun battle. Taking a hold of Naruko's slender waist, he raised her from his lap and jumped to the ground, carrying her bridal style.