This was all that remained in Jafaar while he swayed upon his panting horse as it slowly trudged through the endless desert.
'I should have chosen Water Elemental Magic instead of the stupid Attack Magic!' he cursed his past self as he glanced at the golden bracelet on his left wrist. Encrusted with a big emerald in the center and four smaller ones around it, the bracelet shone with a brilliance that could attract even the aloof gazes of nobles and royals.
It was a gift from his father to his mother on Jafaar's first name day. Like many other such items, this too had become his after his parents' untimely demise.
During the past few days, he had enchanted this bracelet with the Magic Bullets spell multiple times. The Bracelet could now cast said spell 4 times before needing a recharge. Its recharge time was pitifully slow and it needed 2 whole days to fully recover its magic.
However, no matter how magical or otherwise expensive it was, it was worth as much to him, right now, as the sand beneath the horse's hooves.
'All the gold and Jewels are worthless when you are dying of thirst!' he cursed at his fate. After coming to this world and getting a system that allowed him to use magic, he didn't want to believe that he would die all alone in this endless desert but the current circumstances were not in his favor.
'I should have just gone straight to Qarth instead.' he thought as he adjusted the cloth that covered his head and face from the blistering heat. He had forgone his usual expensive brocade for white cotton to keep the heat out. There was not a single inch of skin showing except for his eyes, even the golden emerald bracelet on his left wrist was covered in cloth to avoid it getting too hot and burning his arm.
'Next time I should really think things through while I make purchases.' he vowed.
Jafaar looked around; all around him was nothing but dry earth and rock as far as the eye could see. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, the sun was having a field day while the dry desert wind threatened to turn his eyes into dry sand. He had thought he had ample supplies but he was wrong; he still had a lot of food but had completely run out of water this morning and felt like he was dying of thirst.
He had no other choice but to continue his journey even through the burning hot day, in the small hope that he would find some water but there was not even a single creature in sight, man, plant or animal.
He couldn't help but reprimand himself for this foolish decision.
Jafaar looked down at his horse, 'Blood is drinkable right?' He gulped at the thought of wetting his lips, to feel the moisture in his mouth and to gulp down any liquid down his throat.
He was moments away from slitting the horse's throat and drinking its blood when he saw something in the distance. He could see something that was not rock or sand in the blury vision distorted by heat.
'Is that… PEOPLE!?' He quickly urged his horse to trudge on faster and the horse, sensing its master's hope, too started to walk as fast as the blistering hot earth would allow it.
As he got closer he saw that it was indeed people and not another mirage. It was a rather small group, only two dozen people or so. He didn't care if they were robbers or slavers or even dothraki screamers! As long as it was another human, he would get something to drink, one way or another!
The horse slowed down as they got closer to the group. The group consisted of a few horses, about a dozen dothraki men and women, wearing scant clothing. A pale girl with white hair sticking out from her white tiger pelt and a middle aged westerosi man carrying a long sword and eyeing him wearily.
'What are the odds! No matter, I just hope they still have some water left.' he prayed as he reached them and dismounted, faltering as he tried to walk up to them, his strength failing him.
"Please, do you have some water?" he begged in a hoarse voice that was barely above a whisper.
His words seemed to have caused a dispute among the group but he was too tired to care as he stumbled and fell to his knees, "Please, I can pay for it! I have gold!" he took out his coin sack, the heavy gold coins falling softly onto the dry earth below as he continued, "I also have some food! Please, some water!" he begged one last time, his dry throat making it almost painful to speak.
He was all but ready to scrap all his plans and take the water by force, at this moment, he didn't care about any system or power, he would happily trade it all for a leather sack of cold water.
But it would seem that it would not come to such drastic measures as the Westerosi man stepped up and handed Jafaar a leather skin sack. The thirsty man quickly snatched it and started to drink greedily. The sack only had a few mouthfuls but it was enough to rejuvenate him.
Jafaar turned the sack upside down, draining every drop before he returned the sack to its owner along with a heartfelt thanks, "Thank you good Ser. Please, the gold is yours, take it and allow me to repay the favor."
"Don't mention it. Though you said something about food." the knight hinted and Jafaar pointed him to the horse, "Please, feel free!"
The man started to rummage through the bags on my horse as one of the dothraki silently picked up the fallen gold coins and pocketed them.
"What are you doing all the way here?" asked the man as he took handfuls of dried jerkies from the bags and started to distribute them among his group.
"Ah, where are my manners? I am Jafaar zo Azar from Yunkai. As to why I have dragged myself to this godforsaken place to die? Well it was not by choice, I ran into a group of dothraki scream…" he cautiously eyed the dothraki present before changing his words and continuing, "...*ahem* dothraki horse lords… I ran in a random direction and lost my way.. I have been wandering this place for days!" he let out an exasperated sigh.
His words caused a stir as they communicated in the dothraki language. Jafaar didn't know what they were saying but he could guess, 'They probably think that it's the same group hunting them.' which was exactly what he wanted them to think.
"You guys seem to be headed somewhere, if you can help me get to civilization, I will reward you generously!" He used his best 'young master' expression.
The group was apprehensive, after all they were not just running away, they were also hiding baby weapons of mass destruction. Jafaar eyed one of the horses which was carrying some luggage, including what appeared to be a big wooden cage. He didn't see the dragons but he had this vague feeling that he felt something from one of the small camps.
"We can't just leave him here!" a young voice brought him back from his musings as he saw the pale headed girl, younger then he was, arguing with the old knight. She had removed the covering from her face and Jafaar could now see her hidden features; the violet eyes that showed sleeplessness, the round white face that had been marred by dust and dryness and the short silvery hair full of dust.
'I can see why so many of the men around want to get it on with her.' Jafaar mused as he observed the young girl.
"But Khaleesi, we don't even have enough supplies for us, adding one more would just make it that much harder for us!" the old knight tried to convince her.
" I will not abandon him!" she spoke with conviction. She walked towards Jafaar with confidence and spoke in a benevolent voice, "You can travel with us. You can keep the gold, what you have given is enough."
"Thank you so much! May I know the name of my savior?" Jafaar gave his sincerest smile.
"My name is Daenerys." she said in a calm yet slightly haughty voice, he could see the embers simmering behind her violet eyes.
"It is a pleasure to meet you milady." Jafaar slightly bowed, taking her hand and gently kissing it, "I hope our journey together would be fruitful." He smiled at her.