My name is Philippe and I am an investigative journalist. At the request of my editor-in-chief, I undertook an in-depth investigation into the little-known circles of followers of Domination and submission, S/M, bondage, BDSM, etc.
After the obligatory passage of shops and websites, I had managed to get an appointment with the One who appeared to many of my interlocutors as a Reference in the matter. I remember, it was during a chat with a Mistress: "try to contact Sir Evans, with Him you will learn a lot", she had told me.
I had wandered around the net for a while, until I finally came across a site with this pseudonym. We exchanged a few sentences and Sir Evans had finally agreed to see me. He had told me to be on Friday at noon on the village square of St-XXXXXX and to wait, that he would take care of organizing the rest.
On the appointed day, I went to the meeting place. It was gray and cold, a light breeze chilled my bones. I was alone on the square with my black Clio bearing the blue and green logo of my newspaper. Impossible to miss me, I thought, leaning on the hood and smoking yet another cigarette. I found the time long...
Finally, around half past, I saw a heavy 4X4 driving slowly towards the square. I straightened up a little and threw my cigarette butt towards the gutter. A strange feeling came over me... I had talked a lot with followers of the Divine Marquis during my investigation, but I had never met one of them yet. I imagined things that were quite gloomy or violent, rich only in a few literary or cinematographic references.
The SUV stopped in front of me... I waited, motionless. For long minutes, nothing happened. I stamped my feet on the ground to warm myself and was starting to get impatient. Finally, the doors of the vehicle opened. Two large men got out and approached. One of them stopped some distance away, while the other came up to me: "Are you the journalist?"
... "Yes" I replied "I was beginning to wonder if it was a hoax!"
My somewhat dry tone did not provoke any reaction on the massive face of this man with the impressive build: "Follow me" he said, taking the path back to the 4X4, I followed him while a light drizzle began to fall. The one who had remained behind then intervened: "Please give me
the keys to your car, I'll take care of it" he said to me in a tone that, combined with a build just as compact as that of his companion, did not really admit of a reply. So I gave my keys and went to the 4X4.
I sat in the passenger seat, discovering the presence of a third man inside. The one who had greeted me was already behind the wheel. He was the one who explained the rules of the game to me: "We insist on discretion... That's why I'm driving you and why you need a hood"...
"The hood?" I wondered. The man sitting in the back then held out his arm, holding a black silk hood. "Excuse us, eh, the Master insists on it," he said while already passing the fine fabric over my head. "I understand," I replied, more conciliatory in speech than in spirit, a little anxious all the same by these conspiratorial ways.
The SUV started up smoothly and began a journey whose destination I had no idea of. First on an asphalt road, I suddenly felt a slowdown, then a few bumps, as the vehicle entered a forest path. It took about half an hour for us to reach our destination. The two men helped me out of the SUV and guided me firmly... After a few meters on spongy ground, I finally felt a stone slab under my feet... the creaking of a heavy door and suddenly the scent of the interior...
The hood was removed and I discovered a large paved hall, opening onto several closed doors, and in the center a large wooden staircase leading to the floors. A butler (I later learned that his name was Walter) with a severe air stood very straight in front of me and greeted me with a brief nod: "The Master is waiting for you, please follow me" ... he then turned on his heel and headed towards one of the doors at the end of the hall, I hastened to follow him ...
The butler opened the door and stepped aside to let me pass. I walked into a large room with stone walls covered in rich old tapestries depicting strange ancient scenes, showing naked men and women, chained, exhibited in slave markets or offered to the servitude and pleasure of Their Masters dressed in Antique style. Tall columns flanked each side of the large room lit by windows placed very high and offering no view of the outside... At the back, in the center, a sort of ornate wooden throne on which was installed A Man who was staring at me; I had a brief moment of doubt when I saw... And yet it was reality... At His Feet, naked, dressed only in a thick steel collar around their necks, two naked women were languid, a thin chain starting from their collar to each be fixed to the armrests of the throne.
The Man held out his hand and made a slight gesture to indicate that I could approach, flanked by the butler who walked at my side. Arriving about two meters from the throne, the butler reached out to grab my wrist; "This is good" he whispered to me in a whisper. I stopped... A few seconds of silence... Then the voice of the Man on the throne rang out, clear, distinct, elegant. Without needing to force himself, it resounded in this vast space: "Welcome to my domain," he said. I stammered a rather pitiful "hello and thank you for agreeing to receive me," quite impressed by the atmosphere and by this man who did not hesitate to receive me with these two women reduced to the state of pets who stood obediently at his feet.
The butler took a step forward: "I present Sir Evans, Master of the house..., Master, this is Philippe Damier, the journalist who had requested an interview". Then he withdrew and silence fell again... Uncomfortable, I awkwardly took a notebook and a pen out of my pocket "er... I... do you mind if I take notes?"... A smile playing on his lips, Sir Evans made an elegant gesture with his hand "but please, take note my dear, take note... I am sure you have a lot to learn here"... "I... er, thank you Sir, ... thank you"
Sir Evans then stood up, with a gesture he grabbed the ends of the two chains and used them as a leash to drag the two naked women after him who followed him obediently, moving their bodies on all fours with feline grace. Sir Evans approached me and I had trouble holding his gaze... His presence alone marked the evidence of His Dominant Nature.
He began to pace the room, leading the two women who followed him step by step, moving easily on all fours at the pace imposed by their Master. While accompanying this circular walk through the large room, I questioned Sir Evans on his notion of Domination, on his experiences, his principles... He answered clearly, sincerely, punctuating his remarks with anecdotes and varied stories. Frequently he turned his gaze towards me in order to punctuate a sentence or a story; invariably, I felt myself blushing slightly and I instinctively lowered my eyes. I could not control myself completely, I who was nevertheless used to questioning high economic or political leaders, I suddenly felt "very small". And despite my efforts to make it not appear so, I really was not sure I would succeed...
The interview lasted nearly two hours. And throughout these exchanges, the two women followed the rhythm of our steps, without ever hindering our progress, without ever complaining. Sir Evans guessed that I was wondering and prefaced my question: "They are two of my slaves... two good female dogs who have already been trained at length.
They are here for a few weeks and brighten up my days... As well as the evenings that I sometimes give in the dining room of the castle, for a few hand-picked friends."
I could only nod and couldn't help but glance at the two women, who were standing perfectly still, on all fours, their backs slightly arched, their rumps slightly raised... as if ready to be mounted at any moment. My gaze lingered longer than I wanted because I suddenly heard Sir Evans' voice... "They're obviously of interest to you... Would you like to try one? I was thinking of offering you hospitality for the night and one of these dogs could have enhanced your stay, after all, experimentation always enriches simple testimony, don't you think?"
The suggestion had been made in a measured, calm voice... even if I thought I had perhaps detected a hint of irony. I stammered... "Uh, that is to say..." (I felt myself blushing!)
I have to... go home tonight, I can't... thanks but, no really"... Sir Evans let his gaze rest on me for a moment and I felt an embarrassment like I had never known.
"As you wish," he said, "I will have you escorted back."
Outside, the morning drizzle had turned into a fine but persistent rain... In front of the castle steps, my professional car was parked. The butler handed me the keys, which I took. I went down the large exterior stairs and found refuge in the Clio. I remained motionless for a few minutes, trying to put my thoughts back in order.
I had been extremely troubled by that day and by that meeting with Sir Evans. A crowd of thoughts jostled in my mind. I saw again the tapestries with their scenes of ancient slavery, the two dog-women so exciting at the end of Sir Evans' leash... exciting, yes, undeniably. But what troubled me even more was that I had difficulty defining what had excited me most in this vision: was it seeing them thus treated like dogs? Was it rather their situation? I could not help, for a moment, wondering what they felt, what one felt in such a situation, to be thus degraded, reduced to the rank of a pet... denied the dignity of a free human being... and that too excited me.
Suddenly, unable to hold it in any longer, I started off with a screech of tires. I wanted to leave, to get away... To be far from this castle, from its Lord with such ambiguous seduction, that I found perverse... I didn't admit it to myself, but I was fleeing, without really knowing what, I was fleeing... I was probably driving a little too fast on the forest path that surrounded the castle grounds.
I felt my tires slipping slightly at each turn, but I didn't take my foot off the gas? I wanted to be far away. But suddenly, a slightly too abrupt turn of the steering wheel? I felt the car slipping out of my control on the muddy ground. It went into a skid that I was far from controlling and went to crash into the side of the road, hitting a stump in the process, which had a violent impact.
With the Clio immobilized, I remained motionless at the wheel for a moment... I was furious! I wanted to get away and there I was, stuck like a complete idiot! I blamed myself. I went out to check the damage, the wing was badly damaged, but the steering didn't seem to have suffered. I might be able to free the wheel and set off again. In the rain, I worked for an infinite time, without result. Several times, in my rage, I kicked the motionless car, which had become so stupidly useless! I was beginning to despair, sitting on the bonnet, my head in my hands, when I heard the sound of a distant engine... I straightened up and saw in the distance the 4X4 that had picked me up when I arrived. It was approaching and stopped alongside me.
The two giants who had accompanied me on the way out came out and I went towards them... "You can't know how happy I am to see you," I said with a smile. They didn't even give me a glance, went to my car and examined it.
Exchanging a knowing look, they nodded in unison: "It's ruined, you won't be able to go home with it," said one of them without even giving me a glance. "Are you sure?" "Well yes...
"It's the direction that got hurt... It's going to have to be repaired, it takes time," he said again, adding: "You would have done better to accept the Master's hospitality"... I was furious... "I would have done better not to come to this rotten place!" I shouted, stamping my foot on the muddy ground, only managing to dirty the bottom of my pants a little more...
"That's not nice of you, the Master was very welcoming. That's no way to thank him," one of the two giants said to me. His slow, neutral tone made me even more angry: "Yes! Very welcoming, with women on leashes!" I was about to continue when the abruptness of my movement made me lose my balance and fall into the mud. I was about to
get up when I felt a sudden weight on my shoulders... I forced myself, leaning on my two hands, without success... the weight was getting even heavier on my shoulders... I understood that one of the two men was pressing his shoe on me, holding me in the mud... He pressed even harder and my face sank dangerously into the trail of muddy water that was drowning the path. The other crouched down and leaned over to my ear: "It's not good to talk like that about the Master"... While the other's foot held me to the ground, the second grabbed my hair and crushed my face into the mud, holding it there until seeking my breath, I finally feel the mud enter my mouth and nostrils. Then he lifted my head... "We have to apologize now."
I was afraid... very afraid... "I beg your pardon (I coughed and spat mud) I'm sorry, I was angry... I shouldn't have"...
Despite these words, the man pushed my face back into the mud for long seconds before pulling me by the hair to allow me to breathe: "Even better..."... I felt the weight of the foot free my shoulders and it was by pulling my hair that I was forced to stand up: the two giants were standing in front of me... I didn't dare move or speak... I was paralyzed with fear. "The journalist is not very polite", one said to the other who replied: "No, not very... He's going to have to learn"...
"Yes, we'll have to train him." I stood with my back to my wrecked vehicle. I had no escape. In any case, I didn't even know which way to go to get to the village... "Listen, I'm sorry. I was upset about the accident, I didn't want to..." A slap interrupted me. Then I felt thick hands grab me and turn me around... I didn't dare react... paralyzed by the screaming, I let myself go, the situation seemed unreal to me... I had my stomach lying on the hood of my car, a man held my wrists firmly while the other brutally unzipped my pants and pulled them down to my ankles.
Then he tore off my boxers and I felt the fine, steady rain falling on my bare ass... I was terrified... I tried to beg, but I couldn't even say an audible word. On the other hand, I screamed when I felt something soft but hard violently sting my buttocks... Once, twice... five times I felt this object whip me and each time I let out a heartbreaking scream.
There were five more blows and sobs mingled with the screams... I was shaking all over, the pain, the cold, the humiliation, the fear... I didn't know what was taking over me anymore... I felt like I was floating, somewhere else, I didn't really know where I was anymore when the two men grabbed me by the arms to take me to their 4X4. They threw me in the back seat while I sobbed, got in the front and drove off...
A few minutes later, the SUV stopped and I was dragged out... Roughly, the two men stood me up and tore off my clothes... I tried to beg once, but another slap reddened my cheek and I gave up any desire to resist.
I found myself naked in the pouring rain, my feet in the mud, my clothes thrown on the ground like a pile of useless laundry. I curled up and tried to hide my sex by clasping my hands in front. The two brutes let out a greasy laugh:
"Look at that!! It's being polite, it wants to hide itself"... They burst out laughing... One of them came closer and raised his hand, at the end he held a kind of cane and he brought it down, lashing my thigh... "Put your hands behind your back, bitch!"
As I didn't obey quickly enough, a second blow fell... I let out a little high-pitched cry that didn't fail to make my two tormentors laugh. and I obeyed, joining my hands behind my back... the two men then approached and I felt a rope come to tie my hands, then they amused themselves by jostling me, pushing me from one to the other, like a sort of ball, or a rag doll... I cried and my tears mingled with the pouring rain that fell on my naked and bruised body. Isuddenly noticed that we were at the back of the Castle, near a small service door. This one opened just then and I saw a simply dressed woman come out, wiping her hands on a cloth. "Well!? Do you want him to catch his death or what? Come on, enough playing, bring it back inside!" she threw at the two giants who then pushed me towards the door... I entered for the second times in Sur Evans Castle, but this second experience did not quite taste like the first. Naked, shackled, my rump bruised by blows, shivering with cold, I crossed the threshold of a new world that I was going to learn to discover...
The two brutes pushed me inside... It was a small, bare room, with a floor of large stone slabs, with only a bench in one corner. The woman came out through a side door while the two giants immobilized me in the center of the room... one of them grabbed my cock in his hand and said laughing: "But look! The little slut is hard... Despite the cold, I think she really is a slut, The Master was right"... I was ashamed of what he had just discovered. Despite the cold, the shame, the fear, the situation excited me, I understood to what extent the confusion that had seized me at the sight of the two naked women meant that I envied them. I didn't have time to think about it any further, because the woman came back into the room with a towel that she threw at one of my two tormentors "Dry him, The Master wouldn't appreciate him getting sick! What's gotten into you?" she threw at the two brutes, "you know very well that The Master is very attached to the good health of his slaves, after all!"...
The man grabbed the towel and began to dry me roughly. He passed the hot towel all over my body, having fun insisting on my sex and my balls... The other watched, laughing. "Look Marie... This slut is all excited"... The woman approached and looked at my intimacy insistently: "Indeed... there seems to be potential. But it is The Master who will decide. In the meantime, lead him near the fireplace". Again, the two brutes grabbed me by the arms to drag me into a large adjoining room, where a beautiful fire crackled in a huge fireplace.
A large table of thick wood stood in the center of this room, smelling of spices and simmering dishes... At the table, a naked man and a woman, wearing a metal necklace around their necks, were busy peeling piles of vegetables.
They did not raise their eyes from their work, not even risking a brief glance. I was carried to the vicinity of the hearth and installed on my knees. An imperious hand forced me to prostrate myself, face against the ground, backs hollowed and rump raised... two hands seizing my thighs to force them open.
"You don't move anymore... Total immobility" a threatening voice whispered to me. I couldn't stand this treatment anymore, tears flowed silently, but I didn't dare say anything and I obeyed, I tried to remain perfectly still in this position which added discomfort to the humiliation.
As I heard cooking noises all around me and the culinary aromas tickled my taste buds, I tried to extract myself from the context to regain my senses.
I had lost all sense of time... I no longer knew what time it was, I felt like an eternity had passed since I had arrived that very morning in this lost village beaten by the rain. Yet everything was so real, this position that I had difficulty maintaining, the pain that shot through my rump bruised by the flogging... How could I have gotten to this point?
What mechanisms had turned everything upside down? I tried to regain my senses... I was the victim of two lunatics and Sir Evans was going to put everything back in order, it couldn't be otherwise! I was a journalist, you don't just kidnap a journalist in France like that, after all! The Master of the place was going to correct this misunderstanding, I was even sure that he was going to apologize and give his idiotic henchmen a good dressing down. The heat emanating from the fireplace and these thoughts reassured me a little, this absurd situation couldn't last, it was obvious!
Yet time passed and I found it increasingly difficult to maintain my posture. I felt that I was going to wobble soon, that I was in danger of losing my balance, and while I waited for things to get back to normal, I really didn't want to risk another correction.
Luckily, I felt a presence very close to me. And I saw rather crude women's shoes at the height of my face. "Stand up!" said the authoritative voice of the woman who had allowed me to be warmed. I obeyed, straightening up awkwardly because my wrists were still tied behind my back.
I was now standing and staring at the ground, head down, not daring to look this Woman in the face who seemed to enjoy a certain authority here. She had protected me from the two brutes and I wanted to keep this rather positive attitude from her... "The Master is busy at the moment, he told me to take care of you" she said to me, jostling me a
little... I understood that I had to move. She then grabbed my arm with a surprisingly firm grip and guided me to the large table, forcing me to sit on a wooden chair at the opposite end to where the naked man and woman were standing, still working on preparing some dishes undoubtedly intended for Sir Evans' table. The authoritarian Woman was standing next to me and I did not dare to look at her. She then grabbed my chin and turned my face towards Her: "I am Marie, the cook. For you it is Madame Marie! When you are allowed to express yourself. Understood?" "Yes" I said nodding my head... just as the slap fell. I understood immediately what mistake I had made. I had investigated enough in the S/m environment to understand and I caught myself as quickly as possible:
"Yes Madame Marie", I said with lowered eyes. "That's good, you understand rather quickly, it's an advantage" she said while moving away.
She came back a few seconds later with a bowl that she placed on the table in front of me. It contained a sort of clear broth in which floated a few pieces of vegetables, squares of bread and a few small pieces of meat fat. I stood speechless in front of this bowl...
"Eat, it's hot, it'll do you good" the cook's imperious voice called out. I turned to her with a questioning look... "What?" she said. Assuming I was authorized to speak, I dared a short sentence: "But my hands are tied, Madame Marie"...which drew a loud but brief burst of laughter from her. "So what? Have you seen a dog eat with its fingers? I should have served you on the floor, but since you're new I'm doing you a favor. So eat in silence, otherwise I'll have to crack down". The tone was so authoritative that I understood that it was better to obey in silence.
I leaned my face toward the bowl and began to lap up the broth and grasp the bits of vegetables and bread between my teeth as best I could. The tip of my nose was dipping into the broth, my face was stained with it. I tried to maintain a relative dignity but I was not fooled, I was ridiculous and I made the noise as I ate like a dog devouring its food. It didn't matter, the hot broth warmed my body and I felt better. I even felt grateful for the One who deigned to feed me in this way, whatever the degrading conditions She imposed on me. I finished my bowl without leaving anything, hoping that Madame Marie would appreciate that I had "honored" her food.
This meal had given me back a little courage, but not enough to dare to raise my nose from my bowl... I felt the presence of Madame Marie nearby and I preferred to remain discreet because I had no doubt that her hand could strike at any moment if my attitude did not seem to Her to conform to the attitude required of a person in my situation... My situation, I did not stop thinking about it, trying to analyze it. I was convinced that the two brutes had exceeded the orders of Their Master. The Sir Evans that I had met a few hours ago previously would not have failed to inquire about what had happened to me. Of course, he knew
nothing about my situation and would soon put things back in place. I was dreaming of my "revenge" to come when a tap on the back of the neck brought me back to my current reality.
"Stand up!" Madame Marie commanded me in a powerful voice. I obeyed without delay and stood at her side, standing and as naked as the day I was born, my head bowed, my gaze fixed on the ground in an attitude as humble as I thought I could manage. She then came before me and tied a thick rope around my neck, tight enough for me to feel her presence, but without hindering my breathing. She held the end of the rope in her hand and gave it a little tug, I followed the movement She had made by taking a step forward... Then stopped. She repeated this gesture twice and each time I tried as best I could to match the movement She had initiated. Without daring to look up, I nevertheless managed to perceive a smile. Apparently, Madame Marie was satisfied with my attitude, which I admit reassured me greatly.
She then pulled more sharply on the rope, forcing me to take a sudden step forward and this time she did not stop moving. With my neck wrapped around the rope, I followed the movement, adjusting my pace to that of The Lady so as to follow her smoothly. We left the kitchen to follow a long, rather dark corridor. A few rare wall lights gave off a flickering light in this long alley whose wide stone slabs were covered with a long red velvet carpet. I did not dare raise my head and could not discern precisely what themes illustrated the rich tapestries that hung on the walls, on either side. At the end of the corridor, the One who was leading me on the lead seemed to take a turn and I followed, entering after her on a narrow spiral staircase made of bare stone, cold at my feet.
The staircase wound its way deep beneath the castle.
Despite the ambient humidity, the steps were perfectly maintained, no moss or dust on these ancestral stones that I was descending towards a destiny of which I knew nothing... At the bottom of the stairs, a small landing gave onto a low, closed door. Madame Marie stopped in the center of this small space and I did the same. She then approached me and grabbed my chin to force me to raise my head. For a brief moment I met her gaze, hard but mischievous black eyes... I was seized by a flash of fear, this look on me... I felt that She was capable of anything, that She could be almost maternal like when She had protected me from the brutes, but that She could instantly transform herself and make me suffer cruelly...
Still holding my chin between Her fingers, She forced me to look at the walls around the landing on hooks hung utensils such as whips, riding crops, various ties, bits made of leather and metal...
In racks rested other objects, wooden and iron bars or others whose use and even existence I was unaware of to this day. Madame Marie did not say a word, she left me in my contemplation, as if taking pleasure in feeling the anguish that knotted my stomach. She approached a wall and grabbed a simple black silk scarf, then came back to me and blindfolded me. "You don't have to see what is behind this door, for the moment you are only a sort of... guest (she laughs) later, perhaps you will be allowed to open your eyes" and she left again in a burst of laughter.
Blindfolded, I heard the creak of the wooden door being opened, then a tug on the rope which tightened, forcing me to follow the movement again.
I walked at the pace set by The Cook, walking on a less even ground than before and feeling a kind of oppression. Clearly, the corridor somewhat winding path that we were following was much narrower. We walked like this for a few minutes, before stopping again. Again the characteristic creaking of a door with rusty hinges, the friction of wood brushing against an uneven floor... and again the rope pulling on my neck and forcing me to move forward... A musty smell, a warm but humid atmosphere...
Deprived of sight, I tried, without much success, to use my other senses to locate where I was. "On your knees!", again the imperious voice of Madame Marie and an immediate obedience, already almost a reflex, like an obviousness that insinuated itself into my mind: an order, an immediate act, an obedience of the moment, to avoid punishment. I had difficulty accepting this almost instinctive submission that I was showing... I felt like I was someone else. While these thoughts occupied my mind, a noise of metal made me jump.
No time to think, they were already undoing the rope from my neck, to immediately replace it with what could only be a metal collar. A sharp snap and I could feel the weight of this collar weighing on my shoulders. I remained there, the collar closed around my neck, which I guessed with each movement that a chain was attached to it, probably connecting me to the wall of this room where I was now captive.
It was only then that I felt straw under my knees... I had been so obsessed with my surroundings that I hadn't even felt it when I walked on it. So there I was, chained, naked on a straw-covered floor, blindfolded, in a sort of dungeon deep in the bowels of a Castle isolated from the rest of the world. Suddenly, the few gusts of hope that had kept me going until then completely abandoned me. I was desperate, I felt lost. Lost to the world I usuall moved in, lost to those I knew, lost to others, and lost to myself... I knew nothing of what awaited me, nor of what my future would be, if I had one. I began to cry softly...
How long? How long did I stay like that in the darkness of this blindfold placed over my eyes? I had given myself over to a kind of languor. My naked and bruised body lay on the straw that covered the stone floor of this dungeon where I was now captive. A thick metal collar encircled my neck, connected to the wall by a heavy chain... but I hardly felt it, or rather I had resigned myself to feeling its presence. There, I was resigned. The enthusiasm that had inhabited me a few hours earlier had been succeeded by a kind of distancing. It was not me who was debased by this humiliating captivity. It couldn't be me. No! Not me, not the journalist with the independent character, not the one who always knew how to ask the question that bothered me. Not this disrespectful and... free man! It was no longer me who lay like this, who had suffered such humiliations almost without resistance... the one who had lapped up his food like a dog, who had been beaten, slapped, humiliated, treated like less than nothing.
And above all... above all, it couldn't be me who at each of these moments had, beyond the pain, the humiliation, the one who had... also felt a certain form of excitement. Oh! What a shame! I hadn't been able to completely stifle that feeling. The two brutes had seen it clearly, who had shown Madame Martine my erect penis while they had fun humiliating me... And The Cook's look had been unambiguous. I was well aware of that, too.
Even if I refused to admit it and especially if I did not understand what I had then let express itself from me... This "thing" which had escaped from the bowels of my being, from the deepest and most primal part of my nature... The sound of the wood rubbing on the paving stones pulled me out of these meditations. The door to my dungeon was opened... I tried to straighten up as best I could, somewhat numb from the torpor to which I had given myself over. But two firm hands came to compensate for my weakness, forcing me to straighten up and get on my knees. With a kick, the one who had just installed me also forced me to spread my knees, thus making my private parts as vulnerable as they were accessible. A wave of shame then overtook me, when I felt my sex suddenly tense... Unable to control myself, this new humiliation aroused this reflex in me... Being humiliated, debased, made me hard, I could do nothing about it, I could not control this part of me that had always been hidden and which suddenly revealed itself in broad daylight. I felt the worst of humiliations...
Obviously, I wasn't the only one focused on this topic...
"I see that you are not indifferent to what you are going through," said a calm voice suddenly, breaking the silence. Sir Evans! I could have recognized this voice among a thousand. It had charmed me during our
interview, it froze me now. Still as elegant, but devoid of the sweet sympathy that had rocked the interview.
Now it was more distant, more incisive... Sir Evans, since it was indeed He, continued: "I knew about your setbacks... You should have accepted my hospitality, I think. Since the one I am granting you now is undoubtedly much less... comfortable. But after all, you bring me proof of what I had sensed when I met you this morning"... A silence...
I dared not say anything, I dared not move... I waited motionless and submissive. "So! (Sir Evans continued) Here you are, then, my... host. I thought as soon as I saw you that you had the soul of a female dog. And I am never wrong about that. Never! ... Take off her blindfold!"...
Someone behind me removed the blindfold that surrounded my eyes... I then discovered Sir Evans standing, two meters from me, flanked at his side by one of the brutes who had "captured" me on the road. I felt, behind me, the presence of another... Sir Evans was looking at me and, immediately, without even thinking about it, I lowered my eyes.
"I am interested in subjects like you. I quite like training them, revealing their true nature and using them, abusing them according to my Desires, making them discover everything that is hidden in them and helping them to fully assume what they are... That is what I propose to you (he approached me, leaning towards my face)... little whore!", a spit came crashing down on my face...
"Do you have something to say? This is your chance," Sir Evans continued. I swallowed hard, what could I say? I wanted to be able to leave, to go home, to forget all this, well, it seemed to me that I wanted that, but the words would not come... "I... er... I want to go home. I won't say anything about what happened... we'll forget everything! Okay? I... I want..." I
I didn't have any more words, not the right ones anyway...
Sir Evans burst out laughing! "That's what I thought. You have nothing to say. You are made to obey in silence, not to... to express yourself... So let me be clear: I will count to 10. At ten you will have to make a decision: either you say I want leave and I give you back your freedom... Or you choose to assume what you are, to live your reality. And from then on
you give up all will and you leave it to me. Be careful, I count..." One... Two... Three... the numbers were ticking away little by little, my mind was working at full speed. I had to leave, of course I had to leave! Six...
Seven... Eight... To leave, to leave this unreal universe and return to my daily life, to my habits, to... to what, in fact? Nine... Ten... "So? What do you have to say?" Sir Evans had finished his countdown and I had to
express myself. I knew that I had to leave, to find my old life again. I knew it... I knew it... Yet I said nothing... not a sentence, not a word...
Nothing! I could not, nor did I know how to pronounce the words that would have freed me. Something in me had taken over. Something from the depths of my soul, from the depths of my mind... I said nothing and Sir Evans burst out laughing again...
As he left my dungeon, his laughter still echoed between the old stones constituting the limits of my space... I had just abandoned my free will and given myself over completely to A Man of whom I knew almost nothing... and his last sentence still rang in my ears, while I remained alone in my dungeon. Sir Evans' voice, ironic, saying: "I knew
I remained thus naked and on my knees, chained to the wall of my dungeon, of which I finally discovered the space in which I had been confined... It was indeed a sort of dungeon with three walls made of masonry and the fourth directly cut into the rock. It was to the latter that a thick chain had been fixed to a large steel ring.
That same heavy chain whose thick rings joined the collar closed around my neck. I remained motionless, aware that I had probably just sealed my fate. Something deep inside me had prevented me from screaming, from insulting the one who had reduced me to this state of captivity and who claimed that I desired it...
Why? Why hadn't I said I wanted to leave? I had agreed, yes agreed to stay there. Sir Evans had offered me the choice and I had been unable to utter a single word.
I had resigned myself... How long was I going to stay in this small space of a few square meters? What awaited me? Dozens of questions were jostling in my head.
When suddenly the bolt on the door began to play, it was opened... Two of Sir Evans' henchmen entered. One of my morning tormentors and the third man, whom I had seen little. They approached without saying a word. I lowered my head and stared at the ground... I was afraid...
"A beautiful little slut" said the voice of one of them... "You should have seen, just by getting her naked she would already have a hard noodle! I'm sure she's dying to go" and they started laughing while I remained motionless, fearful, not daring to raise my head... It was a firm handshake that forced me to do so. She grabbed my hair and pulled on it roughly, forcing me to raise my eyes and look at the two men who had entered.
Tall, broad-shouldered, with almost shaved heads... They both wore black tank tops, fatigues and big black combat boots... the one holding me by the hair tightened his grip, forcing me to bend down to the ground... or rather to his combat boots...
"Lick, female dog!" he shouted... I didn't have to think, I was living the obvious. My face right against the shoe, the acrid smell of leather filling my nostrils, I set about licking the muddy shoe with care. I made sure not to neglect any point of the shoe, sometimes using the tips of my teeth to remove a small piece of dirt that was better attached than the others. The taste of the mud filled my mouth, starting to produce a sort of earthy mush that I had to swallow so as not to risk spitting it back onto the leather, which was gradually regaining its shine thanks to my
servile saliva. A slight gesture made me understand that I had to move on to the second shoe and I humbly resumed my licking, with care. The taste of dirt disgusted me but I made sure to clean the first pair well, before, as I already suspected, having to perform the same operation with the other individual's pair.
When I was done and the two brutes were satisfied with the shiny leather of their rangers, I felt a new pressure on
my hair to force me to stand up... my joints were sore, after hours spent on my knees... But with one arm, the man kept me upright, holding me only by my hair, making my scalp more and more painful. A little unsteady, I still managed to stand more or less straight, even if the chain greatly hindered my movement. With a sudden movement, the man grabbed me by the shoulders and pinned me against the wall, my face crushed against the wet stone.
He forced me to stand like this, leaning forward, my back arched, my rump tense... I felt that the two men were watching me and I didn't dare move. "Look at that slut!" one shouted... to which the other replied laughing: "Yes, the Master was right again, he had sensed her temperament. Well trained we'll be able to get the best out of her"...
One of them came forward and grabbed the flesh of my ass with his whole hand... He kneaded my rump like this, before raising his hand and bringing it down violently on my skin. The blow cracked loudly and I couldn't help but shudder... "You don't move!" he said harshly, before continuing to slap my buttocks. I had been spanked a few
times as a child, but now I was discovering what a "real" spanking is... With each blow that fell, I felt my skin become even more sensitive, I knew that it was turning red, that the hand that was falling relentlessly, regularly, almost mechanically, was going to continue. That what I already felt as pain was nothing... And I suffered the blows, one by one, the dry and regular smack invading my mind, chasing away all other thoughts.
My rump was nothing but a burn. I didn't dare imagine how marked it must be.
I no longer knew how many blows had already fallen. How many would continue to rain down... Tears were running down my cheeks, I sobbed softly, doing my best to remain silent, for fear now that the expression of my pain would earn me a multiplication of blows. The big calloused hand fell, and fell again, I felt my thighs and legs trembling.
The sweat that flowed down my spine, because despite the relative coolness of the place, my body was burning, the fire of my rump spreading little by little everywhere in me.
I don't know how long my ordeal lasted, but when the hand stopped, I had lost all strength and I collapsed on the ground, under the fat and mocking laughter of my two tormentors... "Already? What a wimp! (they laughed) Well, a good training and you will learn to endure much more than these caresses. There I have barely touched you, but soon your training will begin"... I remained prostrate on the ground, not daring to move, nor to speak, barely to breathe... I did not see the two men come out, I only knew that they had left at the sound of the door closing on my despair. And I remained alone, my rump on fire...
Time had passed. Impossible to say how much. An hour, two...? Plus, my only way of knowing that time had passed was that the burn of the correction had left my rump. I had half fallen asleep, still chained to the wall of my dungeon. I preferred that, moreover, because I did not know what awaited me and I preferred not to know it. I did not want to know anything more, only to be forgotten and not to have to endure these painful humiliations any more...
But of course, this could not last. And I was soon reminded of the reality of my situation.
The door to the room where I was being held prisoner creaked again and the two brutes approached again. I couldn't help the trembling that seized me then. I was afraid.
Fear of being beaten again or of undergoing new humiliations and suffering... But nothing of all this. With that powerful grip that characterized them, they lifted me off the ground to put me back on my feet. And while the first tied a black silk ribbon over my eyes, the other
unhooked the chain of the heavy metal collar that encircled my neck. With the flat of his hand, the one standing behind me pushed me forward and it was blinded but framed by the two
colossi that I left my prison. In the other direction, I felt the floor of the narrow corridor under my feet, then the stone of the landing by which Madame Marie had guided me when I arrived.
Slowly, sometimes stumbling and my toes painfully hitting the stone, I climbed this time the spiral staircase to go back up to the castle.
My two companions did nothing to help me. On the contrary, they did not say a word, but let out hearty laughter at each of my missteps and when I hit the stone hard... They certainly did not torture me; but the situation reminded me with each step of the humiliating situation in which I found myself. Prisoner and abandoned by all. Naked, humiliated, tormented... and in total ignorance of what still awaited me. My destiny no longer belonged to me. I was nothing, if not the designated victim of the decisions of the One who commanded these people who treated me as if I were nothing. And besides, that was how I perceived my situation: I was nothing... the staircase ended, we were back, I supposed, in the great corridor of the castle.
A hand seized my shoulder, and - I understood immediately - that I had to stop. The two men stood on each side, grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to move forward. They carried me more than I walked. And this way of not even being able to move by myself only accentuated my feeling of humiliation and insignificance. They didn't even let me walk by myself! I was thus "carried" for several minutes.
Suddenly we stopped. I felt leather under my chest and my arms were pulled out into a cross...
I understood what it was: I was being placed on a sort of pommel horse. My chest rested on the wide leather seat, while my wrists were firmly tied to the wooden hoops on each side. I was lying on my stomach, arms outstretched, my feet resting on the ground only on the tips of my toes. In this position, my rump stuck out and I was forced to keep my back arched. I feared another punishment when I heard footsteps coming closer.
A sudden presence, very close to me, that my blindfolded eyes prevented me from identifying.
It was His Voice that suddenly rang out, Sir Evans: "I am told that you are not resisting much... That is a good thing, in any case you are totally in My Power. You might as well resign yourself to it and understand that the stronger your acceptance, the easier your formatting will be. You are only at the beginning, but I have great hopes for you. Well trained, you will be a good slave and you will know how to hold your place. But for that, there is still a lot of work to do, so try to be reasonable..."
Sir Evans had just spoken this speech in a calm and regular voice. Without forcing any words.
Yet these had pierced me, because they left me no alternative.
Obviously there was no more possible repartee, my silence when I had the choice had definitively sealed my fate. But what fate? I remained silent, not having the slightest idea about the attitude I should adopt. In any case I was immobilized, powerless... what could I have done? I felt a hand rest on my offered rump... a finger slide along my crack... And suddenly, again, His Voice: "Know that here, a male or female slave must be a good whore! Household chores are the natural prerogative of slaves, but to be a real servile whore, you must be educated, learn step by step.
Learn to abdicate all forms of modesty or dignity. Learn that your body will not be that an instrument that can be used, abused and disposed of without any regard for the object that you will have become (a hard slap on my buttock punctuated the speech).
Understood ?"
As I remained silent, another slap sounded and I felt my rump heat up...
"Understood?" and before I could even open my mouth, a third slap! "Yes... yes Master"... I said in a breath... while my buttocks were already feeling the burn of a fourth slap...
"Harder... and more convincing" said the Voice of the Master, while the fifth and sixth slaps were heating my ass... "Yes Master" I enunciated with will and in harmony with the seventh blow... the eighth, ninth and tenth preceded a new sentence from Sir Evans: "Say: I am Sir Evans' whore!" It was only after the twelfth blow slapping my ass that I was able to articulate this confession out loud: "I am Sir Evans' whore!" I had to repeat three more times, in a strong but calm voice, this recognition of my condition... And it was not until the twentieth blow that the Master judged my tone satisfactory... Ten more times he gave me those dry and firm slaps that were heating my rump. But I had nothing more to say, only to suffer.
After thirty strokes, the spanking ended. I was shaking a little, but I remained as silent and still as I could. "Well, now you know what you are... what you are going to be destined for and what you are going to be trained for"... a silence... I feared every second that another blow would fall on my burning ass, but it was not, Sir Evans continued: "But, there is what they say... and the facts. Since you have admitted that you are now my whore, it is necessary that I see you at work. Tell me..." there was another silence... "Have you ever offered your ass?" ... I remained silent for a short moment... But a sharp and final slap reminded me of my duty, as soon as possible, but in a restrained voice, I answered:
"No Master, my ass is a virgin Master," I said with a sob... "Well, we'll fix that," Sir Evans said, just before a snap of fingers rang out in the room I knew nothing about... I couldn't help but fidget... In a ridiculous attempt to escape what was of course inevitable. Two hands came to weigh on my shoulders, immobilizing me even more than the bonds that encircled my wrists and would have kept me in the position that offered me totally to the desires of whoever wanted it.
While I was immobilized, I felt a kind of cream flowing into my crack, a hand spreading it around my anus and suddenly, a big finger came to stick itself in my little hole that was being forced for the first time... the finger made a few back and forths... It came out, then went in again for new back and forths... I moaned softly, but didn't dare any more while the finger continued its exploration. And suddenly the finger was no longer alone. It was two fingers that were forcing my bottom, that were getting inside me. two fingers that were playing with my little hole, that were spreading the flesh, that were gradually making it a hole accessible to wider perspectives...
I felt a new flood of cold gel flowing down my crack and I couldn't hold back a cry when "something" larger came to sink into my ass. My cry provoked a few laughs, but especially an even more forceful thrust that made the tail sink deeper inside me... The thrusts of the one who was fucking me were faster and faster, deeper and deeper... I moaned constantly and let out little cries that did not fail to amuse those who were playing with me.
When the first one withdrew, I didn't even have time to feel an ounce of relief, since already, another tail came to replace the previous one. Although my hole had widened slightly, I felt that the one that was coming was wider and longer than the previous one... He began to file me brutally, his thrusts ploughed my ass, pushing his tail deep into
my ass... And he took a malicious pleasure in remaining thus buried deep for several seconds, before partially withdrawing and pushing himself again while pushing a moan that seemed to give even more force to his cock stroke that was destroying my ass. He thus remained much longer to file me... and although blurred by the painful experience, my mind remained lucid enough to know that nothing was over.
I was sure that those who were fucking me were the brutes who had kidnapped me... but, while one of them, the second, was taking my ass with big blows of his cock... I remembered that there were three of them...
And indeed, the second one had barely withdrawn, when there was a brief spurt of gel and I felt an enormous cock forcing my ass. Although well opened by his predecessors, this one had to insist. The glans forced against the walls of my anus and it entered me by forcing me violently and extracting a shrill cry from me!
Throughout this third ass fucking, I kept moaning, crying and screaming in pain. Wider, longer, bigger, more violent too, because I felt that he wasn't just fucking me to open my ass even more, but to draw new screams from me.
Each back and forth was an opportunity to open me up a little more, to debase me a little more, to annihilate me by showing me that I was just a hole that would have to learn to be penetrated and penetrated again and again and again...
And what's more, it lasted and lasted... it was endless and my anus became at every moment a hole a little more open, a little wider, a little more accessible for all those who wanted it... in the end, I completely relaxed my body.
My muscles no longer obeyed me.
I was just a puppet in which the huge cock came and went methodically. And each back and forth was a way of telling myself that it would always be like this and that I would have to get used to it. Not only accept it, it was so easy to force myself to do it, but assimilate that this was now what I was: a hole, an object, a whore...
When the third finally withdrew... I had given up. All given up. And when Sir Evans' voice rang out again there was no longer any doubt. "Who are you?" asked the calm and collected voice of the Master. "I am Sir Evans' whore," I answered, gasping for breath...