The raindrops fell from the sky, tumbling down to their impending doom. A man walking by dressed smartly, like a man off to meet his girlfriends parents, yet as if he was about to meet a friend. He was quite peculiar looking. Slick backed hair and his hands in his pockets. I held up my coffee to my lips. The coffee shop was a nice place, cozy. This world was eerie, no doubt about that. People becoming 'superheroes,' absolute bullshit. The world isnt perfect and it will never be perfect, there is no angle for any purpose. My wife, may she rest in piece, died from one of these superheroes. I heard that she was… before they bashed her head in. I stood up and decided to follow the man. The coldness didn't effect me really, it just made my skin numb. Me and my wife had many great adventures. Oh the smiles she gave. I wish. I need it back. Oh. I lost the man, where has he gone. My mind is no longer a safe place where I can hide. I just made my way to my car instead, opening the car door and finally shutting the noise out, except from the little pitter patter on the car roof. There was this thing, I still can't call it anything i don't understand what happened, nobody really does. It was like a world wide heart attack happened. People burst into flames others turned into walking ice statues. Spikes humans bumping all over the place. All we know is that it comes from their stomach and their chest. Some people got the 'superpowers' and some didn't. If only I had the strength. The power to save her. There was a red light coming up soon, just before the intersection on bright road. Bright road is a medium size neighbourhood, I loved it, It was mine, it was ours to keep. I past a corner shop while turning into the neighbourhood, some Indian guy was living there, oh wait. No he was taken by the 'supervillains?' I guess you could call them that instead. I got out of my small little Toyota and shut the door, I made my way across the street and walked onto the pavement. The houses never fail ot look unique, each of them belongs to someone. A house, a home. No matter what it has memories. 10000 years ago someone probably slept there. Not in that house, but in that spot. It was quite fascinating, but the past is the last of our worries in this day and age. I found my familiar door and grabbed my keys out of my back pockets and began sorting through them to find the right one. There was a few kids playing football outside, a little ginger boy who looked about 10 was playing with 2 other 15 year olds or so. I thought. Why not, I'll just have a bit of fun. I walked out into the little concrete that separated the houses . "Hey boys! Mind if I join you?" I shouted, the tallest one, one of the fifteen year olds, had freckles and nodded his head. We passed to ball around in a square. Getting faster by the second. I was enjoying myself, I would be lying if I said if I knew they were having fun. Oh how I wish I could read minds, you never know what someone is thinking, and it pains me I'll never know. "You're pretty good at football mister." Said the little ginger boy. He giggled with joy, at least I could tell he was happy. I saw that he was missing his front left tooth. I don't know how to explain it but… he gives the same smile as my wife. A large gust of wind swallowed any noise that tried to enter my ears. I was swept away about 6 foot away from the kid. "Kid? Hello? KIDS!" I projected my voice louder and louder until the wind and dust make me choke. I heard a sound of a punch landing and then blood splattered all over my face. The wind was slowly seeping away and I could make out a little ginger boy's body, lifeless on the floor. The tallest one tried to throw a punch at one of the superheroes that I just now noticed. The wind guy slapped the teen and grabbed his face. He added more and more force. The kid's hands slapping his forearm, and then his head exploded. Brains everywhere. His blood splattered onto everyone this time. I made a run for it, the only remaining kid frozen on the floor. I dragged my eyes away from his and slammed into my door, my heart was pounding in my throat and my eyes felt like they were about to pop out. I looked back and froze. His breath, his breath was getting stolen from out of his mouth and into the 'supervillian's' hand. He choked and choked. Im powerless. Again, no not again. I leapt out of the shade and ran towards him. The first step hit the concrete and I froze like ice. I can't. WHY! WHY CAN'T I! WHY AM I SO POWERLESS! My spit made me choke. The words could not come out, I couldn't stop him. The teen's body fell to the floor lifeless. The supervillain turned and looked at me dead in the eye. And smiled. We're all gonna die. I screeched in pain, my mind echoed it. We.Are.Dead