Boom!! The sound came ,what a sad day for these two stranded kids.Their parents had just been involved in an accident and unfortunately for them they lost their precious life and left their little ones behind.Although they are wealthy enough,their other relatives ganged up and sacked them from their patrilineal home.This children had to go outside and find for themselves a comfortable zone to spend the night.They finally found an uncompleted house and slept there.When they woke the next day ,they were both sneezing and cough showing some symptoms of malaria.Now it's time for them to go out to the streets and find something for their stomach. Mmmm this task was very difficult for them but they to endure every pain .They did this task for two weeks and eventually for them,a professional barrister came to visit them in their uncompleted house.She said that,she had been in search for them from the day their parents encountered to unpleasant event(accident). Anonymously,their parents had planned everything themselves,their parents found out that their relatives wanted to murder them and take their property so they had to fake the accident and every event that went on.