January 5, 2020 6am
After explaining the situation to the employer and the resident I sent everyone away and collapsed, I had deactivated the player's mind, I didn't need it right now and I didn't want to be a robot. I woke up 2 hours later when the police yelled into a megaphone.
I edited a message on a billboard indicating that I was sleeping, and that I would contact them on my email levraijoueur75@gmail.com
several hours later I deactivated the soundproofing of my apartment, before putting it back immediately, journalists tried to contact me and I heard the hubbub of a crowd.
I got up to sit in front of the desk and turn my computer back on, I immediately spent 1000€ to upgrade it with liquid cooling circuits...
I had more than 4000 emails in less than 24 hours, people from the building who couldn't get through despite my 24-hour access instructions (normal if you want to enter with hostile intentions)
People who insult me as demons, sorcerers, racist insults too since I'm black... and I finally found the email of several members of the government and various celebrities.
In the end I didn't do what I said, I didn't contact the authorities, I created an umsafram account, and pip pop and invited people to subscribe, I'll do an explanatory live in a few hours.
videos showing people trying to enter the residence and hitting an invisible wall were circulating en masse on the net, a drone was even intercepted and remained frozen at more than 50 meters in height.
helicopters also tried, but they could not pass and were stuck in the void, the people who were rappelling from the helicopters slid on an invisible wall and fell outside the residence. in short, France was shocked.
at 4 p.m. I launched the pip pop live, I had more than 4 million subscribers in 5 hours.
- Hello everyone, I am Frédéric Gelte, I am 39 years old, I am morbidly overweight, unemployed and I have obtained extraordinary powers.
- I am here to answer your questions, but first a little recap. yesterday, January 4, 2020, I indicated by loudspeaker to the people of my residence that I was taking control of the premises. I said that I would authorize the people of my residence to return within 24 hours so that they could sleep, prepare to leave or tell me why I should let them stay, they can write to me on an email left for their attention alone.
- I made the same offer to the workers of the shopping center, specifying that they could come with their direct family. I specify direct family their wives, men and children, no parents, brothers, no cousins, or other distant family.
- I will now confirm what I told these people, the end of the world is coming. I know that these are criminals for me to say it, people are going to hurt, or hurt themselves. but I think that if the end of the world were coming, I would like to know it to be close to my family and friends.
Suddenly, the live was cut for infringing the platform rules.
I then used my powers to restart the live.
- my apologies, it seems that the lack of control does not please the leader, but I much prefer to speak to the people, who are too often neglected, in the taking of positions or in general communication.
- I will now answer questions, I will bring up the interested parties live. I see that eddyexplains asks to participate, I do not like at all this journalist sold to Milton. I will rather take Pokimane, I like this streamer.
- hello pikimane, I am listening to you.
- hello Frédéric, we are all shocked by what is happening in France at the moment, can you tell us what kind of end of the world it is?
- very very good question, I'm sorry I'm not prepared more than that, so I'll just give the information I have. God, which god it is doesn't matter, tell me that the end of the world will come, under the force of a zombie apocalypse. this means that many people will be able to survive in truth, you have about a month to secure a place, and provisions. survival fans should get by.
- thank you for your answer, I have a lot of other questions if you don't mind?
- thank you but I'm going to take other people, I suggest you come to Paris, I'll welcome you with your close family.
- who, ok, thank you I'll get ready right away.
- you know what, wait, it could be dangerous, people's hatred and their fear can make them do horrible things like not coming or worse.
with a spell, I send a portal to pokimane, she hesitates, but the crossing and ends up in my room.
- hello hello
- my god, I'm in France there
- and yes, it seems, I leave you free to go choose a free apartment, they have green doors. you'll see the apartments here are all high end.