Chapter 3 - Ch. 2: Information

Authors Note: I don't know what happened when I copy pasted my work from word or something but I came here messed up so I had to somewhat fix the errors I made in both Ch. 1 and 2. Sorry for the inconvenience.

"Gods, Falna, Magic, Dungeons, Magic Crystals, etc..." as Kagami lists down these terms in his notepad upon asking the Merchant. Seeing his different writing, the Merchant concluded that he indeed came from an advanced foreign nation. He noticed their writing and then asked the Merchant to teach him their writing, which is Koine.

The Merchant is also curious about Kagami's strength, even though he doesn't have a Falna. Kagami then explained how in The City, various augmentations and procedures are done to a person to be able to strengthen themselves, but that can only get them so far if they are not skilled enough to use it, and others just have innate strengths and abilities to surpass the common folks, they also rely on technologies that are offered by The City and weaponry from Workshops such as his extremely durable Umbrella.

"From what I can see, young man, this City of yours is devoid of Gods and solely run by humans," The Merchant said.

"That's how it is there in The City, No gods or support, you only have yourself against others and yourself as well," Kagami replied with a somber look.

"But you did survive in those harsh conditions, young man, it takes a lot of strength and will to be as strong as you at such a young age," The Merchant says with a sympathetic look. 

"You are right about that, Sir," Kagami replied, shifting to a small smile.

"Anyway, we should rest now; we have a long day tomorrow," said the merchant, yawning.

 Alright, I'll set up a cloaking field for us so no one will have to do a night watch," Kagami said to The Merchant.

"Also young man, keep those technologies like that one with you hidden, although we have a similar item that involves invisibility that item alone is pretty rare on this part and that small gadget that you pull items out from seemingly out of nowhere will make you a target from other Familias and businesses alike," the Merchant says with the concerned look.

"I'll keep that in mind, Sir." Kagami then sets up his tent in the field along with the Merchant and his Family.

Kagami then headed to his tent to retire for the night and began sleeping. He reminisces about the overflow of Memories when he uses his Identities for an extended period. A Girl with black hair and a hair ornament and another with red hair is present with him in every mirror world but he can't remember their full names, "-jouno Kagu-" and "-ise Lov-" is the only thing he remembers. He tried looking for those girls in The City, he looked around in most districts when he had free time but soon postponed the thought as the Assoc. requests were piling up.

"I wonder if this is the far end of the Outskirts or a different world altogether", Kagami held onto the idea that this is a different world with him all too familiar because of his E.G.O and thought of the notion of starting over again because of his experience with the Hana Assoc. and The City. 

"That's enough thinking for today let's just rest, this is a reinforced tent anyways so even if they tried anything to harm me they won't be getting through it", he thought as he closed his eyes and rested.

Soon the Night passed and thus Morning began...

"Breakfast is ready," Mrs. Pachebell called out. Alright, let me retrieve my tent, Mrs. Pachebell," Kagami replied. After retrieving and storing his tent in his Pocket Storage, he made his way to Mr. and Mrs. Pachebell and their son.

"Here you go Mr. Yotsuyu" Mrs. Pachebell handed over a bowl of stew she made to Kagami. "This is good," Kagami said as he chowed down on the stew. 

"Home-cooked food tastes different after years of pre-made meals," Kagami thought to himself.

Moments later...

"Hey big brother, can you do that cool thing again please" the young son of the Merchant who seems to be about 7 years old asked Kagami. 

"Heath, you shouldn't bother Mr. Yotsuyu like that," the wife of the Merchant said.

"It's fine Mrs. Pachebell, kids like Heath are naturally curious plus I get to practice my abilities as well" Kagami replied with a small smile. 

"Alright, Heath I'll do it once more" As Kagami began to grip his Umbrella glass shards began cracking around the weapon and began to shatter. The once was Plain Black Umbrella turned into an intricately designed Umbrella that has an alternating pattern that changes from Black and White and adorned with butterfly designs.

"That's so cool big brother, how do you do it" said the curious Heath. 

"It's a super-secret ability Heath" Kagami replied to Heath with a small smile.

"That's cheating big brother" Heath pouted only to get his head patted by Kagami. 

"I'm not cheating Heath, you need to grow more to be as strong as me" replied as he entertained Heath more with his practice.

"Young Man, Heath we're ready to head out now", said Mr. Pachebell as he finished cleaning the camp. "Yes Dad/Got it Sir" both Heath and Kagami replied.

After Mr. Pachebell called to them, they began to ride the carriage again. And once more Kagami asks more questions to Mr. Pachebell and in turn, he asks him questions too. "So originally the World has only mortals before the gods descended out of boredom to interact with mortals," Kagami thought deeply. "Yes, after that they handed down their blessings to humans known as Falna," Mr. Pachebell said.

"So in short Falna are like Growth Augmentations, able to strengthen a mortal beyond their limits without going through procedures and such" Kagami replied. 

"Yes," Mr. Pachebell replied. "Though they hit a certain threshold before becoming stronger in the process, they need Excelia for their status to grow" Mr. Pachebell followed.

"Excelia are gained by defeating monsters or by training, the amount one gets varies from each person and level" Mr. Pachebell explained. 

"I see..." Kagami seemingly becomes more curious about the system the Gods have implemented. 

"Also, only the Gods can update your status or level you up" Mr. Pachebell followed up on the answer. "

So the Gods have the chokehold on you whether you get stronger or not", Kagami said with a somewhat dissatisfied look.

"Even so, they wouldn't delay their Familia's strengthening because that gives them profit and makes their Familia recognized by others" replied Mr. Pachebell. "I see..." Kagami replied.

"They also hold Denatus to announce those who leveled up garnering attention from the common folks and other Familias alike," said Mr. Pachebell. 

"So it's kind of like showcasing your children's talents and achievements at a family gathering," Kagami said. 

"Kind of like that" Mr. Pachebell replied 

Soon as the Sun went down they began camp once more...

"Mr. Yotsuyu, can you help carry these crates into the carriage" Mrs. Pachebell called out.

 "Alright, does it include these other ones too?" Kagami replied as he carried the crates with relative ease. 

"Oh, you can leave those alone for now" Mrs. Pachebell replied as she prepared the dishes.

"Big Brother, why do you only wear a suit when you fight?" Heath asked. 

"I don't know, I just copied what the others were wearing during combat" Kagami replied. 

"Doesn't that suit restrict your movements, then again after seeing you fight I doubt that suit of yours held back any of your movements" said Mr. Pachebell.

"Oh, this suit mine is custom made," Kagami said. "Aside from it being comfortable and durable, le it is also easy to clean" Kagami followed.

"It seems that it is made from materials of high quality speaking as a merchant myself" Mr. Pachebell as he looked at the suit that Kagami pulled out from his storage. 

"Well then I doubt I'll be selling it soon, so shall we continue the Koine lessons, Sir?" Kagami said eager to finish the final Koine writing lessons. 

"Alright young man, I didn't say this before but you are a fast learner," Mr. Pachebell said to the young man.

As the Koine Lessons concluded Kagami had to ask Mr. Pachebell.

"Sir, I have to ask but how did you and Mrs. Pachebell meet?" Kagami asked Mr. Pachebell. 

"I didn't expect you to ask that young man but I'll keep it short since dinner is almost ready?" Mr. Pachebell said.

"It began when I was taken by my Father in the Kingdom of Altena. I am supposed to inherit my Father's business as I have now. And there I was a teenager touring the streets of Altena when I saw a young lady dressed in academy clothes seemingly uncomfortable talking to the other male students. We locked eyes for a moment and she broke out of the conversation to come to me and said that I was her lover, not to brag young man but back in my days I used to be quite a heartbreaker, I know you're quite a looker yourself so don't go around breaking some poor girls heart alright" said Mr. Pachebell with a smile.

"Then after that me and Maelle started seeing each other often whenever I stopped by Altena and later on we-" Mr. Pachebell getting cut off as Mrs. Pachebell calls us for dinner.

As that interaction concluded they had their meals, soon then Kagami set up a cloaking field and they each headed to their tents Mr. Pachebell called to Kagami saying why he asked as the young man who looked like he'd been through hell and back thought of the notion of romance.

"There is this girls I keep seeing in my dreams (Mirror World Memories) but I can't remember their full name or if I can even meet her," said Kagami. 

"I see then, well if you manage to find the lucky lady make sure to let us know then, and I will help you out," Mr. Pachebell said with a smile. 

"Alright then Sir, I'll make sure to let you know" Kagami replied with a somewhat assured tone. Then they continued to their tent and rested for the night.