RAMBLE TO the FOURTH SAINT is a short story in which fourth saint narrates his autobiography he says in reality I am the king of china and I am orphan from childhood.And the time of death my father entrusted me to my uncle and he
Advised my uncle that when I become mature he should return my government and he should marry me to my uncle's daughter her name was Roshan ara.And when I became fourteen years old and there was a loyal servent of my father named mubarak he asked me it is the time now to take the government back from my uncle.But my uncle have no intentions to give me the government back even that he invite some astrologists and forced them to say that you can't marry this year and my uncle said to mubarak to kill me Mubarak led me out from forest and by this excuse he showed me a secret place which was under the soil in this place there was 40 earth pots and in these pots there was a special kind of juice and on 39 pots there was a monkey on them and no one knows the secret of these pots without my father and Mubarak said to me i will take to the king of spirits and he also said me the king of spirits was the closest freind of my father.He took me to the. Malik Sadiq ( the king of spirits) and Finally mubarak took me to the malik Sadiq and when we reached there he put sulamuani surma in my eyes and now I go to the malik Sadiq for help and Malik Sadiq asked me for 40th monkey and in the seek of 40th monkey I have been lost in this forest and there is no way to my home.