"Ah…" Letting out a growl at the uncomfortable place I found myself sleeping, I couldn't help but try to reach out for any warmth I could find. My hands and legs moved around to find the blanket, which I usually had lying somewhere nearby on the bed.
This feeling was not new. The cold and chilly air always woke me up. I had a nasty habit of getting myself out of the blanket while sleeping, you see, but today, it felt extraordinarily cold.
I moved around but couldn't find any warmth or comfort to prolong my sleep. Finally, though unwillingly, I opened my eyes.
I shouldn't have. The first light assaulted me, almost making me blink, not to mention the white sheets of my bed today reflected more light than they ever had in my entire existence.
"Wait a minute." And that was when my mind caught up to reality.
"This ain't my bed. This is snow. Where the fuck am I? Where is my room?" I jerked up, trying to get to my feet but immediately lost balance and fell back onto my butt.
The snow did cushion my fall, but I hit something extremely hard while falling back down.
"Motherfuc…." Almost cursing, I clutched my head as pain rang inside me. It almost felt like my skull would break open.
'Okay… calm down, calm down.' I shouted internally to myself, though doing that was extremely hard, seeing as I was in a complete wasteland filled with snow.
Looking around, I noticed nothing but snow and trees.
"Where am I?"
If not for the bursting headache, I would love to take out my phone and post to others that I had traveled. At least something could come out of this ordeal.
'Wait, my phone.' I realized and immediately searched my person to find the magical device that had enslaved modern humans.
'Nothing…' I couldn't find it. Hell, what the hell was I even wearing?
Looking down, I found myself in some sort of hard armor-like clothing. It was almost black with silver touches here and there, along with some sort of arm guards.
Upon closer inspection, I could tell that they were one of those light leather armors from games and movies.
"What happened?"
My body refused to move. It felt foreign honestly, so I lay flat until at least my head stopped killing me. While I had some time in this predicament, I tried to recall what happened.
How did I get here, and where is "here" exactly? It took some time, but finally, it clicked—from watching Thor to my PC exploding right onto my face.
'If I survived, then this should be the hospital, shouldn't it?'
Once again, looking around, I didn't find any sexy nurse or fancy equipment. Hell, even if I could spot a building wall, I would have taken that as a sign that maybe I survived.
But… isn't this place lacking in temperature for being hell? It can't be heaven. Aside from my personal track history, which makes me doubt that I'd go there, I once again couldn't seem to find those sexy angels most would consider heaven-worthy.
"I'm probably going mad, talking nonsense when I have to check where the hell I am." Singing, I finally got up—or at least tried to. The foreign feeling came again. I lost balance and almost fell face-first, but this time, I was ready.
The first thing I noticed was the height difference. I was definitely much taller than I used to be.
Second, I noticed the bloody place was freezing me from the inside out.
"I fucking need to build some fire." Shivering, I pressed down my uncomfortable senses and looked around to find wood or anything to build a fire, only to see an object of great significance lying on the ground, surely the same one that gave me this bump on my head.
It dazzled slightly in the sunlight, while the excellent craftsmanship put a novel presence around the object, which I had seen countless times.
"Mjolnir?" I blurted out, and like the hammer heard me, it slightly vibrated to my voice.
Now things were really getting strange. But for me, it didn't matter. For any MCU fan, this was the time to find out whether they were worthy or not.
Gulping, I took small steps forward, maintaining my balance to not fall again. After checking that no one was watching for some reason, I bent down and wrapped my hands around the hammer's handle.
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of… THOR…" I pulled the hammer with all my strength, almost doing a somersault in the attempt, but the hammer didn't resist at all. Hell, even the usual weight I was expecting wasn't there. It felt like a toy in terms of weight.
I raised the hammer high while shouting, but nothing happened. Let alone the sky darkening and thunder roaring, I didn't even see so much as a spark of electricity.
"Well, of course, it's a bloody stage prop…" I sighed, though sometimes, acting like a kid is fun.
Again looking at the hammer, I had to say the thing was surprisingly realistic. It was light, like plastic, but looked very solid, giving me enough confidence that I might even put a dent in my landlord's head the next time he asked for rent.
Shaking my head, I let it go. Now wasn't the time to play around. I had to figure out where the hell I was.
Letting go of the hammer felt surprisingly hard for some reason. As it fell to the ground, which I have to say again acted like a real dense weapon, I felt like I had lost something.
Again shaking my head, I turned around. I had way more important things to do besides debating this sudden unhealthy obsession I had developed with a hammer.
However, just as I took a few steps, I realized something.
'This is a wild jungle, and I'm completely defenseless…' This thought immediately made me stop. I once again turned back, looking at the hammer, which also had a magnetic pull effect on me.
"Maybe not the real deal, but it looks sturdy enough. Better have it than go empty-handed…" I muttered. After convincing myself that I wasn't making things up just to get the hammer for myself and letting my inner fanboy win, I moved forward to pick up the hammer again—only to stop suddenly.
Gods only know why, but my body betrayed me, and sneakily, my hand opened its palm toward the hammer.
Hoping for it to come flying at me. And….
"And nothing happened. Stop wasting time and get the damn thing already." I grumbled to myself and took it.
"Got to find where the hell I am now…"