really have a job so he depended on my mom so my mom is a little bit crazy she had four kids before me so she had a sister blood related named Antonia and have a half sister in a foreign country and that half sister in a foreign country really likes my mom like every came through her but one day things got worse her half sister in a foreign country brought many phones for everyone to share and the one called Antonia went to meet my mom in a family gathering and was like why will you tell your sister in a foreign country that l have another phone is it bad to have two phones and she was like you will see so the next month my mom had me and was struggling with her life when she had a little argument with her landlady she fought and forget about it until one day her second child named Peace went to play outside peace was playing when one of the kids he was playing with brought out a razor blade the kid he was playing with used th razor blade to cut his nipple blood was gushing out they rushed peace to the hospital but unfortunately he didn't make it he died so my aunt from my father's side was like come to live around here so that they will be no problem my mom stayed a few weeks and she was like l need to go and live with Antonia my sister and she went she gave birth to me there but the night of my birth she got a little rash on top her boob and she was like what is this she cut the rash and mind you she just gave birth so she had milk flowing through her boob the next day she called her sister Antonia and was like there is a rash on top my boobs and Antonia was like l am coming to check on it and mind you she not a doctor she came over to check on it and she bolid some water hot one she used it to massage the boobs my mom thought she was doing a good thing for her and when she woke up she found out that her boobs is swollen my dad rushed her to the hospital and there they out she had breast cancer and she needed a surgery immediately unfortunately my dad didn't have money but he agreed anyway the doctor and my mom went into the operation room and she died there my dad was looking for money to pay the doctor and burial her when he couldn't get money he tried to sell me to a billionaire that all for today bye