Jimmy tried to warn his friend about this wrong path. After Jimmy learns about Justin's demise, Jimmy can't forgive himself. Justin cannot trust his friend, who believes in the good in him, and for not listening to Jimmy, Justin dies. Not so long ago, Jimmy talked with Justin just before he became a murderer. Jimmy told Justin to forget Timmy since Justin's mother would never forgive Justin for killing, even if it were to avenge her death. Justin told Jimmy that he would listen to him and promised that he would live for his mother's sake because she would have wanted him to live happily for both himself and his mother. However, James brainwashed Justin with his lies, and Justin fell for his lies and went on a journey for false revenge.
Jimmy wanted to make those who killed Justin pay. He started with the mastermind, James. Jimmy planned to kill James because he believed that James's life imprisonment wasn't sufficient punishment.
Jimmy trusted the Yangacura group to help him kill James. They would raid the imperial prison at dawn tomorrow, so Jimmy needed his rest.
At dawn, 15 armed men, including Jimmy, rushed the imperial prison. They used machine guns to take down the cells and kill the prisoners one after the other. Jimmy and the Yangacura group leader, Smith, arrived at James's cell. Smith spoke happily, "We killed all witnesses, boss man." Jimmy spoke confusingly, "I am not the boss." Suddenly, Smith shot down Jimmy. Smith spoke disgustingly, "I didn't mean you, you pawn. I meant the real boss, James.". James said excitedly, "I remember you. Justin's friend, how are you? So you wanted to kill me? Well, too bad that you trusted my man who wanted to save me. You are such a fool and the perfect pawn. " just then jimmy pressed the recorder in his pocket and spoke angrily, "so you are going to kill me too . is that it just tell me your crimes before I die so that I can find it in my heart to know if I should forgive you or not." James replied with a smirk, "You are dying, so why not? I admit it: I killed Justin and his mother and drove Justin to try and murder Khaled and his father. I also wanted to steal the watch that belonged to Jeffery's father, Ted, who I also killed, and I turned Jeffery into my pawn; I admit it. So now I will kill you. So sad that you couldn't take revenge for your friend, but excellent try now, die without ever achieving a thing.". James shoots Jimmy and thinks he has killed him.
Later that day, the police arrived and confirmed that the Yangacura group had killed all the prisoners. A man was shot near his heart, wounded but still alive. It was Jimmy. The police arrived before they could finish off Jimmy, so James and the Yangacura group vanished from the scene. Jimmy woke up after one month of treatment. Since someone shot Jimmy twice, it was hard to cure him, but the famous Robby William saved his life. When Jimmy opened his eyes, he couldn't find his jacket, so he said hurriedly, "Where is my coat?". Robby replied, "Why do you need it?" Jimmy said, "It has a recorder that recorded James's confession.". Robby exclaimed, "James, you say he is not dead like all the other prisoners." Jimmy explained, "The Yangacura group killed all the prisoners, but since James was their boss." Robby continued, "They didn't kill him." Jimmy said, demanding, "Where is the coat?" Robby explained, "It is here; I will get it."
They saw the recorder inside, but it was damaged; however, the tap inside was still intact. Robby spoke intensely, "We must give this to the police." A man came to the hospital accompanied by the leader of the Yangacura group. It was Khaled's father. The guy next to him was in shackles. Khaled's dad said encouragingly, "Jimmy, you were great. Now we can shed some light on James's crimes." Jimmy replied happily, "I trust you." Khaled's dad was surprised and said while giggling, "You trust people unquestioningly, don't you? We would be in trouble if you trusted Robby when he was with James." Robby replied with a smile, "Very funny." Khaled's dad grabbed his recorder, inserted the tap inside it, and heard everything. Robby's heart boiled when he discovered that Jimmy was friends with the person who had ended his acting career. Jimmy saw the reaction on Robby's face, so he explained, "I understand that you hate Justin for what he did, but even if James killed Justin's mother to manipulate Justin, that is no excuse. But you must understand that he was kind at some point, though his lack of trust caused his downfall."
Robby calmed down and explained, "It is okay. I know you tried to stop him, and maybe I will forgive Justin one day, too, because I am sure that Justin just walked the wrong path. He loved his mother that much, so that was why losing her caused him to destroy my life." Just then, the leader of the Yangacura group, who was in chains, spoke with tears in his eyes, "My final service." Robby exclaimed, "Why do you trash interrupt my conversation with Jimmy?".
The guy in chains spoke excitedly, "Because you are all dead," before Robby could finish his sentence. The leader of the Yangacura group detonated a bomb inside him.
Robby opened his eyes. "How am I fine? There was an explosion.". The first floor of the hospital was blown away by an enormous explosion.