I slowly opened my eyes, groggily taking in my surroundings. The room was unfamiliar, with intricate carvings on the wooden furniture and delicate porcelain vases adorning the shelves. I winced as the bright sunlight streaming through the windows pierced my brain like a thousand needles.
Where was I? How did I get here?
I tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over me, forcing me to lie back down. A gentle voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Young mistress, you are awake. I have brought you tea and breakfast."
I turned to see a servant, dressed in traditional Chinese attire, bowing low. "Who...who am I?" I stammered, feeling a sense of panic rising up.
The servant's expression changed to one of surprise. "You are Mistress Xu, daughter of the honorable Xu family. You have been ill for several days, and we are glad to see you recovering."
Mistress Xu? The name meant nothing to me. I tried to remember my past, but my memories seemed shrouded in a thick fog. I felt like I was living in someone else's body.
The servant, noticing my distress, approached me. "Do not worry, young mistress. Your family will be pleased to see you recovering. I will inform them of your awakening."
As the servant departed, I threw off the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed. My feet dangled in the air, and I stared at them in wonder. They were small and delicate, with intricately painted nails.
I stood up, feeling a bit dizzy, and approached a nearby mirror. The reflection showed a girl with a heart-shaped face, almond eyes, and long, black hair. I was dressed in a beautiful silk robe, embroidered with intricate patterns.
Who was I, really? And how did I end up in ancient China as the daughter of a respectable family? The questions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool, pulling me under.
I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the journey ahead. I would uncover the truth about my past and my new life as Mistress Xu.
Standing up, I walk towards the table placed in the room where she had set the teacups and the dishes. The food looked weird, but I dared not speak.
"Young mistress," the maid called startling me. "I prepared the congee and millet porridge because the doctor said that you should eat it. So please try, even if you don't want it."
I nodded and turned to the plate. Turns out this mistress Xu does not like this food. I picked up the white spoon and took a spoonful of the congee in my mouth and almost melted at how delightful it tasted. Taking a sip of my tea, I went for another spoon of congee before tasting the millet porridge which I had to admit was delicious.
Once done with my food, I let out a quiet burp and watched as the maid bowed before taking the dishes away. Standing up from my seat, I decided to take a tour of the place.
Walking out the wooden door, I was met with a long corridor on both sides, that was covered by a wooden fence, which enabled me to see the little flower garden outside.
There was some maids tending to the flowers and discussing. I managed to pick up a little from what they were saying.
"I don't know why young mistress has to stress us to do this" one said.
"If not for Jin, we would not be doing this" the other complained.
"She's just trying to get on mistress's good side" another one concluded and all of them huffed.
Turning around, I walked back into my room with a sigh. I guess these people didn't like their young madam.
Footsteps echoed through the corridor, and finally the same maid that brought my breakfast came in with some other maids.
"Young mistress, we have been asked to dress you up immediately" the girl said.
I pursed my lips at her, "You're Jin?" I asked.
She nodded, "Yes, young mistress. Your personal maid" she concluded.
I nodded and cocked my head to the side. "But why am I getting dressed?"
Jin's brows furrowed as she stared at me. "I'll tell you once you're done." She clapped her hands, "Let's get the young mistress ready."
One of the maids carried a tray laden with various clothing items, including a intricately embroidered silk robe, a pair of loose-fitting pants, and a delicate silk undergarment.
Jin began to help me dress, starting with the undergarment. She slipped it over my head, and I felt the soft, cool fabric against my skin. Next, she handed me the loose-fitting pants, which she helped me tie at the waist with a delicate silk cord.
The silk robe was the final piece, and Jin carefully slipped it over my shoulders. The robe was a beautiful shade of blue, with intricate embroidery depicting scenes of nature. The fabric felt luxurious against my skin, and I couldn't help but run my hands over the intricate patterns.
As Jin finished dressing me, she stepped back to admire her handiwork. I looked down at myself, feeling a bit bewildered by the unfamiliar clothing. But Jin's smile reassured me, and I felt a sense of gratitude towards her for helping me navigate this strange new world.
Jin then proceeded to style my hair, brushing it back into a sleek, low bun. She secured it with a delicate hairpin, and I felt a sense of elegance wash over me.
As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I barely recognized the person staring back at me. The traditional Chinese clothing and hairstyle transformed me into a completely different person. I felt like I was playing a role, but I had no idea what the script was or what was expected of me.
Jin's gentle voice broke the silence. "You look lovely, Mistress Xu. Shall we go to meet your family?"
The other maids had left, but I couldn't help but feel that Jin wanted to tell me something.
"Is something wrong, Jin?" I asked trying to act normal. "You're looking at me weirdly."
Jin bowed immediately, "I'm sorry young mistress, but it's just that ever since your accident you're acting confused, and not like the rebellious young mistress everyone knows, and not like my friend." She had whispered the last part, but I heard it clearly.
So Jin and I are friends? Jin began to lead me out of the room. We moved out the corridor and down the steps where all the maids bowed and greeted. Jin scrunched her face in distaste and led me down a flowery pathway.
We walked for a few minutes before we got to a small mini hit with all sides open. An elderly man and woman sat there talking, alongside a younger girl. Is this my family?
"Master Xu, Madam Xu, Youngest mistress Xu, I have brought young mistress" Jin said with a bow.
"Thank you, Jin. You may leave" the man said and Jin turned around and walked away.
Subconsciously, I found myself slowly realizing that I'm now in China. I felt like I knew all these traditions and roles from numerous practices, but how, I did not know.
I bowed to my parents and walked to my seat, where I made sure to seat elegantly as I held my head high up. I heard that the young mistress was rebellious, so I have to act the part, so that they don't get suspicious and behead me. Cause I know that is like a thing here in China.
"How are you feeling, Quingyan?" The woman asked and I just stared at her blankly as I waited for Quingyan to answer.
"Quingyan, mum is asking you something" the young girl said, and that is when I realized that she was taking to me.
I smiled, "I'm fine now, mum. Though, I don't remember what happened."
Mum nodded, while the girl continued talking. "You were too rebellious to listen to mother when she told you to leave those stupid flowers and go and meet the prince. You ended up running around like a baby and slipped. You only had a concussion!"
"Quingquing!" Mum scolded.
"Quingyan, that behavior is not acceptable" the man who is clearly my dad stated. "You can't behave like this anymore. You are going to be the crown princess soon."
"Huh?" I asked confused.
Quingquing immediately spoke up, "Mum, I told you she'd do anything to get out of the marriage, and now she's even pretending not to remember anything!"
Mum looked at me with a firece gaze, "Quingyan, you are going to marry crown prince, Xiu Xianxiung whether you like it or not?"
"What?" I asked confused. "Who is that?"
Dad's voice immediately roared out, "Don't test my patience, Quingyan! The marriage is the day after tomorrow, so be prepared," he said in a tone that left no place for arguments.
I guess this it, I'm about to shipped off to somewhere new, when I barely understand anything!