Chereads / Level Up By Doing Absolutely Nothing! / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Challenges Accepted

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Challenges Accepted

The Monday after the showcase, I arrived at school to find a notice on the classroom bulletin board:

"The following students are requested to meet with university representatives during lunch period in Conference Room 1: Hana Tanaka, Mika Yamada, Yukimura Takahashi, Kazuto Sato."

"There you are!" Mika ambushed me the moment I sat down. "Did you see the notice? The scouts want to meet with us!"

"I saw," I replied, already wondering if I could get out of it somehow. Then again, missing the meeting would probably cause more hassle than attending.

"This is huge!" she continued, either ignoring or not noticing my lack of enthusiasm. "Scouts from Seijin, Mizuhara, and even Tokushin want to talk to us. Tokushin, Sato-kun!"

"Impressive," I said, with approximately one-tenth of the excitement she clearly expected.

She frowned slightly. "You could at least pretend to be interested. This could determine our entire futures."

I sighed. She had a point. And truthfully, I was slightly curious about what the scouts had to say, especially after Spectrum's unexpected interest in my ability.

"Sorry," I said, surprising myself with the apology. "I'll be there."

Her expression immediately brightened. "Great! We should all meet beforehand to prepare. How about right after fourth period?"

I nodded, and she headed back to her seat as Ms. Nakamura entered the classroom.

The morning classes passed in a blur of strategic EXP farming interspersed with just enough attention to avoid teacher intervention.

[EXP gained: +5]

[EXP gained: +5]

During math class, I noticed Ryota watching me with unusual intensity. His gaze was calculating, assessing. Ever since the showcase, his suspicion had become more obvious.

Ryota Kondo

Level 9

Ability: Enhanced Strength (Physical)

[Ability Insight: User has been training specifically to improve precision control. Current maximum strength output increased by 5% since last observation.]

So he'd leveled up and continued improving. Interesting. His dedication to training was almost admirable, in a try-hard sort of way.

After fourth period, I met with my showcase team as promised. Yukimura was practically vibrating with excitement.

"I looked up the scouts," he said. "Masuda-san from Tokushin is their combat division recruiter. He only talks to students with serious combat potential!"

"And Kimura-sensei from Seijin specializes in rescue operations," Hana added quietly. "Their entrance exams have the highest physical requirements of any hero university."

"Mizuhara isn't as prestigious," Mika noted, "but their ability development program is excellent. They focus more on versatility than raw power."

I listened to their enthusiastic analysis with growing curiosity. These universities clearly offered specialized training that could help ability users maximize their potential. Even I had to admit that was somewhat intriguing.

"What about you, Sato-kun?" Mika asked. "Any thoughts on which university interests you most?"

I hesitated. "I wasn't really planning on the hero track," I said, though with less conviction than before.

"But after your showcase performance, you'd definitely qualify," Yukimura insisted. "Your enhancement ability is perfect for hero work."

"We should focus on making a good impression today," Hana interjected, saving me from further explanation. "Be respectful, highlight our teamwork, and emphasize our individual strengths."

We agreed on this approach and headed to Conference Room 1 when the lunch bell rang.

The room had been arranged with a long table where three adults sat with notepads and tablets. Our team was directed to sit across from them.

"Thank you for joining us," began a stern-looking man with salt-and-pepper hair. "I'm Masuda from Tokushin University's Combat Division. These are my colleagues, Kimura-sensei from Seijin and Watanabe-sensei from Mizuhara."

We introduced ourselves in turn. When it came to me, I noticed Masuda checking something on his tablet, presumably my showcase performance metrics.

"We were impressed by your team demonstration," Kimura-sensei said. She was a tall woman with an athletic build and sharp eyes. "The elemental harmony concept showcased each of your abilities effectively while demonstrating excellent coordination."

"Tanaka-san," Masuda addressed Hana directly, "your vegetation control shows remarkable precision. Have you considered specializing in terrain manipulation for hero operations?"

Hana nodded. "I've been focusing on rapidly deployable barriers and entrapment techniques."

The conversation continued, with each scout asking specific questions about our abilities and future plans. Yukimura enthusiastically described his ambitions for combat hero work, while Mika explained her interest in civilian support and emotional crisis management.

Then Watanabe-sensei, a younger man with a friendly demeanor, turned to me. "Sato-kun, your Meditative Enhancement ability displayed impressive versatility during the showcase. Particularly your mental enhancement during the puzzle section. Could you explain how you developed such rapid switching between enhancement types?"

All eyes turned to me, and I felt a momentary panic. How much should I reveal?

"I focus on different aspects during meditation," I said, sticking close to my cover story. "Physical enhancement requires concentration on bodily sensations, dexterity on movement pathways, and mental enhancement on thought patterns."

Masuda looked intrigued. "Most enhancement-type abilities specialize in specific attributes. Your ability to enhance multiple categories is unusual. Have you measured your maximum enhancement levels?"

"Not specifically," I said truthfully. I had my status window, but I'd never tested the actual limits of my enhanced abilities in real-world applications.

"You might be interested in Tokushin's Enhancement Specialization Program," Masuda said, sliding a brochure toward me. "We have advanced facilities for measuring and developing enhancement-type abilities beyond conventional limits."

I accepted the brochure, genuinely curious despite myself.

"Seijin would also welcome your application," Kimura-sensei added. "Enhancement abilities are valuable in rescue operations where both strength and quick thinking are essential."

Watanabe-sensei nodded. "And Mizuhara's Development Program could help you expand your enhancement categories beyond the three you've demonstrated."

The idea that I could develop even more types of enhancement was interesting. My Power Storage skill already allowed me to enhance physical, mental, or skill attributes, but were there other possibilities I hadn't explored?

"Thank you," I said, more sincerely than I'd intended. "I'll consider all options."

The meeting continued for another twenty minutes, with the scouts providing information about application requirements, entrance exams, and scholarship opportunities. By the end, I had a stack of brochures and a head full of unexpected possibilities.

As we left the conference room, Yukimura clapped me on the shoulder. "They were really interested in you! Masuda-san from Tokushin never takes his eyes off his tablet unless he sees serious potential."

"It was just a good showcase performance," I said, downplaying it.

"Don't be so modest," Mika said. "Your ability is impressive, and they recognized that. Are you really going to consider applying?"

I paused, realizing I didn't have an immediate negative response ready. "Maybe. I'll look through the materials."

They both looked surprised at my non-dismissal, but before they could say anything, we were interrupted by an unwelcome voice.

"Sato. A word."

Ryota stood in the hallway, arms crossed, expression serious.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I told Mika and Yukimura, who nodded and continued toward the classroom, though Mika glanced back with concern.

"What is it?" I asked Ryota once they were gone.

"Your showcase performance," he said without preamble. "It was well beyond what someone with your supposed ability level should be capable of."

I shrugged. "Good day, I guess."

"No." His eyes narrowed. "I've been watching you since you claimed your ability awakened. The rate of improvement doesn't make sense. Either you're lying about when your ability developed, or there's something you're not telling everyone about how it works."

He wasn't entirely wrong, which made this conversation dangerous.

"What's your point?" I asked, keeping my expression neutral.

"I want to test your ability directly. A formal ability duel."

I blinked in surprise. Ability duels were regulated practice matches where students could test their powers against each other in a controlled environment. They weren't common outside of combat-focused schools, but they weren't unheard of either.

"Why would I agree to that?" I asked. "My ability isn't combat-oriented."

"Neither is mine, technically," he countered. "Enhanced Strength is classified as Physical Support. But any ability can be applied in various contexts. I want to see how your enhancement holds up against direct opposition."

I considered my options. Refusing would only increase his suspicion and potentially draw more unwanted attention. Accepting would mean revealing more of my capabilities, but in a controlled way where I could still maintain my cover story.

"What would be the parameters?" I asked cautiously.

He seemed pleased by my question. "Simple. A formal combat duel with standard ability rules. Victory by forcing your opponent out of bounds, making them yield, or rendering them unable to continue. It's the purest way to test ability against ability."

It was a straightforward proposal, but one that would directly compare our combat capabilities rather than isolated aspects of our abilities.


"This Friday after school. I've already reserved the auxiliary gym and arranged for Nakamura-sensei to supervise."

He'd planned this thoroughly, clearly expecting me to accept. The fact that he'd already made arrangements made refusing even more awkward.

"Fine," I said finally. "Friday it is."

A small, satisfied smile crossed his face. "Good. I look forward to it." With that, he turned and walked away.

Great. Now I had a formal ability duel to prepare for. So much for my commitment to doing absolutely nothing.

After school, I had my scheduled research session with Rei in the library. After the showcase and now Ryota's challenge, I was beginning to regret agreeing to these sessions. The more people who examined my ability closely, the more likely someone would discover its true nature.

Rei was already set up at our usual table, this time with even more sophisticated monitoring equipment.

"There's the man of the hour," she said as I approached. "Your showcase performance was quite the revelation."

"It wasn't that impressive," I said, sitting down across from her.

"Save the false modesty," she replied with a smirk. "I've been studying abilities long enough to recognize exceptional performance. Your enhancement levels were far beyond what your official classification would suggest possible."

I shrugged. "What do you want me to say?"

"The truth would be nice, but I'll settle for more accurate measurements." She held up what looked like a headband with small sensors embedded in it. "This is a neural activity monitor. More precise than the wristband from last time."

I eyed it skeptically but allowed her to place it around my head. The sensors felt cool against my temples.

"Now, do your nothing-doing thing while I calibrate the baseline," she instructed.

I closed my eyes and settled into my familiar state of conscious nothingness.

[EXP gained: +10]

"Fascinating," Rei murmured, watching the readings on her tablet. "Your neural activity shows a unique pattern—simultaneously inactive in motor function regions but hyperactive in processing centers. It's like your brain is doing intensive computation while your body does nothing."

That was actually a pretty accurate description of what happened during EXP accumulation.

"Now, can you activate your enhancement? Start with physical."

I mentally activated Power Storage in Physical Enhancement mode.

[Physical Enhancement activated. Duration: 20:00]

"Whoa," Rei said, eyes widening at the readings. "Your mana circulation just spiked dramatically. And it's flowing primarily to muscle groups and skeletal reinforcement pathways." She looked up at me. "Can you try to lift this?"

She placed a heavy textbook on the table. With my Strength enhanced to 54, it felt like lifting a piece of paper. I picked it up with two fingers.

"Incredible," she breathed. "Based on the casual way you're holding that, your strength is at least five times normal human capacity. Maybe more."

She had me perform several more tests of physical capabilities—grip strength, fine motor control, reaction time—all while monitoring the neural and mana patterns.

"Now switch to mental enhancement," she requested.

I complied, activating Mental Enhancement.

[Mental Enhancement activated. Duration: 19:00]

"Even more fascinating," she said, studying the readings. "Now the mana is concentrating in your frontal and parietal lobes. Cognitive processing centers." She pulled out a sealed envelope. "This contains an IQ test question designed for genius-level cognitive ability. Try to solve it."

I opened the envelope to find a complex pattern recognition problem similar to but more difficult than the one from the showcase. With my Intelligence enhanced to 108, the solution was immediately obvious.

"That took you seven seconds," Rei said, looking at her stopwatch. "The average solution time among certified geniuses is four minutes and twelve seconds."

She leaned back, studying me with new appreciation. "Your enhancement isn't just boosting you to above-average levels. It's pushing you into superhuman territory. In all categories."

I maintained my neutral expression, but internally, I was pleased by the confirmation of my ability's effectiveness.

"The real question," she continued, "is how you're storing this much power through simple inactivity. The energy requirements for this level of enhancement should be enormous. Yet you're activating it after periods of doing nothing."

"Maybe my ability is just efficient," I suggested.

"No ability is this efficient without a trade-off," she countered. "There must be something more to it." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Unless the inactivity itself is somehow generating power, rather than just storing it."

That was too close to the truth for comfort. I decided to change the subject.

"Ryota challenged me to an ability duel," I said.

Her eyebrows shot up. "Seriously? Mr. Perfect-Student wants to duel you? That's unexpected."

"He's suspicious about my showcase performance."

"Smart guy," she said with a smirk. "Though not as smart as me. I figured out something was unusual about your ability weeks ago." She leaned forward. "Are you going to accept the challenge?"

"Already did. It's this Friday."

"Bold move." She looked impressed. "Need any advice? I've seen a lot of ability duels."

I hesitated. Despite my wariness, Rei was one of the few people who understood aspects of my ability without knowing its true nature. Her insights could be valuable.

"What should I expect?" I asked.

"Ryota's Enhanced Strength is more versatile than most people realize," she said. "He's been training to improve control, not just raw power. He can selectively enhance different muscle groups for precision tasks."

"I noticed that during his showcase demonstration," I admitted.

"For the physical contest, he'll likely focus on controlled strength rather than brute force. For agility, he'll enhance his legs and core muscles for explosive movement. And for the mental challenge..." She frowned. "That's his weakness. Enhanced Strength doesn't boost cognitive function."

"So I should focus on the mental challenge," I concluded.

"Exactly. But don't make it too obvious you're holding back in the physical sections," she advised. "Ryota's perceptive. If he thinks you're not taking the duel seriously, it'll only make him more suspicious."

It was good advice. I needed to find the right balance—demonstrating enough ability to make the duel competitive, but not so much that it raised further questions about my power level.

"Thanks," I said sincerely.

She looked surprised by my gratitude. "Don't mention it. I have a vested interest in your continued development. You're my most interesting research subject by far."

We continued the session with more tests of my enhanced abilities, and I deliberately revealed more than I had in previous meetings—though still far from my full capabilities. By the end, Rei had compiled an impressive dataset on my enhancement levels.

"Based on everything I've measured," she said as we packed up, "your ability could easily qualify you for top-tier hero programs. The versatility alone makes it valuable, but the enhancement levels push it into exceptional territory."

"I'm not really interested in hero work," I said, though with noticeably less conviction than usual.

She gave me a knowing look. "Sure you're not. That's why you accepted a challenge from Ryota and met with university scouts today."

News traveled fast in our school.

"Just keeping options open," I muttered.

"Well, whatever you decide, your ability deserves proper development. It would be a waste otherwise." She handed me a memory stick. "Here's a copy of today's data. You might find it useful for understanding your own capabilities."

I pocketed the stick, genuinely appreciative. "Thanks, Rei."

"See you at the duel on Friday," she said with a grin. "I wouldn't miss it for anything."

The next few days passed in a blur of classes, EXP farming, and occasional practice for the upcoming duel. I didn't want to appear too prepared—it would contradict my carefully cultivated image of effortlessness—but I also didn't want to lose embarrassingly.

By Thursday evening, I'd reached Level 15 and further improved my stats and skills.

Name: Kazuto Sato

Level: 15

Ability: Sloth's Blessing (Advanced Passive)

-- Stats --

HP: 300/300

MP: 320/320

Strength: 30

Defense: 37

Ability: 56

Dexterity: 28

Intelligence: 60

Luck: 62

-- Skills --

Zen State (Level 6): Enter a state of perfect stillness, increasing EXP gain by 70% for up to 25 minutes.

Cooldown: 15 minutes.

Passive Observation (Level 5): While doing nothing, gain the ability to observe details about people and objects within your field of vision.

Range: 25 meters.

Ability Insight (Level 5): While doing nothing, gain insights into the nature, classification, and limitations of abilities used around you. Can now detect potential ability weaknesses, predict ability adaptations, and identify optimal countermeasures.

Presence Concealment (Level 4): While doing nothing, gradually become less noticeable to those around you. Does not work on those directly observing you or those with perception-enhancing abilities.

Duration: 30 minutes after movement.

Mana Efficiency (Level 4): Reduce the MP cost of all active skills by 40%. Passive mana regeneration increased by 20%.

Power Storage (Level 4): Store accumulated power from doing nothing that can be released later in bursts of activity without halting EXP gain. Maximum storage: 25 minutes of activity. Mana Sense (Level 2): While doing nothing, sense mana concentrations and flows in your surroundings.

Range: 15 meters. Can identify ability activation within range.

My Ability Insight had improved significantly, which would be particularly useful in the duel. Being able to identify optimal countermeasures against Ryota's ability gave me a strategic advantage.

When Friday arrived, there was a palpable buzz of excitement in the classroom. Word of the ability duel had spread quickly, and many students were planning to attend as spectators.

"Are you ready for your duel with Ryota?" Mika asked during lunch. Her expression showed genuine concern.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied with my standard level of enthusiasm.

"Ryota's been training his ability for years," she warned. "Don't push yourself too hard just to prove a point."

"I'm not trying to prove anything," I said truthfully. I was only participating to avoid drawing more suspicion.

"Well, I'll be there to cheer you on," she said with a smile that felt somehow different from her usual friendly expressions. "Just be careful, okay?"

I nodded, oddly touched by her concern.

After classes ended, I made my way to the auxiliary gym. A surprisingly large crowd had gathered—not just students from our class, but from other years as well. Apparently, a duel between the Enhanced Strength user and the mysterious Meditative Enhancement guy was considered worthy entertainment.

The gym had been prepared as a traditional dueling arena with a circular combat space about ten meters in diameter, clearly marked boundaries, and protective barriers for spectators. Mats covered the floor to prevent serious injury, but otherwise, it was set up for direct ability confrontation.

Ms. Nakamura stood in the center, clipboard in hand. Ryota was already there, dressed in the school's athletic uniform, stretching his muscles and looking focused.

I spotted Rei in the bleachers, tablet ready to record data. Next to her, surprisingly, sat Spectrum—the pro hero apparently deciding to observe the duel personally. Her presence added an unexpected layer of pressure.

"Sato-kun, are you ready?" Ms. Nakamura asked as I approached.

I nodded, trying to appear casual despite the growing audience.

"Excellent. I'll explain the rules for our spectators." She turned to address the crowd. "This is a formal ability duel between Ryota Kondo and Kazuto Sato. Standard combat rules apply—the duel continues until one contestant yields, is rendered unable to continue, or is forced out of the boundary."

She held up a hand. "Permanent injury techniques are forbidden. If I call for a stop, both contestants must immediately cease all activity. Safety is paramount."

Ryota stepped forward, looking confident. "Ready when you are, Sato."

I shrugged, maintaining my appearance of indifference. "Let's get this over with."

We took positions on opposite sides of the circle, and Ms. Nakamura moved to the edge.

"Begin!" she called, bringing her hand down.

Ryota didn't waste time. He activated his ability immediately, his muscles visibly tensing as they enhanced beyond normal human limits. He rushed forward with impressive speed, clearly intending to end the match quickly with his superior combat experience.

I activated Physical Enhancement, boosting both my Strength and Defense.

[Physical Enhancement activated. Duration: 25:00]

As Ryota closed in, I could analyze his movements thanks to my enhanced perception.

[Ability Insight: Enhanced Strength at 70% capacity. User focusing on speed and impact force rather than precision. Weakness: momentum creates vulnerability to redirection.]

When he threw his first punch—a powerful straight right that would have ended the match immediately if it connected—I sidestepped with enhanced reflexes, using minimal movement. His eyes widened slightly at my speed.

"Not bad," he said, immediately adjusting his stance. "But dodging won't win a duel."

He launched into a combination of strikes, each powerful enough to break through concrete. I continued evading, studying his patterns while appearing to barely manage the defenses. In reality, my enhanced capabilities made his movements seem almost predictable.

After about thirty seconds of this, I could tell the crowd was getting restless. A duel where one side only dodged wasn't particularly exciting. I needed to counter-attack, but in a way consistent with my supposed "Meditative Enhancement" ability.

The next time Ryota committed to a powerful strike, I used his momentum against him, stepping inside his guard and executing a simple palm strike to his chest. I moderated my strength to around half my actual enhanced capability—still enough to send him sliding back several feet, but not enough to seem suspiciously powerful.

The crowd reacted with surprise and appreciation. Ryota looked genuinely shocked for a moment before his expression hardened with determination.

"So your enhancement does work for combat," he said, rolling his shoulders. "Good. This would be boring otherwise."

He changed tactics, activating his ability with more precision now. Instead of raw power, he focused on controlled strength and speed. His next attacks were more measured, probing my defenses from different angles.

I matched his intensity, now actively engaging rather than just evading. We exchanged blows at a superhuman pace, neither gaining a decisive advantage. I made sure to take a few glancing hits to maintain the illusion of an even match, though my enhanced Defense meant they caused minimal actual damage.

After two minutes of intense combat, Ryota changed strategies again. He backed off briefly, then channeled his enhancement into a powerful leaping attack, coming down with an overhead strike that would be difficult to dodge in the confined space.

Instead of evading, I switched to a different approach. I activated Dexterity Enhancement and met his attack with precise timing.

[Dexterity Enhancement activated. Duration: 23:00]

As his strike came down, I redirected it with a circular parrying motion, using his own momentum and gravity to guide him past me. The movement looked almost effortless—like a perfect demonstration of minimal force application.

Ryota hadn't expected this technique and couldn't adjust his trajectory in mid-air. His momentum carried him toward the boundary line. He managed to stop himself just at the edge, but the near-ring-out had the crowd on their feet.

"That wasn't strength enhancement," he said, breathing heavily. "Your movements changed completely."

I shrugged. "Different meditation focus."

His eyes narrowed. "Let's see how adaptable you really are."

For the next several minutes, Ryota unleashed everything in his arsenal—power strikes, grappling attempts, feints, and even using the environment by stamping on the mat to create shockwaves. His ability truly was impressive, demonstrating why Enhancement-type abilities were considered among the most versatile for combat.

I continued matching him technique for technique, switching between Strength, Defense, and Dexterity enhancements as needed. To observers, it would appear that my "Meditative Enhancement" was simply adapting to different situations—exactly what my cover story suggested.

The duel had gone on for nearly ten minutes, and both of us were showing signs of exertion. Ryota was breathing heavily, his endurance finally flagging despite his trained physique. I was deliberately exhibiting similar fatigue, though my actual stamina remained largely intact.

"Time to end this," Ryota declared, gathering himself for what was clearly intended as a final, decisive attack.

He channeled his enhancement to maximum levels, his muscles bulging visibly as he charged forward with blinding speed. The attack was straightforward but executed with perfect timing and technique—a textbook finishing move that combined speed, power, and precision.

[Ability Insight: Enhanced Strength at 95% capacity. User has committed fully to this attack. Recovery time after execution will be approximately 3.2 seconds regardless of outcome.]

I waited until the last possible moment, then activated Mental Enhancement alongside my physical boosting.

[Mental Enhancement activated. Duration: 21:00]

With my Intelligence enhanced to 120, time seemed to slow as I calculated the perfect counter. I sidestepped by the minimum necessary margin, letting his attack graze past me while simultaneously executing a sweeping leg motion that caught his forward momentum at the exact right moment.

The technique required perfect timing, balance, and application of force—a demonstration of enhancement across multiple attributes simultaneously. Ryota's eyes widened in shock as he found himself airborne, his own momentum turned against him with devastating efficiency.

He landed heavily outside the boundary circle, the impact knocking the wind from his lungs.

"Boundary violation! The match goes to Kazuto Sato!" Ms. Nakamura announced, her own surprise evident in her voice.

The crowd erupted in applause, seemingly surprised by the outcome. Many had expected Ryota, with his years of training and higher initial ability level, to win handily.

Ryota approached me, his expression a mix of frustration and grudging respect. "Congratulations," he said, extending his hand. "Your enhancement ability is more developed than I anticipated."

I shook his hand. "You were a tough opponent," I said truthfully. His strength and control were impressive, and I'd had to use significant enhancement to match him.

"This isn't over," he said quietly, so only I could hear. "There's something unusual about your ability, and I intend to figure out what it is."

Before I could respond, we were surrounded by classmates offering congratulations and commentary on the duel.

"That was amazing, Sato-kun!" Mika said, appearing at my side. "I've never seen anyone beat Ryota in an ability contest before."

"Your mental enhancement is particularly impressive," came Spectrum's voice as she approached through the crowd. "Cognitive enhancement of that level is rare, especially combined with physical capabilities."

I tried not to look too uncomfortable with the attention. "Thanks. The meditation helps with focus."

"Indeed." Her expression was thoughtful. "I hope you're still considering the university options we discussed. Eito University's Analysis Department would be particularly interested in your enhancement adaptation techniques."

"I'll think about it," I said, more sincerely than I would have a week ago.

As the crowd dispersed and the gym emptied, I found myself alone with my thoughts. The duel had been revealing in ways I hadn't anticipated. Yes, I'd managed to win while maintaining my cover story, but I'd also demonstrated abilities that would attract even more attention.

More importantly, I'd found myself actually enjoying the challenge. The strategic balancing of revealing enough ability to win without showing too much had been intellectually stimulating in a way that pure nothing-doing wasn't.

Was I actually starting to enjoy using my ability actively? The thought was disturbing to my lazy self-image.

I found a quiet corner of the campus to resume my EXP farming, reflecting on the day's events.

[EXP gained: +10]

[EXP gained: +10]

Despite my outward reluctance, I had to admit that the university scouts' presentations, Rei's research insights, and even the duel with Ryota had opened my eyes to possibilities I hadn't considered before. My ability had potential applications far beyond my initial strategy of doing nothing to get stronger.

The question was: did I want to pursue those applications? The hero track would require effort, commitment, and regular activity—everything I'd spent my life avoiding.

But it would also provide structure and resources for developing my ability to its full potential. And after seeing what I could do in the duel, I was becoming increasingly curious about that potential.

I sighed and closed my eyes, returning to my nothing-doing state. For now, I would continue accumulating power the way I knew best. The decisions about how to use that power could wait.

[EXP gained: +10]