The news of Elena's disappearance spread like wildfire, and soon it was the talk of the town. People gathered in cafes, restaurants, and living rooms, all discussing the shocking events that had unfolded during the wedding.
"I heard she just vanished into thin air," one woman said, her eyes wide with excitement. "Right in the middle of the vows."
"I know, I was there," a man chimed in. "It was like something out of a movie. One minute she was standing there, and the next she was gone."
The news channels were filled with reports of the disappearance, with headlines like "Bride Vanishes During Wedding" and "Mystery Surrounds Elena's Disappearance."
Social media was also abuzz with the news, with people sharing their own theories and speculations about what had happened to Elina.
"I bet she just got cold feet," one person tweeted.
"But what about the weird stuff people are saying happened during the wedding?" another person responded. "The lights flickering, the temperature dropping...something fishy is going on."
As the news continued to spread, people began to come forward with their own stories of strange occurrences during the wedding.
"I was sitting in the back row, and I saw this...this thing," one guest told a reporter. "It was like a shadow or something. It moved across the room, and then she was gone."
Another guest reported feeling a sudden chill during the ceremony, as if a ghost had walked by.
As the investigation into Elena's disappearance continued, one thing was clear: something very strange had happened during that wedding, and nobody knew what or who was behind it.
The chairman sat in his mini office, sipping his wine slowly and steadily. His mind was consumed by the events of the wedding, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.
"How did she do it?" he muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing in thought. "How did Elena diisappear into thin air?"
The chairman stood up and walked over to the window, his eyes scanning the city below. He had sent his men to search every inch of the city, to see if they could find any sign of Elina. Maybe, just maybe, they would accidentally stumble upon her.
As he gazed out the window, the chairman's mind turned to the rumors that had been circulating about Elena's disappearance. Some people were saying that she had been spirited away by supernatural forces, while others claimed that she had simply gotten cold feet and run away.
The chairman snorted in disgust. He knew that Elena was not the type of person to run away from her problems. There was something more to her disappearance, something that he was determined to uncover.
He turned away from the window and walked back to his desk.
Felix sat in the living room, surrounded by his parents and other family members. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone discussing Elena's sudden disappearance.
His mother, in particular, was beside herself. "This is ridiculous!" she exclaimed, her voice shrill. "How could she just disappear like that? It's an embarrassment!"
Felix's father tried to calm her down, but she wouldn't be silenced. "And what about the wedding? All that money wasted! It's a disaster!"
Felix sat quietly, his eyes fixed on the floor. He couldn't believe what had happened. One minute Elena was standing beside him, and the next she was gone. He had no idea what had happened to her, or where she might be.
As his mother continued to rant and rave, Felix's mind wandered back to the wedding. He remembered the strange feeling that had settled over him just before Elena disappeared. It was as if the air had grown colder, and the lights had flickered for a moment.
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.
But as he looked around the room, he saw that he wasn't the only one who was thinking about the strange occurrences at the wedding. His father's expression was thoughtful, and his mother's anger seemed to be masking something else - something like fear.
Suddenly, Felix felt a shiver run down his spine. What was going on? And where was Elena?
Back at the Zamiel residence, Elena stood up, wincing in pain as she put weight on her knee. She was bleeding from a gash on her kneecap, courtesy of her earlier fall onto the broken vases.
She bowed her head, trying to apologize, but Zamiel's cold tone stopped her in her tracks. "Don't move," he said, his eyes flashing with anger.
Elena froze, her heart pounding in her chest. Zamiel strode over to her, his movements fluid and menacing. He stopped in front of her, his eyes fixed on her knee.
Slowly but surely, the blood began to dry up, and the wound began to heal. Elina watched in amazement as Zamiel's powers worked their magic.
When the wound was fully healed, Zamiel looked up at Elina, his eyes glinting with warning. "I want you to understand something," he said, his voice low and deadly. "If you break anything else in this house,I will make sure to turn you to dust."
Elena swallowed hard, fear choking her throat. She nodded, trying to show that she understood.
Zamiel's gaze lingered on her for a moment, as if daring her to defy him. Then, he turned and walked away, leaving Elena shaken and trembling.