The serene echoes of birds, the howling wind, the golden shimmering rays of sun casted shadows on the streets.
A boy walked, his hands pocketed in pants, he wore a hoodie, his steps calculated.
After walking for minutes, he tilted his head, trying to see somewhere, his eyes narrowing.
What he saw made his soul tremble, at the same time a tremor started spreading, the earth began vibrating.
Buildings started trembling, the boy stopped in his tracks, turning backwards he saw a tear in the sky.
His hands, that were in pockets began to tremble, it was horrifying scene.
The sky teared, gosteaque monsters began to pour out from the tear.
As more humans noticed this phenomenon, a commotion erupted.
"What's happening, it is the end of world."
"Ahhhhh, run, monsters are coming."
Choas erupted in the rural village, the boy saw all of these, his trembling hands stopped.
He narrowed his eyes towards his house, the simple apartment, then he turned and stared at the crack in the sky.
Fearing the destruction, he started running, he ran with all his might.
But not everyone was luck in his village, the villagers scream filled the area.
Monsters descended and teared them like toys, ate them like vultures.
The boy saw all, his fear skyrocketing, he changed direction, turning towards a alley.
He started scanning his surroundings, he touched the bricks in the alley.
"I remember it was here, aghhhhh."
As he Mumbled something, he clutched his belly, all food came outside.
This was the first time he had saw blood, and it was on a grand scale.
Gritting his teeth, he moved forward, after walking for minutes, he saw a hole.
A hole that could only accommodate only one person.
It was a hole made by childrens who played hide and seek in the past, the boy remembered.
He and his friends, always hide themselves in that same hole, now the hole was a safe shelter for him.
While the boy was hiding there, blood flowed like river in the village, the monsters were killing everyone.
There were no resistance, maybe because the village only consisted farmers, and even they were scarce.
It was rural area, on the border of nepal and india.
The same phenomenon happened on many places in the world, many people died at that fated day.
The world also changed on the very day, when catastrophe descended on the world.
Many forces of world responded on this phenomenon with firearms.
Korea, china, japan, america and russia like countries tried to fight the monsters with missiles and guns.
And they succeed somewhat, because the shell of these monsters were not that hard, they were killed with some efforts.
But the casualties outnumbered the kills of monsters, many countries started to built shelters.
While all this was happening worldwide, the boy was trembling constantly in the hole.
He was there on the same position for hours and hours, he didn't even groaned in pain, not because there was no pain but because he was scared.
He was scared that the monsters might hear his groaning and kill him.
His green emerald eyes shone in the dark alley, his messy hair fluttered slightly.
The boy was somewhat handsome for a peasant, he even have a good face, but poverty has already ruined his face.
He lay there in the hole, hungry and dry throat, his eyes flickering.
Suddenly he heard footsteps, peeking through the whole he saw soldiers strolling in the village.
They were cleaning the monsters, and seven men were walking behind them.
'Atleast I'm not alone in this village, they also survived.'
Thought the boy after seeing some familiar faces.
The boy wanted to scream for help, but his cautious nature prevented him from screaming.
Aftter ten minutes, he crawled out of the hole, scanning the surroundings he saw blood and bodies being carried.
As he walked out of the alley, he was noticed by a villager.
"ALEX, you are alive, thank god."
The boy, named alex turned his head towards the voice, he saw a familiar face.
His aunt, who lived near his house was screaming, he walked towards her.
"What happened aunt, why are you scared now!"
Alex asked, he knew that a earth shattering disaster has descended on their village, but was not it one day ago, why was she screaming now.
" house was destroyed yesterday!"
Said Alex's aunt, she stretched her both hands and grapped Alex.
"I thought, i lost you also, thank god you are alive!"
While her words were of relief, Alex heard something else, his entire world crumbled.
The reason he held for days in that small hole was not be alive alone, he wanted to be with his mom.
Alex's father have been gone from the world ages ago, now only his mom was remaining, but it seems world is more cruel to Alex than he thought.
Tears streamed from his eyes, making a line on his cheeks, his knees gave up, he kneeled on the ground.
Seeing this, his aunt ran to him, she patted his back, to relieve some pain, but it intensified much more.
Now the emotional aunt, carried Alex to a house which was intact somehow.
Time passed slowly and after one day Alex opened his eyes, he tried to wake up from bed to only stumble and fall on the ground.
Gritting his teeth, he mustered all his strength, he scanned the outside from the windows, and there he saw empty.
Everything was still, no people, no monsters, no soldiers, and no familiar faces.
As he was registering this, a footstep came, he turned to the door to see who was coming.
The door swung opened, his aunt was standing there, with a pen drive on her hand.
She tossed it, Alex caught it clumsily, he was confused to what is there to watch from this pen drive.
Then his aunt opened her mouth, dropping a bomb on him, saying something he needed to know right now.
[Chapter end]
A/N> First chapter, written in exam hall, i don't know is it good or bad, but i want to make something interesting. Maybe i will be able to.