Chereads / THE HOUR OF RECKONING:is it late? / Chapter 4 - PALACE RAT!

Chapter 4 - PALACE RAT!

"Your Majesty, Silas" Silas announced from the outside,

" Enter! the king commanded.

" Good morning, my king, Queen Montana fainted this morning" Silas delivered the sudden message.

" What!!!" The king and Josephine exclaimed at the same time,,

On hearing this, The king sprang up with Josephine at the same time heading to the royal physician.,,, Silas eyes were solely on Josephine body as they rushed down to the physician...

"My king,welcome,your majesty" Kendroy, the royal physician bowed immediately the king entered,, Queen Montana looked so weak and haggard

"My king, bad news," Kendroy informed

"Spill!!Kendroy" the king ordered angrily"

"My king, we lost the baby" Kendroy dropped the bombshell...

Queen Montana burst out crying uncontrollably, she thought her years of being bullied by the people calling her barren has come to an end, not knowing she will loose the baby,, Josephine could not comprehend what was going on at all, she looked stunned, thinking of what could have happened within that short period of time,,,

Suddenly, the queen managed to dragged herself up, holding Josephine with all her might, shaking Josephine at the same time, Josephine looked surprised, trying to comprehend what she has gotten to do with what happened...

"You killed my son!!, you killed my dear son,, you witch!!"queen Montana accused Josephine of her loss,crying profusely.

" What do you mean" the king asked,stunned at what the queen just said.

"My king' ask her,, ask this wench if she did not kill my son" crawling back to the king, looking devastated.

"Lady Josephine, is this true" the king asked loudly.

"Your majesty, I don't know what the queen is talking about, I'm as surprised as you are,your majesty," she said bitterly.

"My king!! Do you think I'm lying, my king, this wench killed the royal blood"queen Montana pointed at Josephine with so much hatred glaring from her eyes,,If eyes can kill, Josephine would have been buried by now.

"Your majesty, I was with you last night, so how could I.... She could not complete her sentence before the king cut in.

" Silas, take lady Josephine to the cell, interrogate her tomorrow morning and if she's found guilty, keep her in the dungeon till I come up with my judgement!!

"Your majesty, please, I did not do it, I don't know what the queen is talking about!! Have mercy,, please , I did not do it"Josephine continue screaming till Silas forcefully dragged her to the cell.

"My king, she's the one that..... The king cut the queen off.

"Kendroy, take good care of the queen till she gets better" king Alex said,and left, Queen Montana could not control her tears as they freely roll down her cheeks, screaming on top of her voice while Kendroy kept staring and shaking her head.

"Silas, believe me, I swear, I didn't do it, I don't know what's going on,but I need someone to believe me"Josephine faced Silas as he was locking the cell, and she grasped his hands from the space line of the cell.

"Please help me,. I don't even have business with all of this, I only have one wish to accomplish" this stopped Silas on his track, "and what is that wish, my lady" he asked curiously.

"Errr, it's nothing, Silas, just help me please, I have a favour to ask you, please, just help me to get to the Minister of justice please, I know he's going to help me to get out of this mess" Josephine begged Silas, And for a minute,, Silas could feel his heart beating so fast as he looked down on Josephine's hands wrapped on his hands,,,

"Excuse me, my lady" he shakily hijacked his hands from Josephine and just like that, he left,, Josephine sat down on the floor thinking of a way out...


She's parading up and down, thinking of who could have done that before her , even though that was her plan but who could have done that before she could,she already made the preparation of how the queen is going to loose the pregnancy but not this fast, "did anybody had a grudge on the queen? Could it truly be lady Josephine?, but she doesn't look like someone that can even hurt a fly talk more of taking a life and a life of a royal blood at that!! No,, something is really going on in this palace and I must find out as soon as possible to really know the aim of this person" she thought inwardly.

" KERA!" She called her personal maid,,go to the Minister of justice house and inform him of the palace situation, not like I want to help his daughter but atleast get something in return since this world is give and take"she smiled wickedly.

"Yes, my lady" KERA bowed and emerged from the chamber .... And immediately, Lady Larisa stood up instantly to pay the king a visit and, she also emerged from the chamber, with her escorting maids following her to the king's chamber.


King Alex seems not to get himself thinking about so many things, of who could have done the terrible of killing the royal blood right in this palace! Even though he had no interest in the queen's giving birth to a male child or female child but nevertheless, the child still belong to him,regardless of the gender,, and anybody that was able to pull that stem is really capable of doing unthinkable, even though he knew Josephine is innocent, but he had to satisfy the queen since she's grieving at the moment, so he could atleast sooth her mind for the main time!

"Silas, make sure this does not get out of the palace's block especially the Minister of justice,, he would never be fine with putting his daughter in the cell.

"Yes my king" Silas bowed.

"Your majesty!! Lady Larisa is here!! The queen announcer announced.

"Come in!" The king commanded as Silas excused himself immediately Larisa entered,,,

"My kind, I heard the tragedy that happened, I'm so sorry, my king" she bowed.

" Why are you here? He squinted his eyes.

"My king,I told you right from the beginning that, there's something weird about this lady Larisa but you did not listen to me my king,now look at the damages she has caused us,she deserves death my king,I'm very sure she's capable of pulling this,she looked really desperate since the very day she stepped her foots into this palace my king!" She said deceivingly.

"Lady Larisa,and what if she's innocent?"

" Ermm,,she stammered" "my king,are you doubting the queen,queen Montana can never lied to you,that is one thing about the queen" she stuttered .

"And what about you,lady Larisa!?" Can you lie to me?" The king asked tauntingly.

" Well,,my k.i.nggg,,,I can never lie to his Majesty!never! "She replied immediately.

" What would you do if lady Larisa is really Innocent? The king asked authoritatively.

"My king,I trust your judgement instead, my king"she bowed nervously.

"Please,my king,I have a favour to ask you, and I'll be very glad if you can do it for me ,my ....

"My Majesty,Lord Garius is here!!! King's announcer announced..

The king spranged up immediately with alacrity,looking shocked,scared at the same time,,"what is the Minister of justice doing here at this moment?" he thought inwardly,,while Larisa smiled secretly...

What type of person is this minister of justice which made even the king trembled on hearing his name?.