Fiona pov
A cold breeze blew gently giving me goosebumps all over my skin, it rained heavily earlier this morning so the weather is quite cold, in school every evening after a hectic afternoon prep they students are allowed to do whatever they wanted, some students where at the hostel, some where in the classrooms and most where at the sport field playing their lives out. Sitting on my seat, pretending to be reading when what I was just doing was flipping through the pages and staring at the only person with me in the hall, sitting at the table opposite mine, although we are directly facing each other but not once did he look up from his book, I really want to go and meet him but I am a little shy. He is "the"Jason, the third person in the trinity of my school, the trinity consist of three students, they are the most feared and respected students, the three of them commanded respect and everyone feared them. Go meet him he is alone, his friends are not there to send you away and Lilly said he is a nice person, I heard a voice in my head say to me. What if he snub me? I said out loud to me self. Then you come back and cry, the voice said to me again. Fiona you can do this, I said to myself, I removed a small pink mirror from my purse, looking at my neatly combed hair really impressed me, plaiting wasn't allowed in my school so everyone in the school was on low cut. I applied my lipgloss on my lips making it glow more, standing up from my seat I walked shyly to his table, from my table to his is barely ten steps but it felt like six miles but I finally got there. Hi I said calmly after taking a deep breath. He lifted his eyes to see who just spoke, Fiona he said in a soft but deep voice, oh my God his eyes and voice are going to be the end of me. Can I sit? I asked, my heart pounding extremely, at this rate I am gonna have a heart attack, I thought. Sure, sit down, he said with a little smile. I pulled a seat backward and nervously sat down, maybe I shouldn't have come, I whispered quietly to myself. I have known Jason for five years now and this is the first time am this close to him. What are you reading? I asked after a long time of silence. Physics, he said and hissed.
What's wrong.
I just realised that Physics is hard.
It's not that hard you just need to know the formulas and you are good to go, I said smiling.
Help me solve this question, he said and turned the book to me. I looked at the question and solved it for him explaining it carefully to him after we were done with the question he closed his book without taking his eyes off mine. You know that this is the first time you and I are talking, I said with a smile, with shifting my eyes away from him.
He chuckled a little, whose fault is it?
Yours, I replied him in between laughter
Mine?, he asked sounding really shocked.
I wonder why he is shock, everyone in this school know that the trinity weren't people you can just walk up to and talk to, especially whenever they are together.
Yes I have always wanted to talk to you but you are almost always never alone, I pouted
I am sorry, he said with a sad face.
Where are the..... I didn't get to finish my sentence when we heard the back door to the hall make a very disturbing sound alerting us that we are not the only ones in the hall anymore.
Readers are leaders, we heard someone say and the other burst out in laughter, the only light in this dark hall was coming from the touch Jason was using to read, and i could not see who entered the hall but I recognise that voice anytime and anywhere, it was Dominic the first person in the trinity. Jay boy read, don't mind Dom, I heard another voice say, this voice belongs to Fredrick the second person in the trinity. Oh my God, they are here I said slowly to myself, Jason I need to go, I said to him with my head bent down,
are you scared of them?, he asked
I just nodded my head then I stood up and left to my table, thank goodness that they didn't see me. I got to my seat and a little smile appeared on my face, I placed my head on the table and started playing with my fingers after like a minute of silence the hall became so noisy chair dragging on the floor making a very irritating sound. Go and switch on the light, Dominic told one of his classmate and the person hurriedly went and switched it on. The light came on making me squint my eyes cause it was so bright. Soon the hall was filled with laughter and noise, the teacher on duty for the night stood in the middle of hall.
Y'all should keep quiet, he shouted and the hall became as quiet as a graveyard. Mr Richard is the most feared and hated teacher in the school but shockingly he is my favourite. Fiona come and pray for the dinner, Mr Richard spoke as soon as the hall became quiet. I potted glaring at him, he knows fully well how I did not like public attention but he still keeps doing this to me. I stood at the centre of the dinning Hall which is the separation between the senior's dinning section and Junior's dinning section.
In Jesus name we pray, I said as I got to the middle.
Amen, all the students in the hall shouted.
We thank you Lord for the food, provide for those that don't have to eat, in Jesus name. I prayed and nervously walked back to my sit in the senior section.
Those of you just coming to the hall should go on your kneeI heard Mr Richard say, I turned to see all my table mates and some grade 12 girls kneeling with Mr Richard talking to them, some where trying to explain why they were late, while the rest just knelt down there quietly. I think Mr Richard release them because they all stood up and walked over to their tables the other three girls from my class came to the table with frown on their faces.
Fiona, your boyfriend is wicked o, my best friend Lilly was the first to speak has she angrily removed my plate from her lunch bag handing it over to me, then she removed hers. I swear, Jacinta and Ophelia said at the same time while holding their plates in their hand. What boyfriend? Please let's go and collect our dinner, I said changing the subject. We were just four girls in a class of twenty students and we literally did everything together, after collecting our dinner we came back to our table, normally we would keep our dinner so that we can eat it in the hostel but tonight Mr Richard is on duty and he didn't support the idea of eating in the hostel, if he sees you, no excuse can save you, so better save than sorry. I spoke to Jason I said with a big smile on my face. Serious?, Lilly said also smiling, Jacinta and Ophelia were also smiling, they all knew about the crazy crush on him and the fact that I have never actually spoken to him. Now that you spoke to him did he eat you? Lilly asked with a smile on her face, Lilly and I have been friends for like 5 years, we met on the first day I came to this school in grade 7, I came a week after resumption so she was the one who introduced me to Jason, he was in grade 8 then and wasn't really famous, later I found out that Jason has a crush on her and he asked her out but she rejected him which was quite shocking to me, he still asked her in grade 8 but she still rejected, in grade 9 she told me she likes the son of my dad's friend, senior Mike who was in grade 11, that was when I told her I like Jason. She wanted me to help he talk to Mike but I just could not, although Mike and I were very close, I knew that I couldn't affect his decision on the girl he dates, so whenever Mike comes to my class or table to speak to me that was when she got to talk to him, Mike to some people is a snub but to me he is the sibling I never had, we grew up together because my parents got divorced and my dad and his dad were always busy so my dad will drop me off at Mike's house with his mother and siblings, sometimes for weeks or even months so I saw Mike's house like mine.