"All done!" Eve yelled in victory, turning away from her computers in the dark room to look at one of the guards belonging to the wealthy Douglas family. The third current richest family.
The man, Caspien, all bulky and intimidating with rough hair, walked up to her, his eyes running over the datas on the screen even though he couldn't understand a single string of codes.
"You found what we are looking for about the Zolotov family?" Caspien asked.
Eve shrugged with a smile. "I had unhindered access to their entire system, including all their encrypted data, employee files, and private security data, though they almost hacked me back. But I got the list you are after."
Caspien cracked a sinister smile, nodding his head. "Good job. I was starting to think you were full of shit."
"What is in this list anyway?" she asked.
Caspien frowned at the question. "Quit being nosey or you won't like the outcome."
Her mouth snapped shut and she averted her gaze from him.
"The USB?" Caspien demanded. Eve shot him a look, a frown emerging in between her brows.
"Aren't you going to pay me first? You pay me and you get the USB."
It was as if a switch had been flipped and this man grew pissed immediately as if she was messing with him. "If this is some kind of joke, you better watch it brat. The money has already been paid to you, to Mr. Zolotov, your husband who introduced you to us. If you need your money, go talk to him."
He extended his hand out. "The USB, now."
Eve stared at him, eyes bulged. Patro Zolotov was her husband, her mate who'd rejected just two years into their marriage and now she was on the stage of getting a divorce. She'd done this for his sake, because in exchange, he would be signing the divorce papers he'd refused to pen down for almost close to a month now, just to frustrate her.
The money was meant to be hers, it wasn't like she was going to be getting a dime from the divorce, not when he and his entire family were out to ruin her life.
They wanted her dead.
She had made a deal. She does this for him, and he signs the divorce paper without drama. The ten million dollars from this task would be all hers as well, but now, he'd taken it without even informing her.
Eve looked up at Caspien who suddenly aimed a pistol at her. "The USB, girl!"
Her eyes flickered and her gaze slowly lowered to her belly where she proceeded to massage. She was pregnant—something she'd found out about just a week ago and despite letting her mate know, he wasn't willing to take resposibity. But she couldn't get rid of the child.
With a slight nod, she pulled the USB out of the system, and handed it over to him.
Caspien snatched it, but he still didn't lower his gun.
"W-what are you doing?" Eve asked. "I've given the USB to you, I need to leave now."
The man shrugged. "That sucks for you," he said, lifting his phone to Eve's face, showing a few messages to her. "Turns out your husband doesn't mind if I kill you. And well, since we can't risk a computer genius brat like you snooping…might as well send you off."
You've got to be kidding me. Eve took a step back. "I-I'm not going to snoop, I swear it. None of this is my business, I just did my job."
Caspien smiled at her. "I don't really care." A loud bang followed and Eve ducked without a second thought, the bullet whizzing past her to lodge into a wall over her head.
It suddenly dawned on her that they really meant to kill her.
She launched towards the closest window, smashing through it and jumping off, not caring that she was pregnant. The shards of glasses tore through a few parts of her bloated coat, even leaving cut wounds. But she didn't stop when she landed on the floor, rolling over and hurrying to her feet to run.
Eve didn't slow down, hell, she didn't even look back once, just sprinting in curves to potentially avoid any gunshot until she finally sighted a coffee shop close by. Caspien could be running after her, so she dashed into the shop, smiling at the waiters who turned to her, confused.
"I'm pregnant and I really need to use the bathroom." She didn't wait for any of them to speak, just rushed straight to the restroom, closing and locking the door. For the first time in twenty four hours, she finally drank in a heavy amount of breath, her heart racing in her chest.
What have I gotten myself into?
These were the Morins, the third richest family in the pack. She was sure that if they put a bullet through her head, no one would care because her mate Patro would even assist them. Not like he hadn't already done so.
Eve quickly took her phone out of her pocket, dialing Patro's number. He answered.
"You're not dead, yet?"
"What do you think you're doing Patro?" Eve questioned, exasperated. "We had a deal! Why are you trying to get me killed? And where is my money?"
"You mean, my money?" His laughter ensued on the other side of the phone. "I'm not cheating you, Eve. And you know why? I didn't kill your father after he stole from me. No, I let him live, and as for you. You're getting what you want. Freedom! I've rejected you and signed the divorce paper, we are no longer married, nothing is tying us anymore. The only difference is that you're going to be dead soon, so you don't even need the money, it's useless."
Eve inhaled loudly. "Why? Y-you know I'm pregnant with your chi—"
"I don't give a shit about that thing. I would have asked you to get rid of it anyway, so it might as well die with you."
She breathed shakily. "You've already rejected me, what more do you want from me? W-why can't you just let me live?"
There was silence on the other side of the phone, before a deep sigh resounded.
"You, Eve, you are a smart woman, you know that was why I didn't reject you in the first place when I found out you were my mate. The Zolotov family needed your brain, a genius like you. But you see, you made a mistake. You let your smartness get to your head and you thought that you alone was enough to rise against a man like me. The first mistake was fighting for your father who stole from me."
"You were going to kill—"
"And?" he enunciated. "You should have been obedient. Sit quietly and act only when I demand you to. But you were too stubborn for your own good and now look where that got you. Was it worth it, Eve?"
"PATRO!" There was no hesitation. "Don't you dare touch my father," Eve warned, her knuckles growing white the tighter she gripped the phone.
Patro laughed. "I make the rules, Eve. You can't outrun the Morin family. They will find you and they will kill you. Your smartness is your bane. So I'm gonna tell you this." SIlence stretched between them. "You were a lot of help in the bigger growth of my family, my name, so I at least will be kind enough to say…Rest in peace, Eve Irvine."
"You'll be missed."