I snapped my eyes open on the bed, taken aback by how dark my room was. I sat up straight and turned my sight toward the far side of my room, there was neither any sunlight piercing through the window nor there was any hallway light seeping through the door gap.
Turning onto one hip, I set my feet on the cold floor and bend slightly at the waist with my hand reaching down to the side of the bed leg, fumbling on the floor for a bit until my fingers brushed against something rectangularly shaped protruding from the floor.
I scooped it up and clicked the third button on the side, the screen lightened up and shone on my face. With squinted eyes, I checked the time on my phone strenuously.
"Huh? It's only three in the morning?" I gasped. I don't usually wake up this early and even if I do, I have never felt this refreshing after waking up, especially after taking only two and a half an hour of post nut sleep.
Speaking of nut, what happened last night finally hit me and I palmed myself on the face, feeling remorseful for using both Lara and Sarah as a subject of pleasuring myself. I had been living with the Jenkins family for the past year ever since both my parents passed away in a house fire. Losing both my parents and house in one night, I had nowhere to go and Lara offered me a place to stay with her family despite the fact that I would be a further burden to her as a single mother of three daughters.
I was grateful for everything she did for me and I had always had a little bit of a crush on her ever since I was young but I kept it to myself, thinking that I had moved on from her. But that feeling seems to resurface and it got stronger, like I wanted more than just what we had now.
As I sat there recalling what happened yesterday, My 'black dragon' started to rise from its slumber, again.
"I should probably take a cold bath." I needed one to calm myself down and now that I think about it, I hadn't bathed since yesterday morning before I went to school, no wonder my body felt icky.
I pushed myself naked butt off the bed and went to the side of my door to flip on the lights. Moving away from the door, I turned my heels toward the left corner of my room to reach for the bath towel hanging on the chair before registering that the said towel is now balled up on the floor at the lower side of my bed, filled with my seeds.
Letting out a sigh, I pulled a fresh towel out of my wardrobe and wrapped it around my waist. 'I'll clean it later.' I procrastinate, not wanting to deal with it first thing in the morning, I head toward the bathroom not giving the white ball a second glance..
*20 minutes later*
Turning off the shower valve, I stepped out of the bathtub and ambled my way toward the door to reach for my towel on the door hanger. After scrubbing my body and hair dry in front of the countertop, I threw the towel over my shoulder, ready to brush my teeth but I came to a halt as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
Pressing my waist against the countertop, I brought myself closer to the mirror. Although the changes were miniscule but if anyone were to pay attention, they could notice that my face was not as chubby as before, the fat on my cheeks had diminished and the double layer chin that had been pestering me since high school whenever I dropped my head down was no longer there.
With my hand on my chin, I admired my well defined jaw and murmured, "I guessed the growth spurt had really taken a toll on me." Looking downward, there wasn't much change on my body except the fat on my stomach has dissipated and my dick getting larger.
Suddenly, the dream I had in the hospital crossed my mind. Unlike the first time, I still remembered my encounter with 'Desire' . "Looking back at it, I looked eerily similar to him. No..."—taking a step backward from the mirror—"calling us similar might not be the right fit, it wouldn't be too far to say that we are practically the same."
Returning back to the countertop, I grabbed a hold of my toothbrush from the cup in front of the mirror and squeezed a pea sized paste toothpaste on it. 'Maybe I'm just thinking too much, after all, it was all just a dream…right?' I thought, giving my teeth a scrub absentmindedly.
Exiting the bathroom with my heels lifted off the ground, I tiptoed across the hallway with only a wardrobe wrapped around my waist, not wanting to wake up others early in the morning. On my way toward my room that sits on the left side of the end of the hall, I noticed the room beside me still had lights on from the door gap underneath, it was obvious since I didn't bother turning on the hallway lights
"Damn, she's still working?" The room belongs to Lisa, Lara's eldest daughter. She had been working from home for the past few years but we never knew what her job was since she never bothered to disclose it to her. But I guess she must have liked her job to be working that late and the job probably suits her since she's more of a shut-in. Not giving any further heed, I returned to my room to put on some clothes.
Wearing a blue T-shirt with shorts, I sat on my gaming chair with my headphones on and flipped open the laptop on the desk. I had one window on the left playing some lofi music to set the mood and on the right window, I was searching through websites for any information about Extreme Growth Spurt (EGS).
After continuously clicking into multiple links and pages and pages of search results, I gave up. Although there were some results about EGS, there was nothing about patients experiencing dreams similar to mine.
I tried mixing it up, inserting different keywords in the search bar such as 'overnight body enlargement, body inflation and dick become bigger in a day', all I got was websites about recommendations for penis enlargement clinics, pills to grow your penis and some freakish porno videos.
In my last attempt, I even keyed the word 'awakened' into the search bar, despite being very skeptical about the dream I had. But unsurprisingly, I was shown a truckload of manhwa, manga and light novels about cliché protagonist awakening systems to dominate dungeons.
Feeling mentally worn out from my fruitless research, I lifted myself up from the chair and threw myself on the bed with my face buried in the pillow but I was immediately alerted by a light knock on my door.
Bewildered, I got out of my bed and trotted toward the door, wondering who it was knocking on my door this early in the morning. As I unlocked my door, I was welcomed by a woman in her nightgown, she had her reddish brown hair draped over one side of her shoulder.
"Lara? Anything wrong? Why did you wake up this early ?" I questioned, it was odd to see her at this time since she usually wakes at seven, giving her ample time to prepare for work.
"Hmmm? Honey, it's already seven in the morning. I saw your lights were on so I'm wondering if you want any breakfast." She breathed.
"Oh, I must have lost track of time from doing my assignments." Standing in front of the partially opened door, I glanced toward the window in my room and sure enough, the sun was out and I could hear the shower running in the bathroom.
"You shouldn't push yourself too hard! especially since you had just recovered" Lara leaned over with both of her hands on my shoulders, she met my eyes with a look of worry on her face. But like a deer caught in the headlights, my eyes were instantly drawn to her massive, swollen tits hanging in front of me, it was draped in a semi see-through white gown, leaving much room for imagination.
"Uhh, don't worry, I'm not that tired at all, I probably had more than enough sleep in the hospital." I stammered, I tried locking my eyes with hers but I couldn't resist the temptation, my eyes were jumping between her eyes and her bosom.
However, in spite of my best effort, it didn't take long for Lara to notice my unusual behavior. She lowered her head, following my gaze toward her chest and found that she had been showing a generous amount of cleavage, her massive tits were on the brink of spilling out of her low cut nightgown.
Quickly, she straightened right up and used one of her hands to cover her cleavage. The sudden movement of hers snapped me out of my staring, I yelped, "Shit! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare!"
"It's fine, I-I was too careless.." She murmured with a blushed face, she lowered her head to avoid my eyes but was immediately met with the huge anaconda bulging through my pants.
Letting out a shriek and she quickly used both of her hands to cover her eyes.
Realizing what she saw, I thrusted my hip backward and used my hands to cover my crotch but all that effort was in vain as the bulge was simply too big to hide.
Both of us stood there for a long while like stonehenge, not knowing how to escape from the awkward predicament we had put ourselves into.
Lara, still had her face buried in her palm, said in a muffled voice, "D-Do you want me to help you.."
"H-Help? W-What do you mean??" I was flabbergasted, I know damn well what she is saying but I had to ask again to make sure what I'm hearing is real.
She slowly lifted her face off of her palm, our eyes met, despite not saying anything but it seems that one look is enough. She edged closer toward me, I could feel her hot breath touching my face. She slowly reached her hands toward my crotch, the air between us seemed to get thinner as her hands got closer, both of us heaved heavily and our hearts thump loudly.
"Wut are yuu gaits duuing?"
In front of the now opened bathroom door stood a tanned skin woman with a boyish haircut. Her hair is still wet and she had her toothbrush in her mouth, the white foam leaking out of the corner of her mouth.
Like a cat got its tail stepped on, we quickly jumped backward and acted as if nothing happened. "O-Oh, nothing, we were just talking!" Lara blurted before heading to the kitchen abruptly.
"Ye-Yeah, I gotta go now, I need to prepare for school!" I slammed the door shut and slumped down to the floor with my back against the door. My knees were weak from the sudden scare by Alex but my dick remained undeterred, standing proudly in my pants. I turn my sight toward the ball shaped towel at the side of my bed and sighed.
"Tats srange." Alex, dumbfounded by what happened, decided to head back into the bathroom to carry on with her business.