We all have nowhere to run to ,the traffickers are back , in the years and through the years many families daughter are gone.
We are just born and sold whenever we reach a certain age.
We all think that's our destiny.
A warrior is yet to be born to change this kinda fate in our country .
For this year , the lek family two daughters would be taken.
Richard was crying uncontrollably , he can't bear the pain of losing his two daughters.
Princess , peterah the both of you should be of your best behavior.
Remember the home you come from, no matter what the world may turns to you , you have to face it and make sure you look for a way to survive, I would be here waiting for you.
Princess take care of yourself and your little sis; Mrs lek advised her daughter.
The helicopter would soon be here , remember to keep the automatic teller machine , I will be missing you ; Mrs lek said again as she burst into tears.
The ground was shaking , the lek's family was in sorrow as peterah and princess climbed into the helicopter.
They took off , they didn't bother to look back at home