As the taste of the bitter smoke comes back from my lungs I felt a slight disgust at the sight in front of me. *RING*RING*RING! "Lay low sa karun, next week naay ipa-fatal si boss" as my agent's voice reach my ears I was extra alert and attentive, not to miss any details because in this line of work information is very vital. " Copy Sir."
Make sure to affirm and memorize the important details, stay alert always.
" Kabalo naka unsay Mahitabo" Hearing the threat in his tone, I always keep my poker face to not show my any bit of emotion. " Yes Sir." As the call ended I was notified that a money was received in may Scash account.
(#5000 was wired from 09xxxxxxxxx in your Scash account.)
Before leaving I caught the last whiff of smoke and calm my nerves, specially my trembling hands which will make me standout. I opened the door and was greeted by the sunlight.