My vision slowly opened up again, everything was blurry, my head pounded as if a weight was pressing on me. I felt strange, like I wasn't really here. Slowly, the image in front of me sharpened, and I felt an icy cold coming over me, but my body couldn't freeze. Something was strange.
Then it flickered, a purple flash flashed through the darkness and illuminated a huge building in the distance, floating high in the air – a floating island. The powerful lightning blinded for a moment, and then I could see the castle that rose on this island. A violet sphere enveloped it, an ominous energy poured out of the castle.
What kind of place was that? The castle seemed like the center of this dimension, the origin of everything. Slowly, my eyes got used to the darkness, while the faint, violet light continued to shimmer through the room. The place was quiet, unnaturally quiet. I couldn't breathe, as if there was no oxygen in the air and it was so cold, as if my soul was freezing, I didn't feel my heartbeat anymore, as if I were dead, I didn't feel anything but this cold. It was as if I was floating in the air.
And then – I felt it. Hatred. Anger. It burned itself into my head, so powerful, so strange, that I couldn't understand what it was. It was not my anger, and yet it flooded through me, tugged at my perception. I wanted to lower my gaze, but had no control over my body. As if I were not in him, but only an observer.
Suddenly, I began to move, as if I was being pulled by an invisible force. The castle I had been looking at disappeared from my field of vision, and the world opened up further. Worlds unfolded in front of me – dead, destroyed worlds, all full of chaos, as if nothing were alive here. I saw a world, crumbling and marked by rubble, where towers and walls were tossed around with violet energy.
And then, as I continued to stare into the darkness, I saw a world of a gigantic, extinct volcano, whose dead presence only made the image more oppressive. The world was black, the land riddled with cracks, as if she herself was beginning to die.
My gaze moved on, and I saw purple water flowing down from the tops of a mountain, but it disappeared into nothingness, as if it were being swallowed up by darkness. I felt the cold, which did not come from the air, but from the essence of these worlds, which cut into my soul as if it was not physical, but psychological.
I turned slowly, and suddenly I saw another world—a desert where crumbling pyramids floated upside down in the air. This reversal of the world was a symbol of everything that was no longer in order here.
I looked down. In front of me, huge, black claws protruded from my body and clawed deep into one of the worlds below me. These worlds... they were no longer alive, they were dead.
Then my vision faded again. My head was pounding, the image lost its sharpness, until everything finally sank into black and I plunged into the darkness.