Chapter 3: Mom and Mr. Lee, the Landlord
"Huff... huff... Hey, I'm cumming inside. You're on birth control, right?"
"Haa... haa... What?"
"I said, are you taking the pill, you bitch? Want another kid? Huh? You gonna pop out 10 kids like a fucking breeding sow?"
"Tch. I'm taking it!"
This vulgar exchange was far too crude for parents of two children. It would be more fitting for a delinquent high school couple... which is exactly what these young parents were until recently.
Dad looked down at Mom with eyes full of lust but devoid of love. Still gripping her hair, he started ejaculating with the mechanical attitude of filling up a car at a gas station. How do I know he was cumming? The twitching of his ass muscles and the thin groans escaping his lips made it obvious he was pumping semen into Mom's womb.
Distracted by their animalistic mating, I blatantly stuck my head out from under the covers to watch Mom receive Dad's cum in a bitch-like pose.
You know about the Oedipus complex, right? That theory by Freud that says all sons unconsciously view their mothers as sexual objects and fathers as rivals during the phallic stage, before it's resolved in latency. While many argue it's nonsense, it seems to fit me perfectly.
"Hnngh... ack, ack"
In his excitement while cumming, Dad started choking Mom's neck. He often choked her during sex as part of "breath play", but to me it looked like Mom's life was in danger.
Without thinking, I burst out from under the covers and shoved Dad with both hands as he was still squeezing his cum into Mom's body.
"Stop it!"
"What the fuck?!"
"I said stop! Don't hurt her!"
Back then, I was terrified of Dad. His habit of lashing out physically didn't spare even young me. But whether the Oedipus complex was real or not, at that moment Dad seemed like a villain stealing Mom away from me (which he truly was).
"Are you crazy, kid?!"
Dad was shocked when I suddenly attacked him while he was happily depositing his sperm into his personal onahole (he really did treat Mom like one). But since he was mid-ejaculation, he could only roughly push me away with his hand rather than hit me.
"Why are you doing that to the child?!"
I guess a mother is still a mother. Whether from some maternal instinct, she embraced my fallen form with her naked upper body.
But her lower half was still held by Dad, continuing to receive his cum injection.
Messy, isn't it? This is my family.
After that incident, my parents tried to restrain their marital activities out of consideration for us... yeah right.
They still did it every night.
"Haa... oh fuck, aah... ah, ah!"
"Feel good? Does it feel good, you bitch... ah... moan louder"
"I don't know... ungh... the kids are sleeping..."
No, we're not.
"Who fucking cares. Hey, turn around"
"Ungh... ah... oppa, you'll wake the kids..."
Well, I suppose you could say they showed some restraint by waiting about an hour after turning off the lights for us to fall asleep before starting. They probably intended to do it after we were asleep. Plus, Mom tried to hold back her moans out of some embarrassment at being caught by her children, but Dad lacked that level of patience.
Squish squish squish
They had sex while openly making wet sounds of pussy juices and flesh slapping together. And even Mom, who had been trying to hold back her moans, would eventually:
"Ungh... haah! Aah!"
She could no longer suppress her lewd cries when Dad pounded her hard.
Hearing those vivid fucking sounds right next to me night after night... naturally, I grew up thinking all families did this.
"What? Your parents fuck right next to you every night?"
"Yeah... don't yours?"
"You're crazy. Hyeonseong's family is so weird haha"
Later, when I reached the upper grades of elementary school and vaguely understood what sex was, I once asked if other families' parents also had sex right next to them. Of course, being mocked for a while made me acutely realize that my parents weren't normal.
Of course, their abnormality as parents wasn't limited to just the sex issue.
As I mentioned before, my dad, Mr. Kang Tae-gu... honestly, even now that I'm in college, I still don't know exactly what he does for work. Usually he'd be out gallivanting who knows where, often disappearing from home for days. But sometimes, when he had no work, he'd hole up at home for days, drinking soju and chain smoking while lazing about.
To be honest, he's quite handsome (which is probably how he easily seduced Mom) and has a decent build, but his eyes were dull and lifeless like rotten fish eyes. A typical ex-delinquent thug with no future. A middle school dropout who did the triple crown of juvenile detention, juvenile prison, and adult prison, with several criminal records. Unfortunately, this was my father.
And well... though he was supposed to be the breadwinner bringing money home, he couldn't even properly fulfill that role.
"Oppa. The rent is months overdue..."
"Fuck. Can't you take care of that shit yourself?"
"What? How am I supposed to do that? I have two kids to look after."
"God, you're so fucking annoying. What do you want me to do? Did I tell you to pop out these fucking brats? Huh!"
"Why are you talking like that? Did I have them alone? Huh? Who knocked me up..."
"What? You fucking bitch, you're talking back to me?!"
"You wanna die, you bitch? Huh?!"
They say people with low self-esteem tend to be overly aggressive. True to his trashy thug nature, he was a classic abusive husband quick to use violence. And I had to live with such parents in a cramped studio apartment.
Well... if that TV counselor came here, what kind of advice would she give? She'd probably cry her eyes out saying "The children are innocent!" It was a horrific environment for us siblings. Well... I think I turned out okay despite that environment, but it couldn't have had zero impact.
But does that mean Mom was a pure, innocent victim? Not at all.
Mom was also an incompetent, irresponsible ex-delinquent single mother... a high school dropout.
She used childcare as an excuse not to get any job, but she wasn't particularly devoted to raising us either.
And... honestly, though she's my birth mother, she had quite serious man problems.
There was this one time, when I had just entered the upper grades of elementary school...
"Mom, I'm hungry"
"Oh. Make some ramen"
"I'm too lazy to cook"
"Okay. Should I make some for you too?"
"Yeah. And for Mihyun too"
My memory of Mom from that time is of her always lying around playing on her phone, seemingly too lazy to do anything. Housework? Too bothersome. Cooking for the kids? Double the hassle. She'd only cook herself very rarely, mostly ordering delivery or making ramen... by the time I graduated kindergarten, she was having me make the ramen most of the time.
It wasn't out of consideration to raise me as an independent person... she just didn't care whether her son was in danger or not.
Sigh... there are so many parents in this world who don't deserve to be parents. Unfortunately, I ended up with such parents.
Pouting as I made the ramen, I secretly glanced back. Mom was still lying down playing on her phone, wearing... you know that "Dongtan look"? She was wearing one of those tight gray mini dresses that Dongtan housewives supposedly love. As she lay with her legs crossed, the already short dress rode up, exposing all of Mom's thighs.
Though I was still young, for some reason that sight made me uncomfortable. I felt like I shouldn't be looking.
I turned my gaze away and focused on making the ramen.
"It's done, Mom"
"Okay. Set the table"
Still absorbed in her phone game, Mom finally got up slowly after I even set the table for her. Isn't this child abuse?
"Hey Kang Mihyun. You eat too"
"Don't want to"
"Ugh, I made three portions including yours"
"I said I don't want any. Too lazy"
Oh right. I haven't mentioned my sister.
Remember I said I'm a twin? I also have a 5-minute younger twin sister with the strangely old-fashioned name Kang Mihyun.
Her personality? Completely lacking manners. Well, only towards me and Mom. She just shuts up around Dad since she'd get beaten. Given our family situation, there's no way she could grow up normal either.
"Leave her be. She'll eat if she gets hungry"
Mom kept her attention on her phone as she lowered her head to eat the ramen. The top of the gray mini dress was a spaghetti strap style with a very deep neckline... as she bent her head, I could clearly see down Mom's chest right in front of me.
Isn't she being too careless, even if I am her son? I vaguely had such a thought.
That's when it happened.
Knock knock.
"Ahem. Ahem! Young lady! Come out here!"
The voice of Mr. Lee, the landlord, came along with the knocking.
"Mom, is the rent overdue again?"
"Why are you worrying about such things?"
Well, it's not like I've only heard about overdue rent once or twice.
Anyway, Mom jumped up, quickly checked her appearance in the mirror, then opened the door.
"Oh my! Hello. What brings you here?"
Mom was still in her home "Dongtan look", that is, the tight mini tank dress.
"Ahem... hmm... um, well..."
When I was young I just stared blankly, but looking back now I can imagine the landlord's view. The dress was already quite revealing, with a deep neckline. Plus, she always went braless at home saying it was uncomfortable, so her nipples were visibly poking through the thin fabric.
At the time I didn't understand why, but Mr. Lee the landlord's cheeks suddenly turned bright red.